Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Rearing Good Kids

The advanced skills required for a successful life start at home and continue throughout life. Most divorces and business conflicts can be found in the failure to proactice these skills.

Stress Skills

1. Expressing a complaint
2. Answering a complaint
3. Talking about feelings after a competition
4. Dealing with embarrassment
5. Dealing with being ignored
6. Resisting group pressure
7. Responding to failure
8. Dealing with false accusations

Planning Skills

9. Dealing with boredom
10. Suggesting something to do
11. Finding a problem’s cause
12. Setting a goal
13. Gathering information
14. Prioritizing problems
15. Making decisions
16. Concentrating on a task

Adapted from Goldstein, A.P., Sherman, M., Gershaw, N.J., Sprafkin, R.P., and Glick. Training Aggressive Youth in Prosocial Behavior, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1973.

Lifeway Counseling Centers, 11161 Kenwood Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242, 513-769-4600

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