Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Not Everyone Likes Kindness

Scripture tells us that, "It is the kindness of God that leads to repentance." I was reared in an environment that believed the opposite, namely that fear, condemnation and good arguments led others to repent of their sins.

I actually prefer anger and arguments to kindness. There is something within me that wants to strike out at sin and sinners; to straighten them out; drive their ideas into the ground and punish them for rejecting Christ and for being so stupid. I do so wish that this method worked in missions and evangelism. Unfortunately it does not even though it fits my fleshly drive to win.

However, kindness doesn't always work either. Scoffers what the Bible calls those who hate God and Christians and who rebel at the very thought of Him and us. They especially despise our fruit of the Spirit. They actually like it when we are operating in the fleshly desires of anger, revenge and legalism for those things reinforce their predetermined ideas and make them feel superior to us.

Scoffers are also numbered among those who lead other religions and who hate it when Christian's reach out in love. In the previous post I indicated that some of the religious leaders in Russia are persecuting Evangelicals. One actually mentioned that he feared those who promote "Democracy and freedom".

Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka Asia have decided that Christians are so dangerous that there should be a law against any acts of kindness that influence people to convert to Christ. So many Christians have done so many good things for the people affected by the tsunami that the monks are scared they will lose their influence and the people will convert. You see, Buddhists do not do works of mercy and kindness for that would be an interference with the "Law of Karma". However, Christians are all about kindness and mercy and that makes the Buddhists look bad.

Go to Christianity Today's blog for a full explanation of this story.

In the USA it is the ACLU that fears and loathes Christians who practice kindness. Watch for laws banning acts of love sponsored by the ACLU.

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