Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Russian Restoration Update

What an exciting time to report on the good things that God is doing through LifeWay Ministries and Its Moscow Director, Dr Galina Chentsova in the former USSR. After seventy years of oppression, brutality and deprivation, the people of Russia, East Germany, Ukraine, Romania, etc are beginning to recover. However, the long road toward freedom from the past is slow and painful. No wonder so many people, especially males, turned to violence, crime, alcohol and drugs. The Soviets denied it but problems were rampant.

Ronald Reagan saw through the lies of the Socialists and brought down the wall of hate and division. It is time to show how the Christian West is once more bringing order from chaos and life from death. There are numerous Christians doing just that in the former USSR.

"Jesus Christ, the hope of glory" is also the hope for developing a strong democracy. Galina brings not only the truth of the gospel but the means of a better life. Russia cannot be a healthy country without a Christian framework and the Christian work ethic.

Ideas make a huge difference in the world. Communism did not fall on its own. The strong ideas and philosophy of Mr Reagan seeped into the minds of prisoners and gave freedom lovers the courage to promote democracy.

Lifeway Russia is spreading the good news of Christ and freedom and shining a great light into the darkness of a land kept in near total darkness for generations. Democracy cannot flourish in Russia until Christian ideas become widespread. Thankfully, there are a number of successes in equipping lay Christians with the word of the Lord.

People growing in Christ are signs of miraculous grace at work.

1. The psychologists, doctors, guards and administrators as well as the prisoners in the Ural Mountain Labor Camp are growing through the visits of our teams. Some are atheists but they love our ministry!
2. One psychologist is pursuing an advanced degree in addictions treatment and will soon be a leader in the field of alcohol and drug treatment!!
3. The brutal treatment of prisoners in filthy, unkempt barracks has been changed to humane discipline and a model of cleanliness, education and order.
4. Our new charity with a web page with Christ-centered treatment for addictions.
5. She purchased, with her own money, a new computer for the staff and Labor Camp residents to get educational materials and find help for their addictions as well as medicine, law, justice and Christianity.

Galina needs our continued prayers and financial support. Send all donations to

Russian Restoration
C/o LifeWay Ministries
4015 Executive Park Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241

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