Monday, May 31, 2004

I Don't Believe

Confessions of great men and women people who know nothing

(News item) Rev. William Phipps, head of the United Church of Canada, went public with his disbelief in Jesus. Phipps said, ?I do not believe that Christ was God, was bodily resurrected or was the only way to God.?

Phipps was supported by the Church?s General Council unanimously supported their moderator. They released a statement that reads: ?His comments are well within the spectrum of the United Church.?

As I pondered this surprising turn of events, I began to consider how other leaders might speak out on the issues of importance to their professions. Let us consider what some of these men and women of fame would say if they, like Rev. Mr. Phipps, also disbelieved in the most precious tenets of their respective fields. What if....?

Dr. Andy Grove, CEO of the Intel Corporation, stated that:

I do not believe in the microprocessor, that it is essential to computers, computing or to Intel. As a result, I do not believe that having Intel inside is such a good idea. The computer chip is not the only way to run microcomputers and I think the microprocessor will never replace the vacuum tube.

(The board of directors fired Dr. Grove after the Intel stock fell 75% in one day. Trading on the exchange has been halted until next week. Andy Grove has been committed to a private asylum for observation. Friends say the pressure of competing with paranoid hypervigilence have overwhelmed him. The Rev. Mr. Phipps of the United Church of Canada was heard to utter several expletives when informed that the investments of the United church had dropped several percentage points as a result of Grove?s interview.)

In related news, Bill Gates has been quoted as saying that the Windows interface is harder to navigate than that of the Apple Macintosh. The Wall Street Journal quotes Mr. Gates as saying

I do not think Windows is a good way to operate a computer. Why do people pay hundreds of dollars for buggy software in a box when they could learn the Mac system so easily? I really feel badly that we stole the OS from Mac. The Microsoft Windows' software is not very good nor is it essential to operating computers well. I hope that everyone will buy an inexpensive box that has no software in it because that would save a lot of money.

(The Microsoft board of directors met in emergency session to discuss the current flap. Mr. Gates, the richest man in the United States and the owner of millions of Microsoft shares, has taken an extended leave of absence to return to his first love, gardening.)

At a recent conference on the influence of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Jesse Jackson said:

I do not believe in equality for African Americans. They are inferior to European Americans and should not be considered as full citizens of the United States. Further, I think that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a fraud who led our people into a terrible bondage. It is not important for African Americans to push for equality of opportunity under the law.

(The board of directors of PUSH released a statement that disavowed Rev. Jackson?s comments and put him on indefinite leave.)

Ms. Kate Michelson of the National Organization for Women, (NOW) was recently quoted as opposing women?s rights.

?I do not believe in women?s rights? she said at a recent conference on law in American life. ?Women should return to their place of submission and subservience. We have ruined young women?s lives by filling their heads with all these ideas about equality. From now on, please call me Mrs. John J. Michelson. I am proud to wear my husband's name.

(The NOW board put out a statement of disagreement with Ms. Michelson and suggested that her bout with drugs and depression after leaving a lesbian relationship was to blame for her misguided statement.)

In related stories,

Mick Jagger no longer believes in rock and roll;

Justice of the Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg no longer believes in the Constitution of the USA;

Colin Powell no longer believes in discipline, order or military preparedness;

Dan Rather no longer believes in news;

Newt Gingrich no longer believes in the Republican Party;

John Glenn no longer believes in flying;

The Wall Street Journal no longer believes in free enterprise;
and Dave Letterman no longer believes in laughter.

Possibly the most astounding part of the flurry of denials is the position they take on keeping their job. To a person they deny that their repudiation of the post to which they have been called should have any impact on keeping that position.Should anyone disagree the traitors shall sue for discrimination and hate crimes.

Predictably, some narrow minded, rigid thinking people reacted strongly to these statements and some of the boards took immediate action to fire the people who were bold enough to speak their minds.

Thanks to Rev. Phipps, the whole world has gone bloomin mad.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Tony & Tacky
From the Wall Street Journal

Friday, May 28, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT
FROM DRUG LORD TO THE LORD: Jorge Valdes, who at one time headed the U.S. operations for the Medellin Colombian drug cartel, found Jesus and now runs the Coming Clean Ministries outside Atlanta.

As different as his life is now, says Minnesota's Pioneer Press, Mr. Valdez finds running a drug ring and a Christian ministry remarkably similar. "You need leadership skills and organizational skills and you also need a focus, a mission statement that is clear and which everyone works toward," he told the paper. "You also have to be loyal and you have to have faith in what you are doing."


Leadership is leadership wherever we go. Gary


SADDAM THE BAPTIST: An editor for the satirical (THO) e-mails us to say that when they carried a dispatch reporting Saddam's conversion to the Southern Baptist fold after his capture, they began hearing from folks in the Middle East who apparently lost the satire in the translation. Their original "scoop" ends with this sentence:

"U.S. defense officials would not comment on the validity of the conversion story, but a senior Pentagon official did confirm to THO that Hussein has been wearing a t-shirt that says 'My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter' while in custody."


This is a warning to Christians who may also believe every rumor they hear.

A Big Question

I recently was asked to respond to this letter from a pastor.

Dear _________,

I have a tough question. What do I tell woman who was severely abused as a child when she asks where God was when she was being hurt?

I want to tell her that in the same way God was with Christ he was with her. However, it may be cold comfort to her to hear such theology.


A Puzzled Pastor

Yes, good answers are too often "cold comfort" just as you say.

Dealing with ongoing abuse is very challenging. There are many instances when a Seeker's question does not require an answer. The theological "answer" to such horrible abuse would require a volume of theological discussions by many wise and biblically literate folk.Even then there would be disagreements.

However, when an abuse victim asks me where God was she doesn't want, need or require deep theology but deep listening. We do not even know how to pray as we ought and the Holy Spirit intercedes and responds to us with groans too deep for human understanding. (RO 8:26) Are you amazed that St Paul admitted even he did not know how to pray? If he was often confused and had to depend upoon the guidance of the Holy Spirit just imagine how confused we non-saints are about what to say.

Confronting the evil of abuse will often leave us silent and unable to utter anything except a cry of pain and tears for "We weep with those who weep".


There are three kinds of prayers and personal ministry for hurting persons.

1. Seeking Prayers that admit our lack of understanding and our need for God's direction even how and what to pray. Second, it means that we are co-workers with the Spirit. We are not in charge of the ministry process. We collaborate with the Holy Spirit.

Usually a question is not a direct question but an implied question. For example, in this case I wonder if the women is asking something deeper than, "Where was God?" Perhaps she is asking, "Can I trust God now?" and "Can I trust you guys who claim to speak for God?" So, at this point I would be loath to offer any definitive theological answer. (First of all, we do not know the answer. Second, she will not accept it.Third, she will probably interrupt and say, "Yes, but...")

Many times a Seeker's question requires us to admit we do not know what to say but we will pray for wisdom and asked her to explain what she is concerned about. Listen, listen, listen for out of the overflow of the mouth the heart speaks. (Luke 6:36 ff) (Get my books Listening for Heaven's Sake and Hope and Change for
Humpty Dumpty)


2. Speaking Prayer includes what we say to God. After getting direction we can speak about what He said but not more than that. Many times people ask me to pray for things that I will not agree to say. Will you pray for my cancer? I answer, "I will seek God's direction and then speak to Him about what I heard."

May years ago a women asked for prayer for her colon cancer. My partner,Marie Martin, as usual, prayed a Seeking Prayer first and had discernment that there was conflict with her husband. After some probing the lady cursed him and admitted unforgiveness, bitterness and hatred. Then we knew how to pray for her and could Speak to God with intelligence.

3. Soaking Prayers are required for chronic or very difficult situations. They include both Seeking and Speaking in an ongoing dialogue with God. The abused lady in question seems to need this kind of ministry. It may take teams many hours for many weeks.


Finally, it makes no difference in pastoral ministry what we believe or what we say if it is not in accord with the Spirit's leading for that specific time and that place and that person. As a former basketball coach I learned that the best practices always prepared my team for the unpredictable events that occur on the floor. And they always did occur. So, I taught the basics of passing, defense, shooting and endurance because that is what the players need to do to win.

Personal ministry is like war or sports. The actual battles have structure and follow principles but no predictability. I hate to hear Monday morning quarterbacks say what a coach should have done when most of them have never, ever played sports or fought wars. Intuitively doing what is best in a game requires many hours of practice in cold, lonely gyms.


Follow good principles of deep heart listening to the Spirit and to the Seeker.
Be slow to speak and quick to listen.
Do not sing happy songs to a heavy heart
Do not offer pearls of wisdom to people in pain.

Ask the Seeker what has been most helpful to her.
Ask her when God was present.
Ask her what happened.
Ask her what God said to her.
Ask if her question has already been answered.

In most cases God has already spoken and told her the answers and she wants to tell you what He said. (I have a chapter on this in Humpty)

Our faith is worthless if we refuse to conform to its insights about God's directives not ours. I believe that God has called me to be a warrior to cast down strongholds in His Name. His Kingdom is evident whenever we defeat sin, Satan and psychopathology. This is not a mechanical thing that I automatically do as a result of my superior head knowledge but of my knowing Him experientially in the midst of ministry. (I do NOT know how to pray as I ought!)

Do not rejoice that the spirits are subject to you but that you name is written in the book of life. (Luke 10:26)

Know WHO you are and solid ministry will surely follow.
Do not be concerned about WHAT to do or say. God can lead you.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Is This An Apology?

Confession is good for the soul but bad for the reputation.

In 1971, John Kerry, a representative of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, had this to say during testimony before a Senate committee:

I did take part in free-fire zones, I did take part in harassment and interdiction fire, I did take part in search-and-destroy missions in which the houses of noncombatants were burned to the ground. And all of these acts, I find out later on, are contrary to the Hague and Geneva conventions and to the laws of warfare. So in that sense, anybody who took part in those, if you carry out the application of the Nuremberg Principles, is in fact guilty.

How should one handle true moral guilt about war crimes?

Was it right for President Bush to apologize for the prison scandal even though he was not personally involved?
Has the Roman Catholic Church given Mr Kerry absolution for his crimes against humanity?

Has he in fact confessed at all?

Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so you can be healed. James 5:16

Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the kings horses
All the kings men
Couldn't put Humpty together again

What a hopeless and powerless rhyme. That "Hope springs eternal" is one of my core values. After over thirty years of involvement in a ministry of healing, counseling and prevention I wrote a book with Steve Griebling that summarizes the principles and values of putting Humpty back together again.

Depression, angst, hopelessness and family conflicts are on the rise. Despite unimaginable wealth, ease and material comfort Americans are falling apart. Only with hope mixed with faith and love will bring us wholeness.

It covers the advanced skills of Apples I and Apples II plus a lot more on influence, change and good questions to ask.

You can order Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty from me for half off or from the publisher at and click bookstore and Sweeten for the author. It is available in electronic or paper.

The New Humpty Rhyme

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
It's not the king's horses
And not the king's men
But God who can put Humpty together again

Humpty Dumpty lay next to the wall
Humpty Dumpty bemoaned his great fall
With warmth and concern, respect
And, yes, love; the King's men brought Humpty
To their Ruler above

By Linda Crank and Mrs Lee


Gary Sweeten
Purpose and Meaning

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. H.U. Westermayer

Why do people under great stress and loss still have an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness? Answer: They still have faith, hope and love.

Faith in God's provident call for our lives
Hope that He will make all things right in the end
Love that springs from a heart for God and intimacy with His creatures

More importantly, what happens to the people who maintain faith, hope and love in the face of cruel conditions and great disappointment? The behave like Pilgrims and carve a blessed nation out of hard soil and hard winters.

A pilgrim people know they are on a journey or pilgrimage and will continually meets its challenges for it is bigger than creature comforts or life itself. Their purpose in life does not stop with this life.

America is not the greatest social and political experiment in all history because we had the smartest, wealthiest or best educated people. Many of our pioneers were mentally, emotionally and morally challenged when they came here. However, the vision of God's providence seems to have inspired greatness and drew out the best in human kind.

Another question: What happens when a nation loses its sense of destiny and call and adopts a self-centered, individualistic mentality of pessimism and crass materialism? Ask Rome.

Attitudes are critically important to our national health. Americans have always been populated by a "can do" spirit. At the 60th anniversary of D-Day we are hearing many stories about the positive attitudes of the young men and women who went to war against tyranny in Europe and Asia. None of them wanted to fight but most of them were optimistic about the outcome.

Former generations had a lot of adversity and it make them stronger. The pioneers were not saints but they knew to "Count it all joy when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." (James 1:2-3)

When life was tough they gave. A grandson of William Winemiller, a pioneer from my part of Illinois, said "My grandpa Will didn't have much during the Depression but every day he went looking for hobos to invite home because he believed everyone should get a good meal." Economic disaster was an excuse for serving others not for self-pity.

People born before World War I rarely suffered from bouts with depression yet modern generations have that terrible malady at least 20 times as much. One must ask why when our standard of living is at least 20 times as nice as our grandparents and parents.

Do you have an answer?

Give me your ideas.

(Ps One friend suggests it is ADD)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Soaking Prayers

The first person I ever heard talk about Soaking people and issues in ongoing prayer was Francis MacNutt, the former Roman Catholic who left the priesthood to marry a Bible teacher. He and wife Judy have a powerful ministry and healing center in Jacksonville, Florida.

When I was a boy my mother prepared beans for soup by first soaking them in water for at least 12 hours. This softened them up and got them ready for the cooking.

Healing people with severe problems such as cancer, mental illness, chronic diseases, etc can be thought of in like manner. The need something more than a simple "arrow prayer" where we say a few good words of intercession and let the matter drop.

One of Frank's unique approaches in Soaking Prayer was praying for awhile and then stopping to ask if the Seeker saw or felt any changes in the target problem. He prayed for a person for a few minutes and then pause to discuss what was happening. Many time people report a sensation of heat, relief from pain or a physical change in the arthritis hand or a break in depression. Sometimes they report little or nothing.

In a former blog I mentioned the WATCH process of Symhonic Prayer. By following this approach we focus on the agenda of the Holy Spirit rather than our agenda.

When we Welcome and Attend to the Holy Spirit by worship, praise, thanksgiving and becoming one with God we are more open to the agenda He has in mind.

Talking/Telling God and one another allows us to announce the agenda we think in on the mind of the Lord and all be in union when we Call on Him for answers, healing, direction, etc.

Finally we Hear Him and follow what he lays out making the WATCH a circular process of discussion with God and the people, including those who are Seeking a healing touch. I have been in groups that Soaked a sick or distressed person for an hour or more. Francis' healing center has special prayer teams that can pray for several hours each day for many days. Their web is


I confess that I do not like "scatter shot prayer meetings" at which each and every person prays, talks, sermonizes or lectures God about his/her particular concerns and personal views. I prefer prayer meetings that follow God's lead and when people stay focused on a very few items.

When I teach Cell Groups about prayer I normally ask them to practice the WATCH process and write down whatever ideas come into their minds. At the end I go around the circle and ask each and every member what their thoughts were. About 80-90% of the participants share some insight or idea. At the end there is almost always a theme or common thrust with some scriptural verse, song, call to action or focus. This is a tremendous faith builder.

Once we had the same idea about helping a young couple fix up their new house. We agreed to go and clean, fix, repair and paint with them instead of attending a conference. It was a joyous event that all of us still remember.

Try it. Be bold. Ask God for how to pray. We certainly do NOT know how unless He shows us.


Last week I asked for nominations of badly wrought prayers. I am still asking.


Soaking Prayer

Walking with 50,000 or so who are Seeking God's direction and then Speaking to Him about the needs of a city while all together Soaking that city with blessings,peace, healing and God's presence is a wonderful experience. It was, in fact, one of the highlights of my memories from almost ten years ministry in Singapore.


I am in need of some Soaking prayers myself. Many of you know I was struck with severe angina (heart pain) five years ago on a trip to Singapore. After flying about three hours with ten more to go before I landed in Japan the pain was so intense I spoke with the flight attendant who got a doctor and gave me emergency treatment.

After returning home I saw Dr Kereiakes who did a quick angioplasty to place a stent in my artery. Since that time I have been taking lots of medicines and trying to change my diet.

Two weeks ago I had an annual nuclear exam and it was a little aberrant so we set up an appointment to do another angiogram yesterday, Monday May 24. However, my body did not agree and at 4:00 AM Saturday morning I went to the bathroom and discovered I was bleeding profusely from internal sources. Karen took me to the hospital where I spent three days while discovering that I have diverticulosis, a condition in which there is bleeding of the wall of the colon.

The physicians and nurses as well as the techs and staff were great and I am better after two units of blood and a colonoscopy.

So, I have been out of order for a few days and unable to write. I greatly need your continued Soaking in the grace, love and power of the Lord.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Prayer, Prayer and More Prayer

It's happening all over the world. We can hear them; we can see them; we can feel the ground shake as they march, kneel, dance, walk and jump for joy. What is it anyway? Prayer.

A few years ago I walked with over 50,000 men, women and children as we wound our ways through Singapore in a silent prayer walk. The government allowed us to walk but not to talk; sing: shout or make any noise.

I see three main types of prayers.

1. Seeking Prayers focus on hearing from God.
2. Speaking Prayers focus on talking to God and comes after we have sought and heard God speak.
3. Soaking Prayers focus on intensive intercession for a person, a situation or issue that is in a crisis. It follows hearing God as to what He wants us to do.

Seeking Prayers

We do not know how to pray as we ought but the Holy Spirit will pray through us according to the will of God.(RO 8:26-27)Seeking Prayer is the normal first step in warfare.

The WATCH acrostic guides us as we Seek Him.

Welcome the Lord to our midst
Ask God how to pray and what to put on our prayer agenda.
Tell each other what the Spirit is saying to pray about
Confess, repent and Call out to God
Hear God's voice.

The purpose is to follow the Spirit's leading as we pray. We do not set the agenda, take prayer requests or assume we know what God wants us to do or say.

The process can include Bible reading, visions, words from the Spirit, discussions, etc. In all things keep the focus on hearing and following the lord's will.

Prayer: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.
Anne Bradstreet

I have been a believing Christian since 1948. That makes 56 years of attending church, prayer meetings and so forth. I must be nearing a record in pew sitting. In fact, my parents took me to church, Sunday school, Wednesday night services and revivals since birth.

This means that I have seen a lot of attempts to get God to help us through prayer. Some attempts have been beautiful and some much less than that.

In 1983 I visited a residential college at Oxford, England and attended Anglican services with students from the house. The leader was Lesslie Newbigin, a famous retired missionary whose classical English made the beautiful Shakespearian liturgy a wonder to behold. The Eucharist (Holy Communion)filled me with awe of God and of His word.

There are, however, some prayers that leave us with more stress than peace. Some preachers equate beauty and planning with a lack of passion and adopt the belief that "Anything is good enough for God".

Some prayers have been written during duress or pain and drag us deeper into pessimism rather than lighten our load.

I have a proposal. Send me your nominations for "The Worst Prayers Ever". I will report them to readers as a way to avoid bad prose. I will put the offending intercessions on this blog for all the world to see.

I will some day entertain nominations for the best prayers but not yet. I have several great prayers in my files but I want to hear the bad ones first so we can experience winter before we enjoy spring.

David sometimes prayed some that evil would befall bad people when he was angry about his enemies. Jesus straightened us out on that score by saying we need to "Bless those who curse us and pray for those who despitefully use us". Jesus thought it was time to stop all that "Eye for an eye" thinking.


What is a bad prayer?

He is not only dull in himself, but the cause of dullness in others. Samuel Foote, from the Cathedral of Lubeck, Germany

It violates faith, hope and love.
It drains rather than builds.

Proper Prayers for Power

Mt 18:15 If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens, you have won your brother over.

16 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'

17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

18 I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

19 Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Jesus tells us how to pray. The key to binding evil and loosing good on the earth is proper prayer that arise when we have proper relationships that have been reconciled in the family of God.

Verse 19 notes that this will produce agreement and what ever we agree on will be done by our Father in heaven. The term used here is symphony. Anyone who has listened to a concert by untrained musicians knows what dis-agreement is for we have all heard the discord.

A symphony is different for the music is beautiful, powerful and unifying. Symphony occurs when all the musicians are flowing under the direction of the Master Conductor. If the violinist is mad at the trumpet player there will be discord not symphonic harmony.

Symphonic prayers allow us to bind evil and let good things loose. So, God's Kingdom comes whenever we destroy evil and replace it with God's good rule. Unified prayer is essential to building His Kingdom.

Simply getting together for prayer is not enough. Discordant music will not please listeners nor will discordant prayer please God. The power of prayer is directly related to our unity /symphony. It may be dangerous to meet for prayer without symphony and the larger the group the more difficult the symphony.

So, meeting in His Name indicates spiritual symphony so asking in always results in success because we have the Father's heart.

20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

The Playboy Anniversary

We have grown used to a godless universe, but we are not yet accustomed to one in which loveless as well. Only when we have become so shall we realize what atheism really means. Joseph Wood Crutch

Now I realize that nobody reads Playboy to look at the pictures of air brushed beauty. Everyone I know reads it for the quality of the prose.

This afternoon I was skimming the TV and saw that Heff and the bunnies were celebrating 50 years of high quality edu-tainment. Yep, that is correct, I said edu-tainment not entertainment.

Heff has always fancied himself as a philosopher. He wrote "The Playboy Philosophy" and I have to admit he has had a tremendous influence on our life. All we have to do is look at the photos from the prison in Iraq and we can see Heff's fingerprints all over them.

He has successfully transformed regular soldiers into smirking, posing, leering adolescents who are so proud of their sexually abusive acts that they gleefully took hundreds of digital photos and passed them all around the internet. This is not to say that soldiers in past wars did not abuse prisoners. They did difference is in the approach.

Never before have we had both men and women involved this much on the battlefield.

Never before have we had abusers so proudly display their activities.

Never before have we had the Playboy Philosophy.

Never before have we had the internet.

These folk were not hiding but auditioning for the centerfold.

They were not ashamed, they were ecstatic to show off. This was a chance for fame not shame!

This was sort of a Playboy/Hustler American Idol. Now they will all be voted off the stage from their 15 minutes of fame.

Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow. Yiddish Proverb

Friday, May 14, 2004

What Else Can We Expect?

Will Rogers returned from France and was asked how he found it. "Those are the smartest people I ever saw. Even the littlest children can speak a foreign language-French."

Why are liberal pols and liberal media shocked at the sexual abuses of prisoners in Iraq? Hugh Heffner is regularly portrayed holding two or three women with a dog collar around each of their throats. Yet, I have never seen or heard anyone other than a conservative raise a concern. Yet, when the young men and women in Iraq dare to follow tan American role model they are severely attacked.

The last president of the USA abused his young office intern, a crime that I would be serving time for. He was supported by almost all the liberal media and liberal politicians. The MP's in Iraq were simply following the model of Bill Clinton. He was smart enough not to take pictures.

Even more surprising, they are now expressing shock that many American soldiers have been engaging in sex "without benefit of clergy" while in the service. Can you think of any time any mainstream media editorial has spoken out against unmarried sexual actitivies?


I will leave you as I greeted you with a quote by a wise man on what we can expect from our social pressure.

Boxing promoter Dan Duva on Mike Tyson going to prison: "Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter? He went to prison for three years, not Princeton."

If our entire society is saturated with sex, abuse, pornography and infidelity what should we expect from our soldiers?

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Why Do They Hate Us?

It was on September 11, 1683 that the conquering armies of Islam were met, held, and thrown back at the gates of Vienna. To bin Laden, the Christian west had defeated, shamed and dishonored the Muslims. This the fanatics cannot forget.

I do not know a single person, Christian or atheist who knows the importance of this date. I suppose we studied it in school but I never, ever remember discussing it.

Fanatics are always obsessed with such things and more reasonable people try to find a reasonable answer when there is none. I was once engaged in a long argument with a staff member with Borderline Personality Disorder. He did everything to destroy me and acted like a terrorist by locking my computer, lying to my staff and friends, and making life miserable.

I kept trying to understand his rationale for I thought reason would prevail and he would see the light. In this way I became as irrational as he. Finally, two colleagues helped me see that we cannot bring reason into an irrational situation.

The Muslim fanatics are irrational terrorists who suffer from Narcissistic Borderline and Paranoid Psychopathology. They cannot and will not see the truth. They are like the Mafia and cannot be expected to be reasonable.

Stalin was Paranoid. He killed at least 20 million of his own countrymen. He had thousands of his troops killed in the middle of battles with Hitler just ot show everyone he meant business.

He bombed the storehouses in Leningrad (St Petersburgh) so the people being attacked by Hitler would starve to death.

Why? he hated St Petersburg.

Bin Laden says that America compromised Muslim honor. This is the point Bin Ladin wants to make, and we had better hear him if we?re to understand extreme Muslims.

Honor is more to be sought, and disgrace more to be avoided, than all the jewels in a king?s crown. If there were no Israel and no America, the honor/shame axis would still control the thoughts and actions of Easterners, just as gaining wealth largely controls thoughts and actions of people in the West.

For Muslims, the main defense against personal shame is blaming others. Instead of examining themselves, Muslims have learned to point outside themselves for the source of their problems. Even the papers and web sites of our friends blame the United States. We should never let that bother us for it shows their psychology not our fault. (Even when we are at fault.)They cannot admit responsibility or shame will be the result.

The Kurds have a proverb, ?No man admits his yogurt is sour."

The Turks have this saying: ?Even if guilt were made of silk, no one would wear it.?

No confession of sins is possible in a system where every one works full-time to avoid taking responsibility for the bad things in their lives. The only solution, then, is
to blame others for your problems. (Blincoe)

Ernst Renan, the father of comparative religious studies, called Islam ?the heaviest chains which have ever shackled humanity.?

We cannot reason with people with Psychopathological Personality Disorders. Their deep seated shame rejects all reason. This is another reason why President Bush should have never apologized to the Muslims.


Henri Matisse's Le Bateau hung in New York's Museum of Modern Art for 47 days in 1961 before someone realized it was upside down. About 116,000 people had passed in front of the painting before the error was noticed.

The whole Muslim world is upside down to us.How long will it take before we see it?

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Dreams and Night Terrors

I had a dream last night and woke up in a night terror.
In the dream I was reading a New York Times news story about famous American's response to the prison scandal.

Most of the interviewees were shocked, horrified and stunned by the things they saw.

First to respond was an angry and distressed billionaire, entrepreneur, educator, author and environmentalist, Hugh Heffner.

The Times: Well, Heff, I assume you have seen those terrible photographs.

Heff: (In a bright red silk robe.) Yes, and I must say I was overcome with anger and remorse that my country has been so
shamed by the repugnant behavior of these men and women. It brings disgrace on all Americans.

The Times: What was the most shocking to you, as an educator, author, father and opinion leader, Heff?

Heff: I had to wonder where on earth our young men and women are learning such filth and degradation. What are our schools doing?

The Times: Yes, it is repulsive and one can only feel that our nation has lost its moorings.

Heff: The thing that was most disturbing were the images of that little girl viciously controlling an innocent Iraqi man by using a dog collar.
This can only indicate that Don Rumsfeld has failed to adequately prepare those MPs to do their jobs.He has to go.

The Times: Heff, don't you really think Bush has to go and the USA has to go out of Iraq forever?

Heff: Absolutely. I am usually a straight shooter but this time they have gone too far. I am shocked, shocked that the US Army
allows such depraved behavior in its ranks.

The next interviewee was a famous musician, artist and world-class thinker, Janet Jackson.

The Times: Ms Jackson, how do you respond to the despicable portrayal of those naked men in Iraq?

Ms Jackson: I was shocked but not surprised to see all those brown bodies being exploited by those white men and women.

The Times: What was the worst thing in the pictures?

Ms Jackson: The fact that they would undress the detainees was overwhelming. We all know that naked bodies offend Muslims but those wicked Americans did it anyway and then made the photos available all over the world to shame them even more. I just hope the racist Bush will get beat by John Kerry so we can end these attacks against people of color.

Just as my eyes fell on an interview with Howard Stern's diatribe against John Ashcroft and George Bush for promoting filth and disgusting images among the sensitive Muslims I woke up with a scream. The night terrors had saved me from more image abuse and I took two Ambien and went back to sleep.

From now on I will pray before I go to bed.
Why was September 11 chosen as the date to attack the USA?
Gary Sweeten

Christopher Hitchens has looked into the date chosen by Muslim fanatics as the best time to destroy the US economy and political leadership. In an article for The Guardian, a British newspaper, he says this.

I now think I can provide a more persuasive explanation, however. It was on September 11 1683 that the conquering armies of Islam were met, held, and thrown back at the gates of Vienna.

Now this, of course, is not a date that has only obscure or sectarian significance. It can rightly, if tritely, be called a hinge-event in human history. The Ottoman empire never recovered from the defeat; from then on it was more likely that Christian or western powers would dominate the Muslim world than the other way around.

In our culture, the episode is often forgotten or downplayed, except by Catholic propagandists like Hilaire Belloc and GK Chesterton. But in the Islamic world, and especially among the extremists, it is remembered as a humiliation in itself and a prelude to later ones. (The forces of the Islamic Jihad in Gaza once published a statement saying that they could not be satisfied until all of Spanish Andalusia had been restored to the faithful as well.)


We cannot imagine how anyone would declare war on a nation and an entire people based upon an event that happened 318 years ago. In 1683 there was no United States of America. So, why attack the USA?

That is easy to answer. The fanatics consider of us all to be Christian Crusaders.Despite arguments to the contrary by the ACLU and many liberal-socialists in America, the Muslims think we are a Christian nation. They know our history better than we.

This is a clash of civilizations. Not because we want it to be but because the fanatics can think of little else. They are not fundamentalists. A fundamentalist is one who strongly holds to the fundamentals of the faith. These fanatics defy many Islamic tenets and change others to meet their personal convictions.

So, why do they hate us? Because they cannot stand to think that 1)Christians went on the Crusades to liberate Palestine from the Muslims during the 11th and 12 centuries; 2) Christians defeated the Ottoman Turks at Vienna on September 11, 1683 and 3) Christian nations placed infidel Christian troops on holy Saudi soil in 1991 to defile, shame and defeat Islam.

Which of these can we change in order to gain forgiveness from bin Laden and his gangs of fanatics?

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Shame or Guilt; Which Concept Guides Us?
©Gary Sweeten

Not long ago I read an article by Bob Blincoe about Islam's concept of honor and shame. It is a simple but powerful insight into the clash of civilizations and the war on terror.

Legal concepts based on guilt and punishment or redemption through forgiveness is the basis of Jewish and Christian cultures. America is a nation that has been founded on scripture and its traditional understanding by Jews and Christians. Justice and Guilt that require forgiveness and repentance is not the basis of Islamic law and culture.

Islamic culture operates on Shame and Honor; defilement and cleansing. As David Pryce-Jones says in The Closed Circle:

Honor is what makes life worthwhile; shame a living death, not to be endured, requiring that it be avenged. What otherwise seems self-destructive in Arab society is explained by the anxiety to be honored and respected at all costs, and by whatever means (p. 35).

The word sharif (honor) is a common name for males throughout the Muslim world. The word for shame ayb is a dirty garment to be cast off by every effort.

To remain in shame is worse than death. Only when we understand this fact will we begin to see why some Muslims hate us.

Recently a Muslim man killed his teenage daughter because she had been raped. This is completely unthinkable to westerners steeped in Christian ideas. However, in Islam, honor killing is common and accepted.

Women must acquire and maintain honor for the whole family; otherwise, they bring disgrace, which only their deaths may erase. In some cultures a shamed person will kill himself. In some Muslim societies, one who is disgraced must kill the shamed one. Thus, fathers kill daughters who were raped because the family was defiled. She is not punished due to her guilt but removed because she is unclean and heuncleannessss has defiled the entire family.

Osama bin Laden and radical fundamentalist Muslims are attacking us as "Honor Killings".

This is the only way their honor can be restored. By the way. Do you know why September 11 was chosen as the date to kill Americans? Think about it.

More tomorrow.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Gloom and Doom?

Too often we lose sight of the good things happening in the world. Rich Femia just returned from Romania where he saw many advances in human and spiritual life. Jackie, a missionary, is accomplishing much. She bought seven acres and told the people they can farm it and eat the food if they work. No work, no food.

This is exactly what is needed in those countries. Small steps forward in work, family life and church life.

Read how Philip Yancey views the world.

Yancey mentions big ministries and that is good. However, I see many individual churches overseas that are making great contributions to the daily lives of hurting people. Every airplane is filled with retirees, short-term missionaries and volunteers who go to Russia, Romania, Asia etc to feed, build, fix up, paint, offer medicine, farm, etc. Ordinary people give millions of dollars annually to thousands of people.

Like Johnny Appleseed, these humble men and women are changing the world one person, one church and one village at a time.


The things that make good headlines attract our attention because they are on the surface of the stream of life, and they distract our attention from the slower, impalpable, imponderable movements that work below the surface and penetrate to the depths.

But of course it is really these deeper, slower movements that, in the end, make history, and it is they that stand out huge in retrospect, when the sensational passing events have dwindled, in perspective, to their true proportions.

Arnold Toynbee

Media Induced Madness

I often wonder why Americans are so obsessed with rumors, myths and irrational explanations. The current hysteria about prisoners of war is an example of media induced madness.

Of course it is not a good idea to humiliate and punish prisoners of war. That goes without saying. However, the worldwide distribution of the photographs has caused most of the harm.

The charge is this:Humiliation and abuse is caused by making the men stripped naked in front of American GI's. The total number of persons who saw them undressed was ten to fifty persons. It was a private affair.

Because photos were illegally released by the press millions have seen the men without clothing. The media claim, of course, that "It is our duty to show these things so we broke the cover-up." The media induced shame in those men.

This is not true. The military was investigating the activities and the press have made the investigation much harder. A criminal case cannot be fairly made if media are involved.

Make no mistake. Media will sacrifice justice, honor or the future of Iraq to get a good story. CBS will sacrifice democracy to be the first on the block to show the men naked.

This is like the outlets that showed Janet Jackson's breast over and over again. They did it "only to serve the public's right to know". I am cynical about the media.

A few years ago I was involved in a situation where a little boy was sick with cancer. The media invaded the family's privacy, attempted to find out confidential information and generally acted like rats after a piece of meat.

Freedom of the press in America too often means freedom to crucify to sell my story. The Iraqi prisoners are humiliated a thousand times more intensively by running these stories and photos about how humiliated they were.

Now, when anyone protests their pure hypocrisy, the answer is, "The military would still be covering up if it were not for us. We are the heroes here. We are the saviors."

A lie. The military did not cover up. They were investigating the story in a clear manner. But American media and politicians demand a scapegoat. Hang em high is the motto of the media.


We know the New York Times, USA Today and others regularly lie to us. CNN proudly admitted they covered up stories of Sadaam's abuse to curry favor with him. The media is more of a problem than the story in this case.

But, it will sell media time. Oh, it may get a lot of Americans killed but we can't worry about that. Freedom of press you know.

Gary Sweeten

Friday, May 07, 2004

Leadership: Paying the Price

I have always liked Don Rumsfeld. He is a lot like the family I grew up in. There are only two people in the world I feared to debate and both were Sweeten men who sat at my dinner table each evening.

My dad loved to argue and almost every night he practiced the biblical admonition that "Iron sharpens iron" by throwing out a topic and challenging us to chew on it.

Older brother Maury learned from dad and he had a three year head start sharpening his sword. By age ten I had learned that all white collar managers were crooks and swindler who worked for criminal companies and treated the wonderful union workers like scum.

I also learned that all union members went to heaven and hell was reserved for those who fought the union. I did not really learn these things well until after I was nine. It was then that I crossed a picket line at the Illinois Brokerage, a shop that sold cheap clothes to poor people like us.

By the time I arrived home from the city Dad already knew of my mortal sin. He was so mad that I didn't know if he would have a heart attack and kill himself or a rage attack and kill me first. Although neither of us died that day I tried never again to cross a picket line. I had a panic attack at age 35 while riding with a friend who drove past some pickets at an Ohio park. I hardly slept all night worrying that somehow the union might call dad and tell him I had done it again.


Rummy seems a lot like Dad. If he told me not to cross a picket line or embarrass the USA by making prisoners take off their clothes I would make sure I did exactly what he said.

It appears that some Democrats want rummy's head on a platter because a few GI's violated Iraqi prisoners' rights. I'll bet they can't sleep well right now.

The Congress took Rummy on today on TV in front of the whole world. They say it is because we need to show the Muslims we are open. With this kind of openness they will never, ever want democracy. Arabs keep their leaders up on a pedestal while our pedestal is a gallows.

If you want to be a leader you had better be prepared to take some licks. One young Representative who is about a third Rummy's age demanded his resignation. That is like my demanding dad's resignation as head of the house.

Leadership is difficult. It requires a thick skin and a passion to serve. Read my posting from yesterday. Leaders cannot survive if they require a lot of affirmation.

W. A. Criswell on Leadership

Dr. Criswell was the pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas from 1944 to 1991. The church grew to twenty-four thousand people.

He once told this story: The population of this country is 200 million. Eighty-four million are over 65 years of age, which leaves 116 million to do the work. People under 20 years of age total 75 million, which leaves 41 million to do the work.

There are 22 million who are employed in government, which leaves 19 million to do the work. Four million are in the Armed Forces, which leaves 15 million to do the work. Deduct 14,800,000, the number of state and city employees, leaving 200,000 to do the work. There are 188,000 in the hospitals and insane asylums, so that leaves 12,000 to do the work.

Now it may interest you to know there are 11,998 people in jail, so that leaves just 2 people to carry the load. That's you and me - and, brother, I'm getting tired of doing everything myself.

I wonder if Rumsfeld is feeling this way tonight.

Gary Sweeten

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Pray for Leaders Everywhere

One of the top officials of a European government has gotten into hot water because he is trying to prevent abuse of children. He is doing what we all wish the troops in Iraq had done to protect prisoners.

I am not allowed to mention the man's name or even the country but he did say I can tell a bit about his story and he asked for our prayers.

After a good bit of discussion, thought and prayers the guy decided that abortion, although legal, should not be promoted or encouraged by his government. That seems reasonable. It is a position that even the pro-abortion camp says they hold.

But when my friend began to discuss this approach and his resistance to using aborted babies as a source of stem cell research, a strange thing happened. Members of the opposing political party welcomed his ideas as fresh and insightful even if they did not agree. However, some other people were enraged and started a vicious series of attacks.

it seems that a newspaper or two thought these ideas proved that our man has no compassion or sympathy for people in trouble. It was, to them, a clear case of good versus evil; black versus white; Grinch versus Christmas.

The strength and personal nature of the attacks have taken their toll and our friend is stressed to the maximum.

He is amazed that the media would hate him for trying to protect the innocent. America is being attacked because our soldiers shame the guilty. It is a strange world.

Here is what we can do. Pray for him. Pray for protection for his family and for his mental health. Pray for peace.

Pray for Dan.

Although this is not his name God will know who you mean.

The Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument
of Thy peace.

Where there is hatred
Let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may seek

Not so much to be consoled,
As to console;

To be understood,
As to understand;

To be loved,
As to love:

For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Positive Sermons

Today is Cinco de Mayo, the 5th of May, and Mexico's birthday as well as my own. Mine came in 1938.

Like most people I have sought fortune and fame by working hard, getting lots of education and trying to think clearly so I could be in control. It did not work so well.

An old Rabbi was overheard discussing his life.

As a young Rabbi I wanted to save the world.
As a middle aged Rabbi I wanted to save my nation.
As a mature Rabbi I wanted to save my city.
As an old Rabbi I wanted to save my family.
Now I want to save myself.

As a young man I also wanted to save the world. I no longer have that desire but neither do I wish to save myself for that is even more difficult than saving a nation or city.

I was brought to faith in Christ 56 years ago as a boy of ten. For a long time I said "I found Christ" but now I know He found me. I wasn't even looking. He saved me. I am not in the saving business but He is.

As an old man it makes sense to love God and love my neighbors, including my grandkids. Last night I was invited to hear President Bush. It would be an honor and thrill to personally see a sitting President. However, there was a person of more importance than even Mr Bush.

Jacob, our nine-year old grandson, was playing the recorder and singing in the spring school musical. Wow! No way I could pass that up.

It was a terrific evening. Jacob was in great voice and the recorder never sounded better. There are only about 20 kids in the whole school and they were excited to be involved. It was far better than "American Idol".

Lily, age two, clapped along with the music and actually shared a pretzel with me. This is what life is all about. I have learned contentment.


I'd rather see a sermon
Than hear one any day
I'd rather once you'd walk with me
Than merely show the way
The eyes a better pupil
And more willing than the ear
Fine counsel is confusing
But examples are always clear
I soon can learn to do it
If you let me see it done
I can see your hands in action
But your tongue too fast may run
And the lectures you deliver
May be fine and may be true
But I'd rather get my lesson
By observing what you do
For a person must understand you
And the high advice you give
But there's no misunderstanding
How you act and how you live

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

A Sensitive Conscience

The way some people treated prisoners in Iraq would be shocking if it were not happening in war time. Even now it is a sickening sight for us in America to see.

I like to think that Americans are always wise, pure, humble and sensitive. The truth is, we are not. Especially in war time. War is brutal, evil and terrible. Unfortunately it is also sometimes necessary.

Ghandi overthrew the Brits with peaceful means because they had a sensitive conscience and were embarrassed by hqaving to fight peaceful people.

The same tactics were used by Rev Martin Luther King to confront racism in America and he won becaue we have a Judao-Christian ideal about right and wrong.

Even when we violate that ideal we feel badly, and guilty when we are caught. The same approach did not work with Hitler, Stalin or Saddam because they have no spiritual ideals. They have a calllous conscience and simply killed those who tried to disagree.

Hamas, Al Queda, and the other Muslim murderers will not be overcome by peaceful means. They kill pregnant women and little children in cold blood. Yet, the TV stations and papers in the Middle East show no outrage. They have no sensitive conscience.

The fact that American politicians and media condemn even the rather mild "torture" of iraqi prisoners shows that our nation still has some vestiges of biblical values and that is a good thing. I am happy we are shocked by mistreatment but even more resolved to stop the terrorists who are not shocked when their own people slaughter innocents.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Monday, May 03, 2004

Pioneer resilience

A few months ago I rummaged through some old papers Mother left me in her estate. I am the family historian with nostalgia for the good old days. While reading a book on Whittington, Illinois by the Eighth-Grade Class of the Ewing school under the direction of Mr David Gross I was filled with appreciation for my ancestors and hope for the future. However, hope only if as Americans return to the thinking and purposes that made pioneers so remarkably resilient.

William (Will) Winemiller recalled his experiences growing up in southern Illinois. "I was born on a farm on March 7, 1850. During the Civil War many of our neighbors went to the south and several never returned. Sometimes it seemed that the weight of the whole world was on my shoulders for I was sent to the homes of men-folk who had gone to war, to cut and saw wood for fuel and to carry water from the springs, help make sorghum and do many other things in the pioneer homes.

"I went to school in a one-room log house with a latch string through the door. We sat on split-log benches, puncheon floors with open fireplaces to keep warm. Oiled paper over openings in the walls were our windows. My mother made the most wonderful quilts and sister wove beautiful coverlets, some of which are still in use in my house today. Sister was always busy and known as the smartest girl in the whole neighborhood.

"Talk of depression was never thought of. Few of us had any money nor was there much for which we could spend the little we had."

I am especially struck by the comments on depression. Pioneers like Mr Winemiller are important teachers for we experience depression at greater rates than any generation in history. Despite amazing economic and technological blessings our citizens are increasingly sad, depressed and hopeless. We live in more splendor than 99.9% of all the people in history and yet we feel worse than any group we know.

The pioneers experienced great adversity. They faced it, embraced it and replaced it charity. Mr Winemiller did his neighbors' chores when they went off to war. The stress of war and overwhelming responsibility were not overwhelming or disabling. They provided him challenges of a purpose greater than himself and they became opportunities of serving others.

Only a mission that is bigger than myself leads to joy. St James said "Count it all joy when you encounter trials and tribulations for the testing of your faith produces endurance..." The pioneers in southern Illinois were not saints but they knew this truth and took it beyond a theological insight. When life was tough those guys gave. One of Mr Winemiller's grandkids said, "My grandpa Will didn't have much during the Depression but every day he went looking for hobos to invite home because he believed everyone should get a good meal." Economic disaster was an excuse for serving others not for self-victimization.

So, be a Victor not a Victim!
The Buzz in Leadership

For the past few years there have been many books and articles written about what makes leaders and managers most effective. Daniel Goleman, James Collins and others have made millions telling us how to succeed in business and charity.

We have notoriously short attention spans in America so everything must be boiled don to its shortest essence. So, success is summarized as: EQ or Emotional Intelligence.


I was fortunate to stumble into this topic when I was searching for a dissertation topic in 1974. A friend told me about a guy who was teaching on what was then called, The Core Conditions of a Helping Relationship and he suggested that I attend. I did and discovered all the research about the best ways to influence and change people in counseling, friendship, management, leadership, pastoral care and sales.

Dan Goleman saw the same research almost 30 years later and wrote his best selling book about EQ. (I wish I had said what he said and sold the books he sold!)

Like most popular movements, important insights have to be made simple, fun and easy. However, learning to live by the skills and attitudes of EQ requires a lot of hard work and practice. I have been teaching EQ skills since 1974 to parents, pastors and professional therapists and the classes called Apples of Gold have touched over 200,000 persons on every continent.

My latest book, Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty, discusses these skills as well as how to use them at the right time in the right way to get the right results. (

If you want to be effective in relationships as a lover, parent, partner, pastor or professional EQ is the key. If you want to have healthy, successful, resilient kids, teach them EQ.