Sunday, May 28, 2006

Last Blog Until June

The Air Conditioner went out this week and I can't get my laptop to open Outlook. It is time for an international ministry trip. Maybe it is my paranoia but every time I leave for Asia, Russia or Scandinavia some major appliance or ministry machine breaks down.

But living with heat and humidity brings back many memories of our childhood. Karen and I both grew up when there was no AC and neither got indoor plumbing until our teen years. As we talk about the "Good old days" we have many good laughs but let's face it, we do not want to go back to them for very long.

Living and overcoming Adversity is an essential ingredient of joy. Far too many of us have ADD: Adversity Deprivation Disorder from rarely if ever facing and overcoming difficult times. One of the reasons international travel does not overwhelm me is due to the fact that I grew up in poverty and had to work hard with my hands to get out of the situation.

The Russian people face many difficulties and challenges. Pray that Steve and I will be able to help them face and overcome them through the Lord.

Russian Trip Itinerary
May-June, 2006
Gary Sweeten and Steve Griebling

I was mulling over the past 15 years of ministry in Russia and thanking the Lord for allowing us to be involved in a global revolution of democracy. The Bolsheviks raped, pillaged and stole everything they could from the people they dominated after the 1917 Revolution. The march toward democracy has just begun and it will take many more years of godly, compassionate and strategic interventions before Russia will gain its rightful status as a modern nation.

The Russians have suffered from all three levels of emotional/ spiritual assaults.

Shock: An occasional intervention of an assault
Trauma: A pattern of assaults
Abuse: A chronic series of assaults.

Level 1. Shocks leave Victims with ice cubes in the soul that are frozen in fear, anxiety, depression and a desire to deaden their pain with alcohol and drugs.

Level 2. Trauma leaves Victims with souls likened to a block of ice; deadened and numb and looking for relief though any emotional, spiritual cult or drug remedy.

Level 3. Abuse leaves its Victims in an inner state of “Perma-Frost” that never thaws without the intervention of the Holy Spirit.

The Russian people, especially Christians, were chronically abused, leaving millions in a state of Perma-Frost”. Life Way Ministries establishes partnerships with groups to train leaders to “Heal the broken hearted and setting the captives free.”

One of the most powerful insights to come from my years of travel is seeing the awesome response of the Christian community to tragedies around the globe. Every plane to Asia, Russia, Africa and the Gulf is packed with Christians paying their own ways to minister to hurting people they do not know and from whom they expect no reward.

In Russia alone Christians send billions of dollars each year in goods, money, spiritual support and travel. If it were not for churches small and large, ordinary Russians and their small churches would be in terrible shape. Were it not for compassionate Christians almost no good orphanages, drug treatment or prison ministries would exist.

The same is true in Taiwan, Thailand, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, India, etc. It was also true for Ground Zero and the Gulf. In none of these places do we see food, ministries, hospitals and workshops sponsored by “The American Atheist Society” or “The Free Thinking Assoc.” Neither Playboy nor Penthouse sponsor the orphans they help produce.

It is Christians and only Christians that reach out to a troubled world in massive numbers. Of course there are bad church leaders who abuse and misuse their power but the Lord has a plan for them. The tiny minority of believers spread evil while millions from every denomination spread the good news in word and deed.

On my high school Internet chat there are several atheists who arrogantly and ignorantly argue that faith is always destructive. Their self-deceit has few bounds and it is useless to tell them the truth. I do pray for them. However, we who follow Jesus Christ ought to thank God daily for the way He is constantly and increasingly sending compassionate Christians to spread the love of Christ through word and deed.

Life Way’s Mission in Russia

We establish centers of training and healing so the local believers can reproduce themselves and spread the good news of Jesus as the Great Physician to every corner of that huge nation. We also speak at large gatherings but focus mainly on equipping pastors, psychiatrists and counselors how to integrate the love, truth and power of God into their work.

Several hundred groups, churches and ministries from all around the USSR have attended our training over the past 15 years. They use our materials and training throughout the year.

Take a look at my blog to get some ideas about the people and places we will see and have seen before. Go to to read in both English and Russian about the team and a very small bit about what they are doing to establish a Christian attitude in the former USSR. They recently changed their local name from Lifeways to Liferoute. The new name sounds better in Russian, they say. It also keeps them safer by making no connection between them and our American ministry.

Monday, May 29-Flight on Delta to Rome, arriving Tuesday.
Tuesday, May 30-Flight on El Italia to Moscow.
Tuesday, May 30, arrive at SVU Airport and go directly to the Retreat Center
Wednesday, May 31 Rest and preparation for training retreat
Wednesday evening-Saturday Noon June 3 Training Retreat on Christian Counseling
Sunday, June 4-Preach (Perhaps twice)
Monday, June 5-Leaders Team Meeting
Tuesday, June 6-Meeting at Moscow Evangelical Seminary
Wednesday, June 7-Men’s Group Ministry
Thursday and Friday June 8-9 Myers-Briggs Training @ St. Damian Orthodox Church
Saturday, June 10-Steve Returns to Cincinnati via New York on Delta
Sunday, June 11-Preach
Monday, June 12-Leadership Meeting
Tuesday, June 13-Gary Returns to Cincinnati via New York on Delta

Pray for our stamina, wisdom, protection, health and God’s power.

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