Tuesday, August 02, 2005

East African Revival: Kenya 1983

One of the longest running revivals in Christian history has been ongoing since the 1930's in East Africa. During a two-week study leave in Kenya I sat with powerful leaders from that region who filled me in on a revival I had never heard about before.

One of the most fascinating men had an unusual name. He was dressed in the traditional robes of an Anglican Bishop and interacted with a warm smile and easy conservation. We sat in a small circle of 12 men and women from England, Africa and the USA. (One Yank and one Brit so the rest were Africans.)

But his name was out of place on the regal looking Bishop. As he shared I came to understand why he was called as he was. He was the eldest of five children and his Islamic parents wanted desperately for him to get a good education. That meant that he had to attend the hated and feared "Christian Mission School". So, he went to school and became one of the outstanding students.

After a year or so at the boarding school he heard about an evening meeting with music and interesting speakers so he decided to sneak into the meeting and listen to the Anglican Priest who was presenting the "Life of Christ" to the students. "if I come late," he reasoned, "No one will know I, a good Muslim, am there."

So, the young man waited until the music stopped and he gently opened the door and slipped inside only to discover ot his shock that there was not one single empty seat in the small chapel.
Stunned and frightened, he began to turn and leave with the eye of every kid and teacher locked squarely on him making a silent leaving impossible.

Suddenly a voice rang out and said, "Just a moment. I think you need a seat. Come up here young man and sit in my place. I shall stand and do not need it any longer." He could hardly believe his ears. The main speaker was offering his seat to a small boy and a non-believer to boot. African culture would not allow such a thing and Islamic culture strictly forbade an elder honoring a child in such a way.

He turned and made his way to the front and took the unthinkable Bishop's Chair in the center of the room while the Anglican Bishop stood and opened a book, the Holy Bible to a specific place from which to teach. By then the boy was so overcome that he heard little of the Bishops' talk for the actions of love had so touched Mohammed that he was convicted and converted to jesus that night and that is why he is now called, "Bishop Mohammed" a very unusual name for a Christian leader.

Never underestimate the power of humility and love.

The greatest tool of evangelism is love.

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