Monday, February 27, 2006


I am sure many of you remember the great song by Aretha Franklin called, R-E-S-P-E-C-T! During my doctoral studies I discovered that offering Respect and Understanding to a person in need is worth all the knowledge I gained in graduate school about counseling.

It isn't that research about how the mind works and the ways people respond to a stimulus are not important, they are. It is just that any of that technical information is nearly worthless if it is not done with love. (I CO 13)

Many years ago I visited an old friend who was languishing in the hospital with inoperable cancer. As I stood at her door waiting for an opportunity to knock, I could hear her raspy voice barely rising above the air conditioner. She sounded bad.

Yet, when I walked in to her room, and said in a warm voice, "Hello Irene! It is so good to see you," she brightened up and said in a strong voice, "Gary Sweeten, you old dear. You are a sight for sore eyes!"

I respected Irene and indicated my love to her and it made a difference. I had no magic potion or medical answer to her problems but I had the presence of God. I was the Holy Spirit with skin.

The world is desperately in need of God's people who will live with respect and love. We are in a seriously regressing society that is trying to emulate Russia's failed experiments as fast as we can. Our culture needs more love, more respect, more warmth; we do not need increased criticism, increased anger and increased anxiety.

Wherever you work and play try to take the joy of the Lord and spread it around. It is good for you and good for the culture. Try it!

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