Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Back to Basics

Almost anything in Christianity can be abused and misused. As a Christian that is also a therapist who opened a Christ-centered psychiatric hospital I can testify that I have heard every story about weirdos in religion that you can imagine. The pagan docs at the hospital
where I set up my program treated me like a leper. Nevertheless, all these ideas are biblical and true. Additionally, the ideas worked to heal and deliver people in need.

I find that my ministry of late has taken a turn back to the beginning of the Jesus Revolution and waiting on God to move to guide, direct, heal and speak to us. Now, however, I am not working with college students but burned out elders, pastors and leaders. They began in the Spirit but went off into theoretical theology and got rutted in lively orthopraxy, dead orthodoxy or mixed up spirituality. In any event they have done so much in their own minds and striving to perform instead of flowing in and with God. YUCK!

As I listen and help them re-connect to the Spirit of God, they are coming alive with dreams, visions, words, discernment, directives, nudges and insights of great creativity. I think every mature Christian over 40 needs to reconnect with that first love and awe of God's Spirit and be
rejuvenated. As that happens the gifts of the Spirit as well as the fruit are stirred up and the community comes together in unity around His words and works.

It seems to me that the "Prophetic" in Charismatic life became another "Performance" by a special breed of people who carried their "words" around in a little black satchel like a doctor doing house calls. This was also the way all the Spiritual Gifts' ministry ended up: as a work not a flow of the Spirit. Intercessors became "work" of a few mystics along with the "Prophets". Preaching, teaching, healing, pastoral care, evangelism all became works that people "Pulled out of their black satchels" and used in a public service.

I disagree with this kind of ministry. I think we need to recover the dynamic of the community seeking God and receiving His direction according to His good will by using anyone He wants in the group. But, it is key to recognize that any one of the group can hear and share His leading.
I teach individuals and small groups how to wait on God and listen for His still small voice. It is exciting and the members experience personal faith at a very deep level.

I am seeing people with whom I work as a coach/counselor dream real dreams and have real visions. They are being led by God's Holy Spirit to take loving actions toward their in-laws and husbands. I am seeing reconciliations and healings. God is at work in the people not because of my brilliant insights but as a result of waiting upon and hearing Him.

Do you know any mature leaders who are worn out, burned out or defeated and deflated? Tell them to call me.

Gary Sweeten

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