Monday, April 10, 2006

A New Jesus Movement?
I hope so

In 1970 Karen and I stumbled into what is now known as the Jesus Movement. We had moved to Cincinnati to take a position at U Cinci from southern Illinois after I received a Masters' Degree in Higher Education. We found a Southern Baptist Church here and got deeply involved in helping build a new sanctuary and educational wing. Later we taught the College and Career Singles group and it was a great experience with great people. For awhile, then things got a bit sticky.

I was working on a doctorate in Counselor Education and began to learn about the power of self directed groups to bring change in the lives of the participants. I also attended Yokefellow Conferences and met D. Elton Trueblood and other pillars of the lay equipping movement. Third, I went to the InterVaristy Christian Fellowship's training on "Inductive Bible Studies".

I had a transformational experience that showed me that helping ordinary people encounter God and the Bible personally rather than through the agency of a clergyman or elder. I knew this was superior to becoming dependent upon someone else to tell us what God said rather than read it for ourselves.

I started using Inductive Methods to teach our Youth Group and we also met in homes rather than the church. That was too much for some of the Deacons who asked me to leave the church. Having been a Baptist all my life it was very painful to get the "Left foot of fellowship" from my brothers. But, as it turned out, God used it to introduce us to the Jesus Movement.

Now a new wave of prayer and revival is hitting the campus.
For more information go to

I am ecstatic that God is on the move among young people again.

Gary Sweeten

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