Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Multiplying Peace and Prosperity

In Luke 10 Jesus sent 72 of His closest Disciples out to bring good news to the surrounding neighborhoods. In the prior chapter he had sent out the 12 Apostles and they came back with great insights and wonderful learning experiences. Now it was time for those 12 to supervise three pairs so the circle of love could be expanded.

This is the Grand Strategy of the Great Teacher and it may be worthwhile for us to follow today.
What would happen if we followed the lead of Jesus and learned how to multiply ourselves in service, blessing and love every few months or even every few years? Would it make a difference in the world?

I have written about the devastation left in Russia and the Eastern Bloc by 70 years of ruinous rule by Socialists. By ordinary means it will take many generations to bring healing, emotional and spiritual vitality and economic strength to the people scarred by hate. Can the rate of change be sped up?

What is the best way to spread peace, prosperity and personal security is such places?

Read Luke 9 and 10 and you will discover the answer that God gave His Son. Jesus chose 12 and trained them for three years how to bless others. Then He taught them the principle of being world changers. Each one was to reproduce himself by training and sending six others.

12 x 6 = 72
72 x 6 = 432
432 x 6 = 2592

Will exponential rather than additive growth make changing a culture, a nation or the world easier or faster?

Was Jesus naive when He failed to build a huge auditorium and draw thousands to His meetings?

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