Saturday, April 16, 2005

LifeWay Top 10 Issues

This LifeWay is the publishing and training arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. It is not associated with our ministry. They sent their pastors a survey asking what were the top ten issues facing the church. Below is their response list.

10. AbortionThe church's lack of an effective response to 30+ years of legalized abortion.
9. HomosexualityThe rising social pressure to accept same-sex behavior and relationships.
8. RelevanceThe seeming inability of the church to answer questions one has living in the "real world."
7. MarriageThe negative effects on families that result from divorce, adultery, etc.
6. ApathyThe seeming lack of personal interest, support, and enthusiasm from the pews for the work of the church.
5. Doctrine/WorldviewThe growing pressure to compromise principles to make truths more palatable to an audience. The widening influence of explicitly anti-Christian culture and negative influences on the church.
4. EvangelismThe decline among Christians in personal sharing of the Gospel.
3. LeadershipThe need for clear, biblical vision and direction by church leaders.
2. DiscipleshipThe need for involvement of every believer in being continually transformed into the image of Christ.
1. PrayerThe need for more ongoing, passionate prayer in both personal and church life.

Comments: This list is confusing for it mixes up issues that Christians have nor control or influence over such as homosexuality with issues directly related to church ministry like prayer, evangelism and discipleship.

This confusion is amplified by the fact that issues vary church to church and region to region.

Third, we ought not spend our limited capital of time, energy, money and teaching on things that we cannot influence or called to confront. Some of these seem to be political rather than spiritual and are far too nebulous to influence.

I think we ought never base our ministry on felt needs. Needs always outrun our gifts, our call and our abilities.

We ought to do nothing but what God calls us as people and churches to do. That is why SEEKING PRAYER, listening to God, is our most critical priority.

What do you think?

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