Friday, April 15, 2005

Church Growth

I am a reader. My therapist accused me of being an information addict. I confess. I am. Readers know that there are many books and articles that are shallow or even harmful for they offer good advice that is anti growth.

When I say growth, I mean several things.

1. Numerical growth by evangelism. Unbelievers actually becoming believers that expands the total members of committed Christians in one congregation.

2. Personal spiritual growth into maturity. The term is Teleios and can be translated, perfect but means mature, whole and complete not without sin or error.

3. Organizational growth. When a group expands numerically it must expand organically as well. New wineskins must replace the old.

4. Impact outside the congregation. Lives, groups, political systems, etc need the wisdom, influence and assistance of the church.

5. Growth in healthy persons. Jesus came to heal and so the church must also be a place of healing.

6. Add other categories.

Anyone interested in church growth needs to read, reflect upon and reread several books.

1. Natural Church Growth, by Christian Schwartz.
2. The Churching of America, by Rodney Starke
3. The Very Large Church, by Lyle Schaller

Cincinnati needs many more new church plants and many new very large churches if our culture and region is to be touched by the Spirit of God. Read, reflect and go for it.

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