Sunday, February 20, 2005

Power Thinking

Why are there so many people getting depressed and anxious these days? Young men and women, including students, are experiencing "mood disorders" with dramatic frequency. We are living in the midst of material wealth unheard of just 50 years ago and the opportunities for mental, emotional, educational and economic well being are unparalleled in the history of mankind.

Why, despite there facts, are people compulsively grabbing drugs, alcohol, sex and food as fast as they can?

Both Time and Newsweek have cover stories about the compulsiveness of parents. They are driven to exhaustion and distortion with worry about their kid's performance. Many have become public enemy # 1. To teachers and administrators because they hover, attack, criticize and interfere.

Not long ago professor Hopkins, Ph. D., heard the President of Harvard wonder why men outnumber women in math and science. One of the possible causes, he said, might be biological. This comment upset the professor so much that she became physically ill and had to leave the conference. She later went on several TV talk shows to complain about the lack of sensitivity shown by Dr. Laurence Summers in his comments. (See article by Kathleen Parker,0,5540843.column)

The fact that Dr. Hopkins gave so much power over her thoughts and feelings to a man is a strong reason why so many people are depressed. Although Dr. Hopkins blamed Dr. Summers for her feelings, the truth is that she made herself feel badly. One may be initially mad, sad or glad by the comments of another person but any long term feelings are clearly chosen by her not the speaker.

Once a couple came to see a famous therapist to ask for help in resolving their conflicts. The second week Mr. Big entered the room with his left eye closed. When asked by Dr. F to explain why his eye was swollen, he angrily pointed at his grinning wife and said, "She is killing me. Make her stop."

The therapist turned to her and said, "Next week when you come to see me I will give you 100 dollars if you close the other eye." Upon hearing this the man said, "I am paying you to help me and this will kill me for sure." The wise counselor replied, "If you wish to give her that much power over your mind and body why should I care?" He returned the next time with two eyes open.

Who has to power to control your mind and heart? You or other people?

Who controlled Dr. Hopkins' mind, heart and body? (Dr. Summers of course.)

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