Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Paying Big Bucks to be Miserable

I love the old saying, "Pain is inevitable but misery is optional" but since this is a truism why do so many people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to send their kids to male bashing colleges that make both men and women miserable?

There is a hilariously painful article in the National Review about a campus group
at the very expensive Williams College. They are putting on a satire of a male bashing play that has gotten rave reviews for several years. Williams College, named after the fundamentalist founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams, confiscated all the materials and the props from the group but still promotes the actual play. I suppose they think a satire is worse than reality.


This and many similar events shows how the Politically Correct among us can manage to use speech and distorted views but others are not even allowed to differ without being punished.

During the Sixties and Seventies and we saw this coming. Most private colleges in the USA were founded by Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christians to train evangelists, missionaries and pastors. Now they too often evangelize for the other side. We need to pray for revival.

I do not mind that secularists speak boldly for their views. I would gladly encourage all persons to debate issues and argue with passion. My concern has to do with the fact that so many times colleges and groups allow only one voice to be heard.

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