Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Russian News!

Hot off the press. Dr Chentsova is developing a business plan with all the trimmings and in accord with her great team of lay leaders. Why is this big news?

Under the Communist rule, no one, repeat; NO ONE was allowed to set goals, plan, develop a mission or vision. In fact, to show any initiative was an invitation to a free trip to Siberia and a prison term doing hard labor in a gulag.

Since 1991 I have been trying to help the Russians learn how to take initiative and develop plans to run their own ministry teams. This is basic in America but radical stuff in Russia for it has never, ever been done before. This is an illustration of why it is so difficult to get the Russians to develop healthy teams. Everything, including church ministry, was commanded by the top officials.

Lifeways Russia is doing nation building. Russia cannot succeed as a democracy without a Christian revival.

Pray for us and donate to the Russian fund generously.

Lifeways Russia
c/o LifeWay Ministries, Inc
11161 Kenwood Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

1 comment:

Mark Daniels said...

Gary: I think that such planning isn't very prevalent in American churches either. Personally, I have sometimes been guilty of letting things slide in the planning area, although we have a strategic planning retreat scheduled for November 13.

Some no doubt argue that planning is faithless, a reliance on our plans rather than on God. But Old Testament figures like Joseph and Solomon had plans. So too, did Paul. Jesus exhorts us to "count the cost." Both Peter and Paul show us that we should make plans, but have the flexibility to scrap, expand, or deflate them when presented with new opportunities.

I believe that we should always have plans, but that we should also have a sense of humor about them. We aren't prescient, after all. But without a plan, we go in circles.

I pray for your mission work in Russia and elsewhere, Gary. Thanks so much for your ministry!