Monday, September 13, 2004

In Cold Blood

This morning during my walk and time to pray/meditate I thought about my recent trip to Russia along with the weekend memorials to 911. I was in Moscow training counselors how to deal with trauma and abuse when it all broke loose. Before we left for the Roman Catholic retreat center two evil, female terrorists each blew an airplane out of the sky and another evil women terrorist killed herself and ten others outside a subway station. It made travel in Moscow a constant stress because we could not travel without wondering about safety.

I left the day terrorists took 1500 or so teachers, parents and children hostage. They had no long term goals or objectives except trauma, public relations and fame. They had a strong desire to torture the children personally and Putin, Russia and the world vicariously.

In modern history we have never seen any group as callous, cold blooded or vicious as these people. Iin the same way a shark or cobra is vicious they are predators. They are without conscience.

Many of you will dispute my claim that the Muslim terrorists are worse than Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot. Even Hitler knew that the things he was doing were wrong. He successfully covered the atrocities up with the help of American and British media willing to close their eyes. But he had a conscience and knew he was guilty.

Stalin killed over thirty million of his own people. He too knew he was guilty so he lied, sent secret memos to hide his actions and developed a very sophisticated PR machine to blame the Nazis. He successfully killed 92,000 orthodox Priests and destroyed 12,000 church buildings. All this with the willing consent of left wing journalists and red church leaders in the west who chose to shut their eyes. But this former seminarian had a conscience and knew he was guilty.

Mao knew he was guilty so he also hid his awful deeds. Thousands were hired to lie, write deceptive newspaper articles and put out lies on radio and TV. People without a conscience do not do those things.

Saddam hid his sins and paid CNN to cover up for him. Now CNN proudly tells us that they covered up forlied about his killing, torture and rapes.

Modern terrorists are different. They take videotapes of torture and sell them in the streets of Baghdad and Palestine to raise money and recruit more killers. They are proudly shown on TV screens to "humiliate the Satan USA" and get more donations.

Even Pol Pot tried to cover up his atrocities but the UBL's of the Muslim world send planeloads of innocent, non-combatants to murder thousands more and brag about it to the world. The Beslan atrocities prove that we are dealing with cold-blooded vipers and not humans. Not even the Mafia does these sorts of things.

For many years I have counseled men and women who suffered from the trauma and abuse of spouses, parents and acquaintances. The scars left from such assaults are well known and the treatment long and painful. However, we have been learning more about the perpetrators of such abuse over the past few years.

There are two kinds of perpetrators. The first type hits, screams and assaults in fits of anger. Afterwards he/she is truly sorry and the after anger remorse is real. It is possible to treat such persons and see healing of the underlying rage and its uncontrollable outbursts.

The second kind is far different. A person who starts to abuse a wife or child operates in the opposite direction from the first kind. Instead of getting angry and out of control he, for most are men, gets calmer, cooler and exhibits a lower pulse rate. He fits exactly the old fashioned term, "A cold blooded killer." The Diagnostic Manual therapists use to categorizemental issues has a coded number system for shorthand. The number for treating cold-blooded abusers and terrorists is one I learned as a youth in the country: Thirty Ought Six. (30-0-6) Only a slug from a large caliber gun will stop a person or a group that tortures little children and takes videos of the torture to spread on the Internet. Only a bullet can convince a person without conscience to stop killing women and children. There is only one workable treatment for such a person.

The Beslan terrorist leader killed two of his female accomplices just to show the hostages that he meant business and to scare them into compliance. He pushed a button and blew these ladies up on purpose for no reason except fun. That is as cold as it gets.

The Chicago Tribune may not think such people should be called names lest it cause them psychological harm. I can tell you that these people would love to kill every single member of the Trib staff and all their children.

An old-fashioned psychology approached angry and abusive perpetrators with a lot of empathy, affirmation and compassion. New research shows us that they will use this information as sociopaths to lure others into their heartless traps. The left wing is still operating on a therapeutic approach that was seriously flawed. It is one that has lead many people working with criminals to get killed or hurt but Kerry and the leftist press continue to naively promote a sensitive approach to ending terror.

What did we do to cause them to hate us?


What will cause them to stop?

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