Saturday, October 08, 2005

Over the Years The Ministry Grows

Last night was the Celebration of the U. C. Counseling Department 50th Anniversary. I have been thinking about what has happened since that day in August 1975 when Dick Towner, Gary Penfield and I received our Doctorate's in Counselor Education. I ministered at College Hill Presbyterian and I chose to pursue Counseling and Education rather than Clinical Psychology.

Both were options but I preferred to multiply the practical and biblically based insights from counseling to as many people as possible. This meant that I would not pursue a clinical career but rather do everything I could to equip individuals and churches with knowledge and skills that help people live the abundant life I had learned about in Sunday school and church.

Since then I have developed systems of teaching and training pastors and entire congregations in all seven levels of healing and growth.

1. Prevention: Such things as Pre-Marital Preparation, Preparing Parents
2. Personal Growth: Life Skills, Renewed Thinking, Personal Healing
3. Peer Support: Groups of Parents, Chronically Ill, Friendships and Fellowship
4. Para-Professional Counseling: Lay Care and Counsel
5. Professional Counseling-Entry Level: Master's Degree with little experience
6. Professional Counseling-Clinical: Masters or Doctors, advanced experience
7. Professional Counseling-In Patient and/or Residential Level: Medical and intensive training

About 70% to 80% of all helping and healing in society and the church is delivered through the first Three Levels. The greatest need by far is for more Prevention, Personal Growth and Peer Support. This would require many more leaders who can educate and train and less with Clinical skills and knowledge.

I just received CHPC's newsletter and they are still offering the classes today I started in 1976 after learning in my doctorate how to equip lay people. Many thousands of men, women and children there have learned how to listen, think and speak the truth in love. Keep up the good work College Hill.

Contact for information.

I am very pleased with my decision.

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