Sunday, April 09, 2006

Needed: Christian Leaders with Vision, Vitality, Values and Veritas

No one seems to doubt the notion that we are deep in the middle of a time of social regression. Life in families, corporations, schools and religious groups are staggering from the weight of unethical, immoral and risky behavior. Nations have faced such times before and have been brought to sanity and equilibrium again by key leaders.

Some people think we can be educated out of the dilemma. That the explosion of knowledge will suffice in leading our nation and the entire western world back to health and vitality. I disagree. Hitler's Nazi's were highly educated. Stalin's scientists were very knowledgeable but something was mission. Respect for the soul of humanity.

We need high quality, well educated, Christians who will give themselves to leading the charge for a better world. Who have a great Vision to bring godly change to a hurting society and use their skills to bring about those changes.

Christians who are Vital, energetic, interested, open to others and excited about the future. They will be risk takers and fearless because of their faith when interacting with people of every religion and political persuasion.

Christians who have great Values and ethics who want to make their companies better places to work and their communities better places to live.

Veritas, the search for truth is also desperately needed.

I've learned something about the history of Veritas this year. Originally it was paired on the (Harvard) University's coat of arms with the University's real motto Christiansti Gloriam. Veritas meant divine truth, truth reached ultimately not through reason but through faith. PRESIDENT LAWRENCE H. SUMMERS' COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS, HARVARD COLLEGE 2002

To find such men and women we need centers of growth and leadership development. Places where we can nurture mature, successful people from business, industry, education and the church and discover together how to be positive change agents todaythe futureuture.

Pray with me about finding the people and funding the centers.

Gary Sweeten

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