Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Pain of Divorce

Scripture says that "God hates divorce." Please note that it does not say that God hates the divorced person. Unfortunately, that is the way many people read this passage.

After 30 years of counseling couples and families who have gone through the pain leading up to divorce and reaping its terrible toll I understand why God must hate divorce.

God also hates rape, sexual abuse, child pornography and adultery. The pain, suffering and dysfunction that comes from such trauma grieves the Lord. It is not the divorce itself that is the problem but the arguments, misunderstandings and conflicts that lead people to choose divorce over the marriage. No one gets married with the understanding that they will divorce. Most people want desperately for the marriage to be filled with love, loyalty and life-giving relationships.

I know how to assist people in developing a life-giving marriage. I have been doing this in classes, seminars, workshops and counseling for many years. It is not hopeless nor is it rocket science. It IS, however, hard work. We can point to numerous success stories.

There are many places where distressed couples can ge help. No matter how bad things are a well trained couple counselor can help you make it better if you are willing to work at it. No amount of work in marriage is more difficult than the work of picking up the pieces after a divorce.

Get help for yourself even if your spouse refuses.

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