Monday, August 29, 2005

Why is the Soil in Russia so Rocky?

I have seen the future of much of America in Russia. If we continue to spiral downward into more broken families, drug abuse and violence we shall end up like the old USSR. The entire spiral upward or downward is dependent upon whether or not we develop solid families and a high view of life.

In the USSR family life was devalued by the state and life was cheap. Galina told me that "It was a joke among my colleagues in medicine that it was "easier to get an abortion than it was to sign in and out of the department in the hospital." The average woman in Russia has had 10 to 12 abortions! Life was cheap under the Communists and it takes a long time to change such attitudes.

Look at the following stats about American life.

What Women Want

By AMY L. WAX August 29, 2005; Page A8,,SB112527883394625240,00.html?mod=opinion&ojcontent=otep

When it comes to single-parent families, Everybody's Doing It. That, it seems, is the received wisdom -- but it's not true. As Charles Murray noticed decades ago and demographers have known for some time, the structure of families has diverged drastically by social class.

The out-of-wedlock birth rate among women with no more than a high-school education has skyrocketed since the 1960s but remains very low among college graduates.

Divorce has declined among the well-off but is climbing among the unskilled. Although almost all college graduates still marry eventually, marriage rates are dropping steadily among those without a high-school degree.

As noted by Sara McLanahan in her recent presidential address to the Population Association of America, these trends tell an ominous story:

The offspring of the well-off receive a growing share of parental time, attention, and investment and grow up in stable and orderly homes. The less privileged frequently endure a fractured and chaotic family life.

These developments betoken diverging destinies for generations to come.

Can you see the future of America's poor, especially the poor blacks? I can, and I weep.

Christians and other religions ae the strongest intact family life and a high view of life. All religious life was viciously attacked by Stalin, Lenin and the rest. Christian attitudes of forgiveness, love and compassion were severely punished. We in the West cannot imagine how they hated God's word and Christian values, but it is happening in America as we write.

Contemporary agnostics hate morality, ethics and Christian values. But what will happen when we in the USA , like the Commies, turn away from compassion, love and mercy?

The soil in America is rich right now. Evangelism is not too hard. The greatest problem comes because so few churches want to reach the unchurched. But it will change unless we do something to win young, poor men to Christ and teach them Christian values.

(Be sure to read the entire Journal story)

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