Thursday, May 05, 2005

Happy Birthday Gary Sweeten


This is the most important birthday I can ever remember. I am 67 years old, but that is incidental.

During my Junior year in high school at Mt. Vernon, Illinois I was sitting in study hall preparing for my May 5 natal day when it hit me that it fell on a very unusual time. May 5, 1955 is 5/5/55

Although I was not and am not a gambler or numerological, it occurred to me that these numbers has a special feel to them. There were four fives in a row. Wow! That felt very special.

During my childhood and youth I fantasies about the future in a grandiose manner but really did not think much about what life would be like in fifty years. Then, when May 5, 1955 rolled around I began to consider life in 50 years when the numbers would once again be all fives.

Would I still be alive? My maternal grandfather and paternal grandparents had died in their fifties and in 2005 I would be the ancient age of 67.

Would I be married? What kind of wife would I get?
What about children? Grandchildren?

What kind of work would I be doing?

What kind of world would we live in? I read all the Buck Rogers comics and heard some say we would have flying cars but what would be the reality in the new millennium?

The fact that I might have an opportunity to see 05/05/05 in the 21st Century stimulated some mighty deep thinking, and here I am fifty years later. Those 50 years seem like a flash. Events transpired that I could not even begin to imagine. We do not live like Buck Rogers but some of my decisions brought unimaginable changes.

I encountered the Holy Spirit in a life changing manner in 1958.

The Lord told me to attend college.

I went to Mt. Vernon Community College and met Betty Ann Ward who inspired me to be a counselor.

I met and married Karen Mayer

I became embroiled in conflict with a racist principal and resigned my teaching position.

I entered graduate school and got a masters' in higher education/Student Personnel Counseling

I was called to U of Cincinnati and got involved in the Jesus Movement

I met Dick Towner from College Hill Presbyterian and was called onto the staff of that marvelous church

My doctorate was about equipping lay Christian counselors

I was asked to train lay people all over the globe

God called me to set up a Christian psychiatric hospital

Karen and I have two children, two in laws and three grandkids.

All this is much more fantastic than Buck Rogers ever imagined.

God is Good. Life is very good.

1 comment: said...

Let me wish you a very Happy Birthday Brother.

Here is a story for your birthday.

Acts 2:28 "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

An elderly lady had just attended her 6 PM Sunday evening Bible study. She approached her front door and found it opened. Upon entering her home she was shocked to find a stranger rummaging through her belongings.

As the startled burglar turned around to see her, the lady screamed,"Acts Two Thirty Eight!"

The now frightened burglar turned pale. The lady once again screamed, "Acts Two Thirty Eight!"

To which the burglar froze in his tracks, dropped to the floor and begged, Lady, please just call the cops." So she did.

When the police got there, they questioned the burglar. "What's the matter with you? How did this old lady get the drop on you?

To which the burglar replied, "She kept screaming she had an axe and two 38's!

Happy Birthday