Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Soaking Prayer

Walking with 50,000 or so who are Seeking God's direction and then Speaking to Him about the needs of a city while all together Soaking that city with blessings,peace, healing and God's presence is a wonderful experience. It was, in fact, one of the highlights of my memories from almost ten years ministry in Singapore.


I am in need of some Soaking prayers myself. Many of you know I was struck with severe angina (heart pain) five years ago on a trip to Singapore. After flying about three hours with ten more to go before I landed in Japan the pain was so intense I spoke with the flight attendant who got a doctor and gave me emergency treatment.

After returning home I saw Dr Kereiakes who did a quick angioplasty to place a stent in my artery. Since that time I have been taking lots of medicines and trying to change my diet.

Two weeks ago I had an annual nuclear exam and it was a little aberrant so we set up an appointment to do another angiogram yesterday, Monday May 24. However, my body did not agree and at 4:00 AM Saturday morning I went to the bathroom and discovered I was bleeding profusely from internal sources. Karen took me to the hospital where I spent three days while discovering that I have diverticulosis, a condition in which there is bleeding of the wall of the colon.

The physicians and nurses as well as the techs and staff were great and I am better after two units of blood and a colonoscopy.

So, I have been out of order for a few days and unable to write. I greatly need your continued Soaking in the grace, love and power of the Lord.

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