Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Positive Sermons

Today is Cinco de Mayo, the 5th of May, and Mexico's birthday as well as my own. Mine came in 1938.

Like most people I have sought fortune and fame by working hard, getting lots of education and trying to think clearly so I could be in control. It did not work so well.

An old Rabbi was overheard discussing his life.

As a young Rabbi I wanted to save the world.
As a middle aged Rabbi I wanted to save my nation.
As a mature Rabbi I wanted to save my city.
As an old Rabbi I wanted to save my family.
Now I want to save myself.

As a young man I also wanted to save the world. I no longer have that desire but neither do I wish to save myself for that is even more difficult than saving a nation or city.

I was brought to faith in Christ 56 years ago as a boy of ten. For a long time I said "I found Christ" but now I know He found me. I wasn't even looking. He saved me. I am not in the saving business but He is.

As an old man it makes sense to love God and love my neighbors, including my grandkids. Last night I was invited to hear President Bush. It would be an honor and thrill to personally see a sitting President. However, there was a person of more importance than even Mr Bush.

Jacob, our nine-year old grandson, was playing the recorder and singing in the spring school musical. Wow! No way I could pass that up.

It was a terrific evening. Jacob was in great voice and the recorder never sounded better. There are only about 20 kids in the whole school and they were excited to be involved. It was far better than "American Idol".

Lily, age two, clapped along with the music and actually shared a pretzel with me. This is what life is all about. I have learned contentment.


I'd rather see a sermon
Than hear one any day
I'd rather once you'd walk with me
Than merely show the way
The eyes a better pupil
And more willing than the ear
Fine counsel is confusing
But examples are always clear
I soon can learn to do it
If you let me see it done
I can see your hands in action
But your tongue too fast may run
And the lectures you deliver
May be fine and may be true
But I'd rather get my lesson
By observing what you do
For a person must understand you
And the high advice you give
But there's no misunderstanding
How you act and how you live

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