Saturday, August 07, 2004

Conservatives are More Positive than Liberals!

Despite media fears that state the opposite, research by a non-Christian psychologist indicates that Fundamentalists are much more positive in outlook than are Moderates and or Liberals. The former President of the American Psychological Association supervised a team that compared various religious groups according to mental health and mental attitudes. Dr. Martin Seligman, an internationally known Professor at Penn revealed the results that mirror what we already know from scripture.

Their definition of "Fundamentalism" is what we call Evangelicals.

Abstract: Explanatory style from nine religious groups, representing fundamentalist, moderate, and liberal viewpoints, was investigated by questionnaire and by blind content analysis of their sermons and liturgy.

Fundamentalist individuals were significantly more optimistic than those from moderate religions, who were in turn more optimistic than liberals. The liturgy and sermons showed the parallel pattern of optimism.

...The greater optimism of fundamentalist individuals may be entirely accounted for by the greater hope and daily influence fundamentalism engenders, along with the greater optimism of the religious services they hear.


What can we conclude from this? We ought to at least take pride in the fact that Evangelicals are producing resilient and mentally healthy members. This has tremendous implications for our children and could be a major aspect in our outreach to families. We need to tell the unchurched that church helps people develop health, peace, love and success.

Continue to preach hope, healing and change and your flock will grow and prosper.

A few days ago I wrote about the enormous benefits of church
attendance for African Americans and today about the benefits
of faith on mental health.

The devil lies about faith and conviction but he cannot get by with it
when we havethe facts.

The Great Physician continues to bless His people in multiple ways.

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