Sunday, June 18, 2006

Russia Report #5.

Building human capital.

This is what we do. We are not good at building houses, providing funds to buy anti AIDS meds or constructing church buildings. We are good at building PEOPLE. We educate and empower ordinary people to do extra-ordinary things for themselves and others.

The Communists did everything possible to destroy the hopes, dreams and potential of the Russian people. They hate to see anyone develop more skills, more money or more talent than someone else. Russia needs an infusion of faith, hope and love.

This is why we work so hard to help our people get seminar and workshop training as well as state and church sponsored education. That which will make Russia strong is not just oil and gas but a well equipped society-especially Christians. People make the difference. They care, act, give and pray.

We help support some pastors and couselors get more education. We ask our supporters to help us provide very small subsidies and stipends so they can pay the small but prohibitive school fees necessary to complete their education and become certified to teach, counsel and work among the charities.

Almost every airplane has several American "Tourists" going to or returning from Moscow or Vologda or Ukraine where they help the local churches do charitable work. Many Russians continue to live in abject poverty but were it not for Christians and their donations of time, money and encouragement the situation would be even more critical.

Let me remind you that there are no atheists or humanists leading charities over there nor are groups of agnostic philosophers and pagan professors sending massive amounts of money to help the poor Russians.

It is the same there as it is with the Katrina and 911 victims. It is the same as it was with the survivors of the tsunami. Christians; all Christians. No secularists are involved in these acts of love and sacrifice.

Keep giving and keep living. It is making a difference.

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