Saturday, March 18, 2006

Religion and Risk

Men dislike church because it is not challenging, risky or fun. All around the world males stay away from religious observances in droves. In modern America the feminine spirit has taken over the church and pushing males away even more rapidly.

In a book about the 100 best advertisements in history we see this challenging but very successful recruiting ad from a London newspaper in 1900:

"Men Wanted for Hazardous Journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success--Ernest Shackleton."

The response from would-be polar explorers was overwhelming. By comparison, the U.S. armed forces, with an admittedly mediocre recruiting record, spend hundreds of millions on advertising that promises young men and women a career, an education and a future.

How do we challenge young men to rise to the challenge of Jesus to "Come, die and live"?

We had "Church League Basketball" when I was a teenager. It was not a panacea but it did open religion up to boys that would otherwise have never darkened the door of our little Baptist Church. Some even stayed to hear the Gospel.

Most church activities are passive, gentle, low key, classroom oriented activities. Boys are ranbunctious, hyperactive, physical and interactive learners. What is wrong with this picture?

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