Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A.D.D. National Awards

The last Post I argued that we are being bombarded daily with false information about how to rear healthy kids and be healthy ourselves. The current craze about such things as bullies, hate speech, elf esteem, shielding people from adversity, etc may be well-intentioned but they are all heading in the wrong direction. We need to help everyone face Adversity and overcome it.

Here are some awards for people who have made notable and ridiculous attempts to protect humans from harmless Adversity.

From the Morning Journal of Lorain, Ohio:

Lorain school officials this week executed an ''emergency removal'' of an 8-year-old boy who they say sexually harassed a girl in gym class.

The boy's mother, Tammy Barth, said yesterday her son was playing in gym on Tuesday when a girl student said he and two other boys may have grabbed her buttocks.

He was then questioned in an informal hearing by school officials and he admitted he had been passing love notes to the same girl.

The second-grader then asked to sign a notice of emergency removal form for sexual harassment without a parent present, Barth said. The boy printed his first name on the portion of the form asking for his signature.

First, Sexual harassment by an eight year old boy?
Second, did she know she had been "sexually harassed" until they told her?

The intervention was undoubtedly harder on all the kids involved than any buttock's grabbing.

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