Thursday, June 29, 2006

Marc O'Hara is the Winner

My old friend Marc correctly responded with the answer. It was FDR who wrote that Social Security funds would last only a few years. FDR was my hero as a child. Dad was a left wing Democrat that loved Roosevelt-pronounced Roooozi-velt- and thought he and the other Democrats could do no wrong and I followed in his footsteps.

FDR was a great man who understood reality as well as politics. He would not have a chance of winning the Presidency today because he did not fit the current beautiful man profile of a candidate. But he understood something about economics and that the government could not pay for everything forever. That is another reason many current voters would reject him. Nowadays politicians must promise everything to the citizens.

I think we need to return to the law that said only taxpayers can vote. If a person pays for an item it seems more important.

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