Sunday, May 16, 2004

The Playboy Anniversary

We have grown used to a godless universe, but we are not yet accustomed to one in which loveless as well. Only when we have become so shall we realize what atheism really means. Joseph Wood Crutch

Now I realize that nobody reads Playboy to look at the pictures of air brushed beauty. Everyone I know reads it for the quality of the prose.

This afternoon I was skimming the TV and saw that Heff and the bunnies were celebrating 50 years of high quality edu-tainment. Yep, that is correct, I said edu-tainment not entertainment.

Heff has always fancied himself as a philosopher. He wrote "The Playboy Philosophy" and I have to admit he has had a tremendous influence on our life. All we have to do is look at the photos from the prison in Iraq and we can see Heff's fingerprints all over them.

He has successfully transformed regular soldiers into smirking, posing, leering adolescents who are so proud of their sexually abusive acts that they gleefully took hundreds of digital photos and passed them all around the internet. This is not to say that soldiers in past wars did not abuse prisoners. They did difference is in the approach.

Never before have we had both men and women involved this much on the battlefield.

Never before have we had abusers so proudly display their activities.

Never before have we had the Playboy Philosophy.

Never before have we had the internet.

These folk were not hiding but auditioning for the centerfold.

They were not ashamed, they were ecstatic to show off. This was a chance for fame not shame!

This was sort of a Playboy/Hustler American Idol. Now they will all be voted off the stage from their 15 minutes of fame.

Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow. Yiddish Proverb

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