Friday, May 20, 2005

Muslims, Newsweek and Lemonade

Newsweek Magazine was given to me for a year by my son and daughter in law. Many times I appreciated the news stories but I resented the way Newsweek so often allowed their left wing radical agenda invade that which is supposed to be the news.

The editors and very famous writers recently tried to outdo Dan Rather and published a story saying that some guards at Gitmo prison had intentionally shamed Islam by desecration the Koran. They later said the story was untrue but, although it was a lie, they did nothing wrong and the Bush administration is doing all these bad things and really deserved the bad press anyway. Too bad that 16 people had to die to advance their agenda.

But now we see many Muslims responding to the affair by criticizing not Bush or America but the radical Muslims who ban the Bible and persecute Christians and Jews. These folks are praising not the Muslims but Christians and Jews in America for promoting reading the Koran in schools, museums and libraries. Newsweek tried to throw a lemon at America and God is making it into lemonade.

When we pray God will take these attacks and make them into praise. We need not worry or fret about the distortions of the press. God will always raise up a defense.

I strongly urge you to read this article by a leading Muslim.

He points out thatin Saudia Arabia, although the Bible is a Holy Book in Islam it is regularly burned and taken away from Christians who work there. In America the Koran is honored.

1 comment: said...


Check out this commentary from Ann Coulter.

I'll point out that we haven't heard anything in the media about the Christians recently arrested in Saudi Arabia for preaching the Gospel. Nor have we heard anything about the 30 part Egyptian TV mini-series broadcast on Al-Jezera called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Apparently this pack of lies was contrived at the turn of the century by Russian anti-semites
and was used by Hitler, Kaiser Wilhem and the Russian Czars. Further proof that satan doesn't need anything new, because all of his old lies are plausible to tickling ears of any generation.

Marc O