Friday, April 21, 2006

Fruit of the Russian Ministry

These beautiful Russian believers are from Russian Orthodox, Baptist, Pentecostal and Charismatic churches. It is a miracle that they can work together to bring peace, healing and wholeness to "The broken hearted" and they are "setting the captives free".

They are learning to show great compassion and love to hundreds of churches throughout the former USSR.

Life Way's ministry is uniquely interdenominational in Russia. Posted by Picasa

1 comment: said...

It's wonderful that this group of believers have overcome some obstacles that the west has not.

I went to Easter Service with my brother's family at St. Agnes Church (they are Catholic). During the sermon the pastor was speaking about the origins of Easter.

He went on to say, "Years before the church celebrated Easter, the protestants....excuse me, I mean the pagans had a different form of ceremony."