Saturday, November 13, 2004

Posting and Resting

I have not been very active on the blog the past few weeks. The election and moving offices have kept me busy and I have not been feeling well.

I have struggled with the gunch gunch, a mysterious disease that causes aches, pains, coughing and a sore throat. In addition I have experienced for the first time in my life high blood pressure. 10 days ago it was 181 over 89!

I have also started a new blog on another channel. It will focus on the Care and Cure of the Soul and can be accessed at

This has been my passion for many years and I have attempted to teach pastors, missionaries and leaders how to improve their skills at this craft.

I will continue to post random thoughts on growth, healing, renewed thinking, politics and prayer while using the other site to teach about the ancient art of seelsorge: caring and curing the soul.

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