Tuesday, November 15, 2005

In Honor of Peter Drucker

Mr. Drucker died last week at age 95. He spent his life trying to help people set up and manage organizations that valued people and served humanity. He once met with a group of pastors and para-church leaders and told them that because they were so important to society that he would give his time to them. Rather than selling his day for $10,000.00 to 20,000.00 per day to GE or GM he volunteered to coach these men and women free.

"Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision." Peter Drucker

It has been my experience that few pastors and church workers really esteem the time God has given them. Rarely do I meet a Christian leader who thinks what he is doing is important.

Why do I think this is true? Because they waste so much of their time and they do almost nothing to increase their efficiency and effectiveness. They often preach too long and run meetings too long. If there are 100 people in a meeting that runs 15 minutes over time 25 human hours are wasted.

I am a Church Consultant and a Leader Coach. I teach leaders how to run a more effective life and a more efficient ministry. It is not difficult to stop wasting God's precious time and your precious energy. All it takes is a courageous and teachable spirit.

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