Why is the Soil in Russia so Rocky?
I have seen the future of much of America in Russia. If we continue to spiral downward into more broken families, drug abuse and violence we shall end up like the old USSR. The entire spiral upward or downward is dependent upon whether or not we develop solid families and a high view of life.
In the USSR family life was devalued by the state and life was cheap. Galina told me that "It was a joke among my colleagues in medicine that it was "easier to get an abortion than it was to sign in and out of the department in the hospital." The average woman in Russia has had 10 to 12 abortions! Life was cheap under the Communists and it takes a long time to change such attitudes.
Look at the following stats about American life.
What Women Want
By AMY L. WAX August 29, 2005; Page A8
When it comes to single-parent families, Everybody's Doing It. That, it seems, is the received wisdom -- but it's not true. As Charles Murray noticed decades ago and demographers have known for some time, the structure of families has diverged drastically by social class.
The out-of-wedlock birth rate among women with no more than a high-school education has skyrocketed since the 1960s but remains very low among college graduates.
Divorce has declined among the well-off but is climbing among the unskilled. Although almost all college graduates still marry eventually, marriage rates are dropping steadily among those without a high-school degree.
As noted by Sara McLanahan in her recent presidential address to the Population Association of America, these trends tell an ominous story:
The offspring of the well-off receive a growing share of parental time, attention, and investment and grow up in stable and orderly homes. The less privileged frequently endure a fractured and chaotic family life.
These developments betoken diverging destinies for generations to come.
Can you see the future of America's poor, especially the poor blacks? I can, and I weep.
Christians and other religions ae the strongest intact family life and a high view of life. All religious life was viciously attacked by Stalin, Lenin and the rest. Christian attitudes of forgiveness, love and compassion were severely punished. We in the West cannot imagine how they hated God's word and Christian values, but it is happening in America as we write.
Contemporary agnostics hate morality, ethics and Christian values. But what will happen when we in the USA , like the Commies, turn away from compassion, love and mercy?
The soil in America is rich right now. Evangelism is not too hard. The greatest problem comes because so few churches want to reach the unchurched. But it will change unless we do something to win young, poor men to Christ and teach them Christian values.
(Be sure to read the entire Journal story)
Monday, August 29, 2005
Parable of the Sower
Part Two
Matthew 13:18 "Listen then to what the parable of the sower means:
19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.
20 The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.
22 The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.
23 But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
Some places in the world are very rocky places. It is difficult to win people to Christ. We work hard, preach well, hand out Bibles but there is little response and the ones who do respond do not seem to last and grow.
Russia is currently rocky, shallow soil. Its violent, oppressive history with atheistic rulers makes faith and follow-through a real challenge.
Others places, however, seem to be so fertile that no matter what we do people respond and the churches are growing like wildfire. Huge crops are produced and the people grow and pass the word on to others.
Asia and Africa as well as South America are seemingly good soil. Millions are coming to faith in Christ every year. They are the center of Christianity in the world.
Jesus says that there are several reasons.
1. The devil steals the word from those who are so hardened that it cannot penetrate into their hearts. It lays on top and can easily be taken away by evil forces.
2. Some seeds penetrate the soil and a new plant/baby is produced. Unfortunately, there is little soil in which to grow and the plant soon withers and dies. (Infanticide)
3. Others hear, respond and begin to grow but become anxious, interested in worldly things and get distracted so they produce little fruit.
4. The seed that falls on deep, rich soil grows and a huge crop is produced.
Is there nothing we can do to fertilize the first three types of soil? Are they hopelessly lost in shallowness and rocks? Are the people hopelessly anxious and caught up in money?
I do not think so. I believe there is hope for change and producing better crops but we need to also wisely seek the better soil. When we see good crops growing continue to sow more good seeds and follow up with training.
Part Two
Matthew 13:18 "Listen then to what the parable of the sower means:
19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.
20 The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.
22 The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.
23 But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
Some places in the world are very rocky places. It is difficult to win people to Christ. We work hard, preach well, hand out Bibles but there is little response and the ones who do respond do not seem to last and grow.
Russia is currently rocky, shallow soil. Its violent, oppressive history with atheistic rulers makes faith and follow-through a real challenge.
Others places, however, seem to be so fertile that no matter what we do people respond and the churches are growing like wildfire. Huge crops are produced and the people grow and pass the word on to others.
Asia and Africa as well as South America are seemingly good soil. Millions are coming to faith in Christ every year. They are the center of Christianity in the world.
Jesus says that there are several reasons.
1. The devil steals the word from those who are so hardened that it cannot penetrate into their hearts. It lays on top and can easily be taken away by evil forces.
2. Some seeds penetrate the soil and a new plant/baby is produced. Unfortunately, there is little soil in which to grow and the plant soon withers and dies. (Infanticide)
3. Others hear, respond and begin to grow but become anxious, interested in worldly things and get distracted so they produce little fruit.
4. The seed that falls on deep, rich soil grows and a huge crop is produced.
Is there nothing we can do to fertilize the first three types of soil? Are they hopelessly lost in shallowness and rocks? Are the people hopelessly anxious and caught up in money?
I do not think so. I believe there is hope for change and producing better crops but we need to also wisely seek the better soil. When we see good crops growing continue to sow more good seeds and follow up with training.
The Parable of the Sower Part One
Matthew 13
1 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore.
3 Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed.
4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.
5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.
6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.
7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.
8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
9 He who has ears, let him hear."
This very famous story yells us that those of us who plant God's word cannot expect an equal amount of grain from every seed. Some seeds produced nothing at all, some grew up fast bur failed to thrive and some grew but a little and produced little fruit.
Other seeds, however, produced 100 times as much as would be expected from the amount of seeds sown. What was the difference? If I were a farmer and found that I worked hard to sow my precious seeds but some produced no crops at all while others grew 100 times as much as normal I would be curious. I would want to discover why there was a difference.
Jesus knew why and he told His followers the secret of abundance and riches. He told them all about church growth.
Matthew 13
1 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore.
3 Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed.
4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.
5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.
6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.
7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.
8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
9 He who has ears, let him hear."
This very famous story yells us that those of us who plant God's word cannot expect an equal amount of grain from every seed. Some seeds produced nothing at all, some grew up fast bur failed to thrive and some grew but a little and produced little fruit.
Other seeds, however, produced 100 times as much as would be expected from the amount of seeds sown. What was the difference? If I were a farmer and found that I worked hard to sow my precious seeds but some produced no crops at all while others grew 100 times as much as normal I would be curious. I would want to discover why there was a difference.
Jesus knew why and he told His followers the secret of abundance and riches. He told them all about church growth.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Letter from Galina
One of the greatest challenges of ministry in Russia is leadership and management. No one in that system has ever experienced a democratic way of life. They have either been in groups that were run in an authoritarian manner or one that was laissez faire or chaos in action.
When the Russians say they want democracy in the church they mean no order or authority at all because they are used to abuse of power not power that is used to protect and support people.
Galina and I discussed a leadership style that has order with input from the participants it was a unique option. In her letter to me today she noted that the team met and discussed the future and the leadership approach we discussed actually worked well.
We are trying to help the people there develop a new nation not just develop small groups. Pray for them.
One of the greatest challenges of ministry in Russia is leadership and management. No one in that system has ever experienced a democratic way of life. They have either been in groups that were run in an authoritarian manner or one that was laissez faire or chaos in action.
When the Russians say they want democracy in the church they mean no order or authority at all because they are used to abuse of power not power that is used to protect and support people.
Galina and I discussed a leadership style that has order with input from the participants it was a unique option. In her letter to me today she noted that the team met and discussed the future and the leadership approach we discussed actually worked well.
We are trying to help the people there develop a new nation not just develop small groups. Pray for them.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Facts on Russians' Health
By The Associated Press
Cardiovascular disease death rate for Russian men 5 to 6 times higher than in West, Health Ministry says. Among men ages 45-74, mortality rate is 1,343 per 100,000, compared to 330 in France, 453 in Italy.
Russian population of about 147 million shrank by estimated 475,000 in 1996, State Statistics Committee says. For at least next several years, expected to continue shrinking by about 500,000 annually.
53 percent of deaths caused by heart disease, 20 percent by cancer.
The World Health Organization figures smoking causes 32 percent of all male deaths, 5 percent of female deaths.
1995, average life expectancy was 58 years for men, 72 for women, compared to 74 and 81 in European Union. Latest estimates from WHO say Russian life expectancy for both sexes now 64 years -- same as Pakistan and Guyana, worse than Vietnam, Mexico, Guatemala, Mongolia, Algeria.
A 20-year-old Russian man has just one chance in two of living to age 60, says Dr. David Leon of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In Britain or France, 9 of 10 will live to 60.
For well over 100 years Christians have spread the good news through medical and or healing missions. Russia has some of the best trained doctors in the world. They know how to treat the sick but have so few resources to do that which is required.
They also have well trained psychologists, in theory. However, practical counseling and the application of skills was forbidden as was the practice of religion. Thus, Galina is training both professional therapists and mature lay people how to apply Life Skills for daily living.
By The Associated Press
Cardiovascular disease death rate for Russian men 5 to 6 times higher than in West, Health Ministry says. Among men ages 45-74, mortality rate is 1,343 per 100,000, compared to 330 in France, 453 in Italy.
Russian population of about 147 million shrank by estimated 475,000 in 1996, State Statistics Committee says. For at least next several years, expected to continue shrinking by about 500,000 annually.
53 percent of deaths caused by heart disease, 20 percent by cancer.
The World Health Organization figures smoking causes 32 percent of all male deaths, 5 percent of female deaths.
1995, average life expectancy was 58 years for men, 72 for women, compared to 74 and 81 in European Union. Latest estimates from WHO say Russian life expectancy for both sexes now 64 years -- same as Pakistan and Guyana, worse than Vietnam, Mexico, Guatemala, Mongolia, Algeria.
A 20-year-old Russian man has just one chance in two of living to age 60, says Dr. David Leon of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In Britain or France, 9 of 10 will live to 60.
For well over 100 years Christians have spread the good news through medical and or healing missions. Russia has some of the best trained doctors in the world. They know how to treat the sick but have so few resources to do that which is required.
They also have well trained psychologists, in theory. However, practical counseling and the application of skills was forbidden as was the practice of religion. Thus, Galina is training both professional therapists and mature lay people how to apply Life Skills for daily living.
Lest We Forget What Happened in the USSR
The horror that was the USSR was long noted by national writers in the books and articles they were able to smuggle out of the gulags and prison camps that dotted the breadth of that huge country. Unfortunately, left wing observers from government, religious groups and political parties gave constant and loud praises to the Socialist system led by Lenin and perfected by Stalin.
While at the University of Cincinnati my boss, Dr. Nester, was included in an educational visit to Moscow and Leningrad. Included in the tour were several heads of mainline denominations who returned from the trip with glowing reports about the religious freedom experienced by the citizens of the USSR. Because I had read about the oppression and persecution of all religious persons during that time I asked Bill if he also saw freedom and peace. He replied, "Those religious leaders must have gone to a different country than I did."
These liberal leaders lied to protect evil men who mouthed left wing ideology but attempted to destroy religious fervor throughout the USSR. Hundreds of thousands of men and women, pastors, monks, nuns and priests were killed by the KGB. Numerous families of Christians were destroyed by the secret police who took the children away from believers on the pretext that they were "unfit to be parents." Over 90,000 Russian Orthodox priests were killed because they believed in Jesus Christ.
Cities with millions of people were left with one operating church to be a place they could show western visitors. Billy Graham was invited to speak at the Central Baptist Church as a sign that all lived with freedom to worship.
The duplicity and lies of Russian and western liberals will be judged by the Lord but every educated person should know and never forget what the left wing was saying and doing during the Stalinist purges. The happily participated in the murder and persecution of millions of Christians and the trauma will last for generations.
The horror that was the USSR was long noted by national writers in the books and articles they were able to smuggle out of the gulags and prison camps that dotted the breadth of that huge country. Unfortunately, left wing observers from government, religious groups and political parties gave constant and loud praises to the Socialist system led by Lenin and perfected by Stalin.
While at the University of Cincinnati my boss, Dr. Nester, was included in an educational visit to Moscow and Leningrad. Included in the tour were several heads of mainline denominations who returned from the trip with glowing reports about the religious freedom experienced by the citizens of the USSR. Because I had read about the oppression and persecution of all religious persons during that time I asked Bill if he also saw freedom and peace. He replied, "Those religious leaders must have gone to a different country than I did."
These liberal leaders lied to protect evil men who mouthed left wing ideology but attempted to destroy religious fervor throughout the USSR. Hundreds of thousands of men and women, pastors, monks, nuns and priests were killed by the KGB. Numerous families of Christians were destroyed by the secret police who took the children away from believers on the pretext that they were "unfit to be parents." Over 90,000 Russian Orthodox priests were killed because they believed in Jesus Christ.
Cities with millions of people were left with one operating church to be a place they could show western visitors. Billy Graham was invited to speak at the Central Baptist Church as a sign that all lived with freedom to worship.
The duplicity and lies of Russian and western liberals will be judged by the Lord but every educated person should know and never forget what the left wing was saying and doing during the Stalinist purges. The happily participated in the murder and persecution of millions of Christians and the trauma will last for generations.
Lifeways Russia
Since traveling to Russia in 1991 I have had the opportunity to see major changes in several areas. The Soviets left Russia and its satellites in such bad condition that it will take years if not decades to bring healing to individuals and families. Definitely decades to develop the freedoms that we take for granted. However, many good things are happening.
1. Hundreds of churches and ministries are supporting churches and Russian leaders. The growth in the number of leaders is significant.
2. Economically common people are better off, with the exception of those on pensions.
3. There has been a slow growth of groups that focus on recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. There can be no economic recovery without sobriety. There are a few regular A.A. groups but many more are needed. Galina has trained numerous pastors, priests and lay leaders to set up Christian 12 Steps Groups and there are several hundred operating around the former USSR.
4. There is an increase in the number of groups emphasizing family life and order. Along with a dramatic rise in alcohol and drug abuse has come the disintegration of families.
You can see that Galina and her team are working on three of these four areas. Go to her web page at www.Lifeways.ru for more information.
Since traveling to Russia in 1991 I have had the opportunity to see major changes in several areas. The Soviets left Russia and its satellites in such bad condition that it will take years if not decades to bring healing to individuals and families. Definitely decades to develop the freedoms that we take for granted. However, many good things are happening.
1. Hundreds of churches and ministries are supporting churches and Russian leaders. The growth in the number of leaders is significant.
2. Economically common people are better off, with the exception of those on pensions.
3. There has been a slow growth of groups that focus on recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. There can be no economic recovery without sobriety. There are a few regular A.A. groups but many more are needed. Galina has trained numerous pastors, priests and lay leaders to set up Christian 12 Steps Groups and there are several hundred operating around the former USSR.
4. There is an increase in the number of groups emphasizing family life and order. Along with a dramatic rise in alcohol and drug abuse has come the disintegration of families.
You can see that Galina and her team are working on three of these four areas. Go to her web page at www.Lifeways.ru for more information.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Gary and Galina teaching small group leaders and pastoral staff at the Rosa (Dew) Charismatic Church. Steve Sjogren taught one of his Servant Evangelism Seminars here earlier and I showed them how to set up groups and programs to disciple those won to the Lord through SE. This is the nicest church building I have ever seen in Russia.


Retreat participants are all leaders in Galina's Lifeways Russia Ministry. We did intenseive healing work on family of origin issues and saw many breakthroughs as people applied grace and truth to painful, bitter and traumatic past events. These pastors, professional counselors and lay leaders minister to hundreds of broken people every week and can now more effectively bring them hope and healing.


Gary with Fr. Alexander, head pastor of the St.
Kozma and Damian's Church that is in the heart of Moscow. We are great friends with Fr. Alexander who has a radical ministry to the poor and hosts a weekly Recovery Group. Galina has a close working relationship with this congregation and trained many of its leaders.


Gary spoke at the Baptist Church in the town of Dmitrov, North of Moscow. Rev Mihail is the Pastor and also heads the work of setting up Recovery Groups for Baptist men in the Moscow County of about 7 Million people. With Galina on one side and I on the other we told the congregation how much we approeciated his ministry.

Russian Males
The most obvious example of a first order crisis in Russia comes when we look at the condition of the men. Men live to less than 60 years in Russia. Even that is a generous statement because so many are "dead men walking". Alcoholism drug abuse, imprisonment in jails and labor camps is very common for millions of males and a very high percentage are violent toward their families and neighbors.
It is widely believed that unless God intervenes quickly the population of Russia will further shrink from its estimated 143 million to under 100 million by 2020. Most of the early deaths will be males.
Why have males lost the drive to live and why do so many kill themselves with cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, violence, crime, etc? I do not know for sure but I have a theory. The Soviet power structure was paranoid about anyone who was strong enough to challenge the system. Males are the persons most likely to develop a counter Revolution so any time a man was seen to have success in mobilizing others or taking initiative they were sent to Siberia, killed or somehow punished. We cannot imagine how terrible such punishments were for the Russian people. Even the most enthusiastic Communists were sent to camps to make them "prove" their loyalty.
Mothers, seeing this, intuitively decided to kill the slightest sign of initiative in their boys while rewarding and supporting female strength and assertiveness. Over time, boys and men learned to stifle such ideas and emotions and instead of developing the spirit of entrepreneurship they are depressed, anxious, alcoholics and have inner, hidden rage. Women, however, developed into exceedingly strong and capable leaders. Only programs that heal the masculine soul and liberate males can really help Russia develop a healthy political system.
Now men are either passive or aggressive but it is rare to see a man who is assertive. And, it is rare to see a woman who can allow the males in her life to learn how to be assertive without trying to emasculate him and drive him back to drink.
Thank God we are seeing men liberated from alcohol and set free to be assertive. They have begun to develop "Brothers' Groups" to provide recovery and healing as well as a safe place to try out new assertive behaviors.
The most obvious example of a first order crisis in Russia comes when we look at the condition of the men. Men live to less than 60 years in Russia. Even that is a generous statement because so many are "dead men walking". Alcoholism drug abuse, imprisonment in jails and labor camps is very common for millions of males and a very high percentage are violent toward their families and neighbors.
It is widely believed that unless God intervenes quickly the population of Russia will further shrink from its estimated 143 million to under 100 million by 2020. Most of the early deaths will be males.
Why have males lost the drive to live and why do so many kill themselves with cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, violence, crime, etc? I do not know for sure but I have a theory. The Soviet power structure was paranoid about anyone who was strong enough to challenge the system. Males are the persons most likely to develop a counter Revolution so any time a man was seen to have success in mobilizing others or taking initiative they were sent to Siberia, killed or somehow punished. We cannot imagine how terrible such punishments were for the Russian people. Even the most enthusiastic Communists were sent to camps to make them "prove" their loyalty.
Mothers, seeing this, intuitively decided to kill the slightest sign of initiative in their boys while rewarding and supporting female strength and assertiveness. Over time, boys and men learned to stifle such ideas and emotions and instead of developing the spirit of entrepreneurship they are depressed, anxious, alcoholics and have inner, hidden rage. Women, however, developed into exceedingly strong and capable leaders. Only programs that heal the masculine soul and liberate males can really help Russia develop a healthy political system.
Now men are either passive or aggressive but it is rare to see a man who is assertive. And, it is rare to see a woman who can allow the males in her life to learn how to be assertive without trying to emasculate him and drive him back to drink.
Thank God we are seeing men liberated from alcohol and set free to be assertive. They have begun to develop "Brothers' Groups" to provide recovery and healing as well as a safe place to try out new assertive behaviors.
Russian Repast
Few people travel to Russia for relaxation or a gentle vacation. Moscow is especially stressful and travel in all of Russia is challenging, to say the least. However, some things are getting easier and better for those who wish to visit the land of the Slavs.
My first trip to the USSR/Russia occurred in 1978 when a study leave took me to Leningrad/St. Petersburg. For several days leading up to our time in port the study directors told us about how this city was the "Jewel of the North" because of its beauty, cleanliness and western-like ways. I could hardly wait until we got here so I could see the land of our "Cold-War enemies" up close and personal.
The pre landing hype had not prepared us for the grim contrasts of Leningrad tour pre-USSR stops in the Scandinavian ports of Stockholm, Oslo and Helsinki. As a therapist it seemed to me that the entire population was either depressed, drunk or comatose. In any event, the people moved Zombie like through streets being cleaned by ancient women with primitive brooms.
Our guides spewed forth glowing and obvious propaganda about the glories of the Soviet State. They were seemingly oblivious to the fact that we were world travelers who could easily compare the "Jewel of the North" with our own cities in Europe and America as those we had just left in Scandinavia. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons that the Soviets failed so miserably. The leaders seemed to believe their own statements and, since few had ever visited other nations, actually thought their economy was better than ours.
(Do you remember "Baghdad Bob" the "Communications' Officer" for Saddam? He was still saying that the glorious army of Iraq was going to wipe out American forces when the US tanks were rolling into the center of Baghdad. Our guides all behaved like Baghdad Bob's.)
Things are better in Russia now. Even though President Putin, a former high ranking KGB officer, would like us to believe that Russia can keep its glorious past intact while it grows into a world power, massive new changes will be necessary if she is to actually enter the world market as a real player.
The Soviet approach to life must die if Russia is to thrive. Soviet rule developed:
Control over all aspects of life, including the personal dimensions of religion, economics and personal decisions.
A nation of specialized legal standards instead of a nation built upon just laws.
Paranoia toward outside nations and outside people as well as new ideas and change.
Massive corruption supported by the police.
Rampant alcoholism and drug abuse.
Immorality leading to numerous children out of wedlock, common divorce, high rates of abortion, child abandonment, domestic abuse, a callous disregard for human life and violence.
Our friend, Dr. Galina Chentsova, M.D. Psychiatrist, Psychologist has developed a widely dispersed program of establishing family life centers, alcohol and drug recovery centers and leadership develop training centers to change Russia for the better. Pray for her and her staff of volunteers. The work is very difficult.
Few people travel to Russia for relaxation or a gentle vacation. Moscow is especially stressful and travel in all of Russia is challenging, to say the least. However, some things are getting easier and better for those who wish to visit the land of the Slavs.
My first trip to the USSR/Russia occurred in 1978 when a study leave took me to Leningrad/St. Petersburg. For several days leading up to our time in port the study directors told us about how this city was the "Jewel of the North" because of its beauty, cleanliness and western-like ways. I could hardly wait until we got here so I could see the land of our "Cold-War enemies" up close and personal.
The pre landing hype had not prepared us for the grim contrasts of Leningrad tour pre-USSR stops in the Scandinavian ports of Stockholm, Oslo and Helsinki. As a therapist it seemed to me that the entire population was either depressed, drunk or comatose. In any event, the people moved Zombie like through streets being cleaned by ancient women with primitive brooms.
Our guides spewed forth glowing and obvious propaganda about the glories of the Soviet State. They were seemingly oblivious to the fact that we were world travelers who could easily compare the "Jewel of the North" with our own cities in Europe and America as those we had just left in Scandinavia. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons that the Soviets failed so miserably. The leaders seemed to believe their own statements and, since few had ever visited other nations, actually thought their economy was better than ours.
(Do you remember "Baghdad Bob" the "Communications' Officer" for Saddam? He was still saying that the glorious army of Iraq was going to wipe out American forces when the US tanks were rolling into the center of Baghdad. Our guides all behaved like Baghdad Bob's.)
Things are better in Russia now. Even though President Putin, a former high ranking KGB officer, would like us to believe that Russia can keep its glorious past intact while it grows into a world power, massive new changes will be necessary if she is to actually enter the world market as a real player.
The Soviet approach to life must die if Russia is to thrive. Soviet rule developed:
Control over all aspects of life, including the personal dimensions of religion, economics and personal decisions.
A nation of specialized legal standards instead of a nation built upon just laws.
Paranoia toward outside nations and outside people as well as new ideas and change.
Massive corruption supported by the police.
Rampant alcoholism and drug abuse.
Immorality leading to numerous children out of wedlock, common divorce, high rates of abortion, child abandonment, domestic abuse, a callous disregard for human life and violence.
Our friend, Dr. Galina Chentsova, M.D. Psychiatrist, Psychologist has developed a widely dispersed program of establishing family life centers, alcohol and drug recovery centers and leadership develop training centers to change Russia for the better. Pray for her and her staff of volunteers. The work is very difficult.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Why Do I Focus My Counsel and Care on Pastors and Their Families?
David Seamands is one of the most influential people I know. He wrote very good books on inner healing and has been a source of God's healing love to millions around the world. But, as he confesses in the following article, his pride led him to involvement in adultery.
Pride leads to overwork, burn out and an inability to seek assistance from others. When we attempt to heal ourselves we far too often fall into sexual sin. Nowadays it is popular to blame pornography but no one has ever been attacked by porn. Porn must be sought and carefully chosen.
Many leaders are too proud to ask for help until they are caught up in habits and compulsions that have caused them embarrassment. Then they want a quick fix.
I teach seminars, classes and set up meetings to help leaders stay healthy. This is the main reason I sponsor a golf time each week. Pastors are easily isolated and fail to have fun together. they rarely have close friends with other leaders and think about work/ministry all the time.
Read this news article about Dr. Seamands and promise to take care of yourself.
Agreement resolves complaint against longtime Kentucky pastor
August 1, 2005
UMNS ReportBy Kevin Evers*
WILMORE, Ky. – The Rev. David A. Seamands, retired former pastor of Wilmore United Methodist Church, and a noted author, seminary professor and preacher, has publicly apologized and accepted responsibility for “a breach of trust and moral failure” involving an allegation of sexual misconduct.
Seamands read a statement to a congregation of nearly 200 people at Wilmore United Methodist Church following the July 31 worship service. He served as pastor there from 1962-84 and is professor emeritus at Asbury Theological Seminary, where he was a professor and dean of the chapel until his retirement in 1992.
His statement was the result of the supervisory response within the United Methodist Church. According to the denomination’s Book of Discipline, the process seeks to realize “justice, reconciliation and healing” when a complaint is lodged against a pastor.
As part of an agreement, Seamands will refrain from all ministerial functions and undergo a time of “penitential” prayer and discernment to further healing of all involved in the situation.
This confidential process involved Seamands, the victim, the office of Bishop James R. King Jr. and third-party facilitators.
“In response to a complaint filed against me of sexual misconduct with an adult female occurring over a number of years, I admit that I have broken my covenantal relationships and have abused the trust of those I have harmed,” Seamands told the congregation.
“I participated in a procedure initiated by the bishop as a supervisory response and required by church law of The United Methodist Church for the purpose of healing, reconciliation and just resolution. I confess my breach of trust and moral failure. I deeply regret the pain and suffering I have caused to the victim, to my family, friends and the church.
“I have sinned against the victim, the Wilmore United Methodist Church, Asbury Theological Seminary and Asbury College, the Kentucky Annual Conference, my fellow ministers, United Methodists and my God. I have also sinned against my wife and children, grandchildren and against my family heritage. One of the roots of my sin has been the sin of pride. This process has been a painful one for all involved. The process has yielded a redemptive plan of accountability that is consistent with and according to the law of The United Methodist Church.
“This plan has been arrived at through the participation of the victim, the church and trained, impartial third-party facilitators as directed by church law. I take total responsibility for the harm I have done to the victim. The ownership and responsibility for my moral failure, my breach of covenant and my abuse of power lie solely with me. I have confessed these to the victim, my family and my God and have asked for and received forgiveness.
“I have agreed to participate in the redemptive plan of accountability designed and agreed to by all affected parties. During the next year, we have agreed that I will refrain from all ministerial functions and actions and will use this year as a time of penitential prayer and discernment as to how I might further this redemptive plan of accountability and healing.”
Concluding his statement, Seamands said he was “deeply sorry.”
*Kevin Evers is communication coordinator for the Kentucky Annual Conference.
News media contact: Tim Tanton, Nashville, Tenn., (615) 742-5470 or newsdesk@umcom.org.
Pride goes before a fall.
David Seamands is one of the most influential people I know. He wrote very good books on inner healing and has been a source of God's healing love to millions around the world. But, as he confesses in the following article, his pride led him to involvement in adultery.
Pride leads to overwork, burn out and an inability to seek assistance from others. When we attempt to heal ourselves we far too often fall into sexual sin. Nowadays it is popular to blame pornography but no one has ever been attacked by porn. Porn must be sought and carefully chosen.
Many leaders are too proud to ask for help until they are caught up in habits and compulsions that have caused them embarrassment. Then they want a quick fix.
I teach seminars, classes and set up meetings to help leaders stay healthy. This is the main reason I sponsor a golf time each week. Pastors are easily isolated and fail to have fun together. they rarely have close friends with other leaders and think about work/ministry all the time.
Read this news article about Dr. Seamands and promise to take care of yourself.
Agreement resolves complaint against longtime Kentucky pastor
August 1, 2005
UMNS ReportBy Kevin Evers*
WILMORE, Ky. – The Rev. David A. Seamands, retired former pastor of Wilmore United Methodist Church, and a noted author, seminary professor and preacher, has publicly apologized and accepted responsibility for “a breach of trust and moral failure” involving an allegation of sexual misconduct.
Seamands read a statement to a congregation of nearly 200 people at Wilmore United Methodist Church following the July 31 worship service. He served as pastor there from 1962-84 and is professor emeritus at Asbury Theological Seminary, where he was a professor and dean of the chapel until his retirement in 1992.
His statement was the result of the supervisory response within the United Methodist Church. According to the denomination’s Book of Discipline, the process seeks to realize “justice, reconciliation and healing” when a complaint is lodged against a pastor.
As part of an agreement, Seamands will refrain from all ministerial functions and undergo a time of “penitential” prayer and discernment to further healing of all involved in the situation.
This confidential process involved Seamands, the victim, the office of Bishop James R. King Jr. and third-party facilitators.
“In response to a complaint filed against me of sexual misconduct with an adult female occurring over a number of years, I admit that I have broken my covenantal relationships and have abused the trust of those I have harmed,” Seamands told the congregation.
“I participated in a procedure initiated by the bishop as a supervisory response and required by church law of The United Methodist Church for the purpose of healing, reconciliation and just resolution. I confess my breach of trust and moral failure. I deeply regret the pain and suffering I have caused to the victim, to my family, friends and the church.
“I have sinned against the victim, the Wilmore United Methodist Church, Asbury Theological Seminary and Asbury College, the Kentucky Annual Conference, my fellow ministers, United Methodists and my God. I have also sinned against my wife and children, grandchildren and against my family heritage. One of the roots of my sin has been the sin of pride. This process has been a painful one for all involved. The process has yielded a redemptive plan of accountability that is consistent with and according to the law of The United Methodist Church.
“This plan has been arrived at through the participation of the victim, the church and trained, impartial third-party facilitators as directed by church law. I take total responsibility for the harm I have done to the victim. The ownership and responsibility for my moral failure, my breach of covenant and my abuse of power lie solely with me. I have confessed these to the victim, my family and my God and have asked for and received forgiveness.
“I have agreed to participate in the redemptive plan of accountability designed and agreed to by all affected parties. During the next year, we have agreed that I will refrain from all ministerial functions and actions and will use this year as a time of penitential prayer and discernment as to how I might further this redemptive plan of accountability and healing.”
Concluding his statement, Seamands said he was “deeply sorry.”
*Kevin Evers is communication coordinator for the Kentucky Annual Conference.
News media contact: Tim Tanton, Nashville, Tenn., (615) 742-5470 or newsdesk@umcom.org.
Pride goes before a fall.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
East African Revival: Kenya 1983
One of the longest running revivals in Christian history has been ongoing since the 1930's in East Africa. During a two-week study leave in Kenya I sat with powerful leaders from that region who filled me in on a revival I had never heard about before.
One of the most fascinating men had an unusual name. He was dressed in the traditional robes of an Anglican Bishop and interacted with a warm smile and easy conservation. We sat in a small circle of 12 men and women from England, Africa and the USA. (One Yank and one Brit so the rest were Africans.)
But his name was out of place on the regal looking Bishop. As he shared I came to understand why he was called as he was. He was the eldest of five children and his Islamic parents wanted desperately for him to get a good education. That meant that he had to attend the hated and feared "Christian Mission School". So, he went to school and became one of the outstanding students.
After a year or so at the boarding school he heard about an evening meeting with music and interesting speakers so he decided to sneak into the meeting and listen to the Anglican Priest who was presenting the "Life of Christ" to the students. "if I come late," he reasoned, "No one will know I, a good Muslim, am there."
So, the young man waited until the music stopped and he gently opened the door and slipped inside only to discover ot his shock that there was not one single empty seat in the small chapel.
Stunned and frightened, he began to turn and leave with the eye of every kid and teacher locked squarely on him making a silent leaving impossible.
Suddenly a voice rang out and said, "Just a moment. I think you need a seat. Come up here young man and sit in my place. I shall stand and do not need it any longer." He could hardly believe his ears. The main speaker was offering his seat to a small boy and a non-believer to boot. African culture would not allow such a thing and Islamic culture strictly forbade an elder honoring a child in such a way.
He turned and made his way to the front and took the unthinkable Bishop's Chair in the center of the room while the Anglican Bishop stood and opened a book, the Holy Bible to a specific place from which to teach. By then the boy was so overcome that he heard little of the Bishops' talk for the actions of love had so touched Mohammed that he was convicted and converted to jesus that night and that is why he is now called, "Bishop Mohammed" a very unusual name for a Christian leader.
Never underestimate the power of humility and love.
The greatest tool of evangelism is love.
One of the longest running revivals in Christian history has been ongoing since the 1930's in East Africa. During a two-week study leave in Kenya I sat with powerful leaders from that region who filled me in on a revival I had never heard about before.
One of the most fascinating men had an unusual name. He was dressed in the traditional robes of an Anglican Bishop and interacted with a warm smile and easy conservation. We sat in a small circle of 12 men and women from England, Africa and the USA. (One Yank and one Brit so the rest were Africans.)
But his name was out of place on the regal looking Bishop. As he shared I came to understand why he was called as he was. He was the eldest of five children and his Islamic parents wanted desperately for him to get a good education. That meant that he had to attend the hated and feared "Christian Mission School". So, he went to school and became one of the outstanding students.
After a year or so at the boarding school he heard about an evening meeting with music and interesting speakers so he decided to sneak into the meeting and listen to the Anglican Priest who was presenting the "Life of Christ" to the students. "if I come late," he reasoned, "No one will know I, a good Muslim, am there."
So, the young man waited until the music stopped and he gently opened the door and slipped inside only to discover ot his shock that there was not one single empty seat in the small chapel.
Stunned and frightened, he began to turn and leave with the eye of every kid and teacher locked squarely on him making a silent leaving impossible.
Suddenly a voice rang out and said, "Just a moment. I think you need a seat. Come up here young man and sit in my place. I shall stand and do not need it any longer." He could hardly believe his ears. The main speaker was offering his seat to a small boy and a non-believer to boot. African culture would not allow such a thing and Islamic culture strictly forbade an elder honoring a child in such a way.
He turned and made his way to the front and took the unthinkable Bishop's Chair in the center of the room while the Anglican Bishop stood and opened a book, the Holy Bible to a specific place from which to teach. By then the boy was so overcome that he heard little of the Bishops' talk for the actions of love had so touched Mohammed that he was convicted and converted to jesus that night and that is why he is now called, "Bishop Mohammed" a very unusual name for a Christian leader.
Never underestimate the power of humility and love.
The greatest tool of evangelism is love.
With A Little Help From My Friends
Over the years I have met many wonderful people and several snakes in the grass. Mature Christians seem to know intuitively how to separat the wheat from the chaff and develop deep relationships and friendships with the good guys but stay away from the bad guys.
In 1983 the lord took me to Kenya to a conference. There I met people from all over the planet. Every one of them was leading spiritual revivals and renewals. Men and women from Africa, India, Egypt, Argentina, Singapore, etc gathered to share God’s wisdom about spiritual leadership issues. We discovered that most did not "lead anything" but simply responded to the new wine of the Holy Spirit when He showed up.
Several of these folks had amazing stories. I will relate them over the next weeks. There was one man whose friendship has changed my life. Jens-Petter Jorgenson, from Oslo, Norway stayed just a few feet down the hallway from me and we got well acquainted during the week of meetings held at a Southern Baptist seminary.
One morning Jens-Petter came to breakfast and said something like, “God spoke to me last night and said you were His man for reviving Norway. You must come to Norway and help us integrate evangelism, healing, teaching and psychology.”
I fell back as if a rattler had struck at me because I was overwhelmed with that kind of grandiose charge. Later, however, God whispered that I must go to that northern land and see what He would do. Since thatmeeting in Kenya I have traveled to Norway, Sweden and Denmark on many occasions and have come to love the people there dearly. Over the years we spoke with five or six people in a small group to over 7,000 at the summer OASE Conferences. In almost every instance my trips came from the influence of this gentle and humorous man from southern Norway.
Jens-Petter and 5000 friends just finished celebrating the 25th anniversary of OASE, the Renewal and Revival Network of Scandinavia. He was introduced as “Mr. Revival” and delivered the keynote address. Jens-Petter is also a seminary professor, a pastor, a representative of the Willow Creek Association and an internationally renowned speaker and writer. He has served as a representative of the Norwegian government in South Africa, an official writer for Promise Keepers, the principal speaker at major conferences in many lands.
You are invited to meet with Jens-Petter for an informal lunch this Friday, August 5 at 11:30 at the Life Way Center. Come with questions about renewal, revival, God’s current move in the world, etc.
We will provide pizza and drinks for those who sign up. Go to www.lifewaycenters.com or call me for directions.
Gary Sweeten
Cell Number 300-5065
Over the years I have met many wonderful people and several snakes in the grass. Mature Christians seem to know intuitively how to separat the wheat from the chaff and develop deep relationships and friendships with the good guys but stay away from the bad guys.
In 1983 the lord took me to Kenya to a conference. There I met people from all over the planet. Every one of them was leading spiritual revivals and renewals. Men and women from Africa, India, Egypt, Argentina, Singapore, etc gathered to share God’s wisdom about spiritual leadership issues. We discovered that most did not "lead anything" but simply responded to the new wine of the Holy Spirit when He showed up.
Several of these folks had amazing stories. I will relate them over the next weeks. There was one man whose friendship has changed my life. Jens-Petter Jorgenson, from Oslo, Norway stayed just a few feet down the hallway from me and we got well acquainted during the week of meetings held at a Southern Baptist seminary.
One morning Jens-Petter came to breakfast and said something like, “God spoke to me last night and said you were His man for reviving Norway. You must come to Norway and help us integrate evangelism, healing, teaching and psychology.”
I fell back as if a rattler had struck at me because I was overwhelmed with that kind of grandiose charge. Later, however, God whispered that I must go to that northern land and see what He would do. Since thatmeeting in Kenya I have traveled to Norway, Sweden and Denmark on many occasions and have come to love the people there dearly. Over the years we spoke with five or six people in a small group to over 7,000 at the summer OASE Conferences. In almost every instance my trips came from the influence of this gentle and humorous man from southern Norway.
Jens-Petter and 5000 friends just finished celebrating the 25th anniversary of OASE, the Renewal and Revival Network of Scandinavia. He was introduced as “Mr. Revival” and delivered the keynote address. Jens-Petter is also a seminary professor, a pastor, a representative of the Willow Creek Association and an internationally renowned speaker and writer. He has served as a representative of the Norwegian government in South Africa, an official writer for Promise Keepers, the principal speaker at major conferences in many lands.
You are invited to meet with Jens-Petter for an informal lunch this Friday, August 5 at 11:30 at the Life Way Center. Come with questions about renewal, revival, God’s current move in the world, etc.
We will provide pizza and drinks for those who sign up. Go to www.lifewaycenters.com or call me for directions.
Gary Sweeten
Cell Number 300-5065
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