Friday, July 08, 2005

Burn Out and Hopelessness in Ministry

Smoldering Wick Ministries says that as many as 1500 ministers leave their posts each month due to burn out. Whether that is a tru number or not I do not know, but if the number of leaders I see every week is any indication then it is close to true.

The cause of burn out is not working too hard but doing hard work in one's own strength. No one that I help thinks they are doing it on their own for every one of them is motivated by Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit.

The ministers I speak with talk about their compassion, concern and desire to build the church. But they are filled with worry and the thrill of ministry has died. They are convinced that the church and its people cannot survive without them. They feel guilty whenever they are not doing something for God. The must always be the one who teaches, preaches, leads the small groups and has the plan for success.

The burned out leader cannot receive assistance because he must always be helping not receiving. He is selfish about giving for "It is more blessed to give than receive."

Perhaps you think I am being judgmental and harsh. That I have no compassion or sensitivity toward people in pain. That I do not really understand.

Maybe not, but that was me until I collapsed. That was me until I ended up in the hospital. That was me until my chest pains led me to fly home from Asia and see the doctor. That was me until I got a stent in the chest and Doctor Kereiakes saved my life.

Maybe I do not understand.

But if I do, I can help pastors avoid burn out.

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