Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Russia Report #6.

Tipping Points

The photo below is of two Pastors who met with Galina and me the day before I left. They came to ask us to minister to and equip the pastors in their association of over 100 churches. A few years ago, the Russian Government passed a law that requires every church to be a member of an organization that is at least 15 years old. The association of these men serves a wide-variety of independent churches and gives them a legal covering.

While praying about the Spring 2006 trip to Russia I was caused to think that this year would be different. After almost 15 years of ministry in Russia they were ready to take the next step in the evolutionary development of an independent, self-supporting ministry in Russia. The visit by Sergei and Michael showed me I was thinking after God.

During the revival of the Nineties thousands of men and women came to know Christ. Many of them were addicted or co-addicted to alcohol, drugs, violence, crime and assorted other issues. After becoming Christians some felt called to be pastors and church workers so they started new congregations among their former associates.

Unfortunately, most never went through any kind of Christian counseling or recovery so they continued to think, act and feel badly and essentially became addicted to religion and religious activities. In America we call them, "Dry Drunks" of people who stopped drinking but did not get to the heart or root of their problems.

As pastors and leaders such persons show a variety of dysfunctional behaviors such as an obsessive desire to control the flock; anger that comes out as "hell fire and brimstone" sermons;
abnormal suspicion; authoritarianism; workaholism; co-dependency; s exual aberrations, etc.

The pastors pictured here are familiar with recovery programs and Christian counseling and they want to make our ministry available to their leaders. Pray that the Lord will allow to help them establish an ongoing ministry of Pastoral Care and Counseling for this group of churches. It could result in thousands of healthier leaders, healthier churches and healthier membership.

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