Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A Big Question

I recently was asked to respond to this letter from a pastor.

Dear Dr. Gary,

I have a tough question. What do I tell woman who was severely abused as a child when she asks where God was when she was being hurt?I want to tell her that in the same way God was with Christ he was with her. However, it may be cold comfort to her to hear such theology.


A Puzzled Pastor

I agree. Good answers are too often "cold comfort".

Dealing with ongoing abuse is very challenging. There are many instances when a Seeker's question does not require an answer. The theological "answer" to a question about such horrible abuse would require a volume of theological discussions by many wise and biblically literate folk then there would be disagreements, when an abuse victim asks me where God was she doesn't want, need or require deep theology but deep listening.

Why do we often refrain from offering answers to hurting people? It is simple. We do not know how to pray as we ought. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans too deep for human understanding. (RO 8:26)

Are You not amazed that St Paul admitted he did not know how to pray? If he was confused and had to depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit just imagine how confused we non-saints are. Confronting the evil of abuse may leave us silent and unable to utter anything except a cry of pain and the release of tears for "We weep with those who weep".

Praise God for He knows exactly what to do and say.

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