Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Searching for Leaders

The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.
Edward Gibbon

The past ten years I have spent a lot of time supporting Christian leaders and their families. I really enjoy working with leaders for by helping them improve their own lives affects so many others. I have always been interested in the influence of effective leaders and take particular notice when a film or TV program has a story showing what happens when the leaders are effective or ineffective.

My family gave me the gift of a great leadership movie for my birthday last May 5. It is Master and Commander and, like many films, takes place on the high seas during hostilities. The ships' Captain has to pastor, inspire, judge, discipline, heal and guide the ship and its crew. He must deal with inadequate, weak and untrained staff and the gossip that accompanies them.

One of the most interesting and educating events occurs when the Commander has to confront and rebuke his closest friend. He cannot allow his personal feelings stop him from doing what is right and best for the ship and its crew and its mission. Tough leadership is often required from a leader, especially one whose journey takes him months among hostile forces to accomplish.

Another point was the fact that the Captain had to plan for a long journey and make sure the crew included men with all kinds of skills and knowledge. This made him a school principal as well as a ship's captain. The men had to be equipped to do their work. Some of the men were very young and inexperienced while others were grizzled veterans of many sailing and this makes for a challenging educational experience. (More on this later.)

If you want to lead, study this film and others like it. They can inspire and offer examples of both good and lead decision-making. If you have any suggestions of good films write me a comment or send an email to

What I need is someone who will make me do what I can. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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