Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Left Wing and Fundamentalists

One thing about the left wing media such as the Washington Post and the New York Times dueing the recent election. They cannot stand us but do not really know why. Almost every article I read and every leftist pundit I heard who spoke about the values of Evangelicals in the election were wrong.

  • Most cannot describe what qualifies us to earn such a name.
  • None that I heard can distinguish an Evangelical from a Fundamantalist
  • Most do not know the difference of Christian conservatives and Islamic Fundamentalists
  • Many say they wish to attract us to their political party and start the wooing by calling us dumb, stupid, evil and easily read. They also add to that, "mean, racist and hateful". Then they cannot understand why we do not join their party.

Maybe we can discuss these issues later but for the present I will simply paste in the abstract from one the most famous psychologists in America, Martin Seligman. Read what he has to say about conservative/fundamentalist religions.

Abstract from Optimism and Fundamentalism
by Marvin Seligman, Ph D

Explanatory style from nine religious groups, representing fundamentalist, moderate, and liberal viewpoints, was investigated by questionnaire and by blind content analysis of their sermons and liturgy.

Fundamentalist individuals were significantly more optimistic by questionnaire than those from moderate religions, who were in turn more optimistic than liberals. The liturgy and sermons showed the parallel pattern of optimism.

Regression analyses suggested that the greater optimism of fundamentalist individuals may be entirely accounted for by the greater hope and daily influence fundamentalism engenders, along with the greater optimism of the religious services they hear.

Dr. Seligman is not a fundamentalist and has served as President of the American Psychological Association.

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