Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another Flight to Moscow

I am excited about our latest planning for a trip to Moscow to train leaders. It will be my 15th.

Steve Griebling and I leave Memorial Day and fly to New York and then to Rome before touching down in Moscow. We will stay about two weeks. It is a long but the least expensive route.

Galina has hired a new person to make our Russian web site a bit more attractive. And, they have changed the name of the site to make sure the Ruskie officials do not discover that they are connected to a U.S. Mission group.

I always travel there as a "Tourist" but they often scan US files of non-profits to see who is traveling there and if we are giving money to the Russians.

"Why do they care," you ask? First, they want to know everything about their people and foreign influences. Remember, their current President was head of the KGB.

Second, money. $$$$ Taxes. If they thought we were sending money to their ministries it would be very costly. Maybe even more than we give in taxes would be taken from them.

Third, the government is paranoid.

Keep us in your prayers.

Gary and Steve

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