Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Russian Males

The most obvious example of a first order crisis in Russia comes when we look at the condition of the men. Men live to less than 60 years in Russia. Even that is a generous statement because so many are "dead men walking". Alcoholism drug abuse, imprisonment in jails and labor camps is very common for millions of males and a very high percentage are violent toward their families and neighbors.

It is widely believed that unless God intervenes quickly the population of Russia will further shrink from its estimated 143 million to under 100 million by 2020. Most of the early deaths will be males.

Why have males lost the drive to live and why do so many kill themselves with cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, violence, crime, etc? I do not know for sure but I have a theory. The Soviet power structure was paranoid about anyone who was strong enough to challenge the system. Males are the persons most likely to develop a counter Revolution so any time a man was seen to have success in mobilizing others or taking initiative they were sent to Siberia, killed or somehow punished. We cannot imagine how terrible such punishments were for the Russian people. Even the most enthusiastic Communists were sent to camps to make them "prove" their loyalty.

Mothers, seeing this, intuitively decided to kill the slightest sign of initiative in their boys while rewarding and supporting female strength and assertiveness. Over time, boys and men learned to stifle such ideas and emotions and instead of developing the spirit of entrepreneurship they are depressed, anxious, alcoholics and have inner, hidden rage. Women, however, developed into exceedingly strong and capable leaders. Only programs that heal the masculine soul and liberate males can really help Russia develop a healthy political system.

Now men are either passive or aggressive but it is rare to see a man who is assertive. And, it is rare to see a woman who can allow the males in her life to learn how to be assertive without trying to emasculate him and drive him back to drink.

Thank God we are seeing men liberated from alcohol and set free to be assertive. They have begun to develop "Brothers' Groups" to provide recovery and healing as well as a safe place to try out new assertive behaviors.


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