Friday, May 28, 2004

Tony & Tacky
From the Wall Street Journal

Friday, May 28, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT
FROM DRUG LORD TO THE LORD: Jorge Valdes, who at one time headed the U.S. operations for the Medellin Colombian drug cartel, found Jesus and now runs the Coming Clean Ministries outside Atlanta.

As different as his life is now, says Minnesota's Pioneer Press, Mr. Valdez finds running a drug ring and a Christian ministry remarkably similar. "You need leadership skills and organizational skills and you also need a focus, a mission statement that is clear and which everyone works toward," he told the paper. "You also have to be loyal and you have to have faith in what you are doing."


Leadership is leadership wherever we go. Gary


SADDAM THE BAPTIST: An editor for the satirical (THO) e-mails us to say that when they carried a dispatch reporting Saddam's conversion to the Southern Baptist fold after his capture, they began hearing from folks in the Middle East who apparently lost the satire in the translation. Their original "scoop" ends with this sentence:

"U.S. defense officials would not comment on the validity of the conversion story, but a senior Pentagon official did confirm to THO that Hussein has been wearing a t-shirt that says 'My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter' while in custody."


This is a warning to Christians who may also believe every rumor they hear.

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