Monday, November 28, 2005

Family Photos
The most frustrating part about a family gathering is trying to get everyone together at one, standing still while looking at the camera. In this one we have everyone except Karen's sister, Toni who had to take the picture, but Great Grandmother Hazel is giving in to her ADHD and moving.

David and Julia Knispel with Lily on the left, Papa Sweeten in black sweater with Tim and Shelley Sweeten and Jack and Karen Sweeten and Hazel next to Jacob Knispel. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family picture. And "0 comments" So, it is your mother that survives? Remarkable. Thanks you for the belog window into your world. As well, I found Russell Smith. His work in the pulpit is very good as well. Thank You, Gary.

Will Black