Why Churches Need to Equip Every Member to Care and Counsel
For over thirty years I have been writing materials and doing seminars about equipping the saints to DO the work of the ministry. In recent years many pastors have turned their backs on equipping their own members, preferring that hurting people go somewhere else to get care and counsel. As one pastor of a "Seeker Centered" church said, "We do not want all those sick people because they will drive the healthy people away." (I sure would like to find a group consisting only of healthy people.)
But God has a way of waking us from our stupor. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have shown us that it takes more, much more than professional crisis agencies and government groups to minister to people caught in a national crisis.
After the crisis hits it is too late to train people. We must have plenty of equipped and caring folks in the ranks of the church at all times with ministry and compassion skills.
Get together, get trained and get going!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
American Beliefs
© Gary Sweeten, Ed. D.
Recent TV shows have featured people such as the radical leftist and secularist Barry Lynn who attack committed Christians at every opportunity. Now they are suing to stop government funds from going to Christian rescuers in the Gulf states. Why would Mr. Lynn and the People for the American Way want to prohibit Christians from helping the needy of the south?
What are the deepest beliefs of Americans? According to most polls the majority of us come from a Christian tradition. About 42% of Americans attend religious services weekly. This is far more than those who attend all professional sports in an entire year.
Some 95% of Americans believe in God. In 1985 George Gallup found that 72% stated: "My whole approach to life is based on my religion." We are the most religious western nation by far. This is especially shocking when we realize that the country is divided almost 50/50 in politics. America, for all her weaknesses, is a religious nation. As one wag noted, ”India is the most religious country in the world and Sweden the least. America is a bunch of Indians ruled by Swedes.”
Research shows that 91% of blacks, 93% of Hispanics and 88% of whites report a religious affiliation. Even more startling is the number for regular attendance:
51% of blacks, 48% of Hispanics and 43% of whites attend services weekly or more often.
Sixty four percent (64%) of blacks in the national sample were members of religious communities (churches) with 59% of whites and 43% of Hispanics. Participation in religious activities outside weekend services is also high with 47% blacks, 41% whites and 31% Hispanics saying they are in church during the week as well as on Sunday. (Social Capital http://www.cfsv.org/communitysurvey/results6.html)
In a nation obsessed with racial and cultural diversity the facts about minorities and religious faith have been strangely absent from the dialogue. There is one astounding statistic about African American longevity and church attendance that is rarely if ever mentioned in the debates about faith based organizations and health care. An article by Hummer et al in Demography Journal, 36:273-285 in 1999, Blacks who attend church live much longer than those who do not.
Attendance++++++++++White life +++++Black life expectancy
Never ++++++++++++++++77 Years +++++++67 = A 10 year difference
Less than weekly/weekly+++80 Years +++++++75 = A 5 year difference
Weekly or more +++++++++83 Years +++++++80 = A 3 year difference
Whites who attend services more than weekly gain an average of six years in longevity, and that is a lot. Church is good for us white folks. I finally believe my mother.
African Americans who attend services weekly or more gain a whopping 13 years in life expectancy. Their original difference in longevity is almost eclipsed by church attendance. In fact, attending church more often than weekly raises Blacks life expectancy to that of whites who attend weekly or less. Is there any behavior so inexpensive and so prevalent that does so much good for Black folks?
Is it not racist to fail to encourage religious commitment by Blacks? It is wrong not to encourage both Blacks and Whites to attend religious services. Are Barry Lynn and his People for the American Way not un-American and deeply hostile to Blacks when they promote secularism and sickness by attacking religious freedom? Shame on them for their racism.
Perhaps this makes it clear why those groups fail to set up charitable groups, go to rescue people in disasters and give less to charities. We certainly did not see massive numbers of wealthy atheist/secularists who promote abortion and attack Christianity at every turn setting up tents in Biloxi or New Orleans. The media did not interview a massive number of secularists who were taking in Black refugees to their homes and organizations but churches and synogogues were on every corner with truck loads of food, clothing and TLC helping poor Blacks get the help they needed.
Barry Lynn, however, is too busy suing Christian relief groups to actually offer any practical aid.
© Gary Sweeten, Ed. D.
Recent TV shows have featured people such as the radical leftist and secularist Barry Lynn who attack committed Christians at every opportunity. Now they are suing to stop government funds from going to Christian rescuers in the Gulf states. Why would Mr. Lynn and the People for the American Way want to prohibit Christians from helping the needy of the south?
What are the deepest beliefs of Americans? According to most polls the majority of us come from a Christian tradition. About 42% of Americans attend religious services weekly. This is far more than those who attend all professional sports in an entire year.
Some 95% of Americans believe in God. In 1985 George Gallup found that 72% stated: "My whole approach to life is based on my religion." We are the most religious western nation by far. This is especially shocking when we realize that the country is divided almost 50/50 in politics. America, for all her weaknesses, is a religious nation. As one wag noted, ”India is the most religious country in the world and Sweden the least. America is a bunch of Indians ruled by Swedes.”
Research shows that 91% of blacks, 93% of Hispanics and 88% of whites report a religious affiliation. Even more startling is the number for regular attendance:
51% of blacks, 48% of Hispanics and 43% of whites attend services weekly or more often.
Sixty four percent (64%) of blacks in the national sample were members of religious communities (churches) with 59% of whites and 43% of Hispanics. Participation in religious activities outside weekend services is also high with 47% blacks, 41% whites and 31% Hispanics saying they are in church during the week as well as on Sunday. (Social Capital http://www.cfsv.org/communitysurvey/results6.html)
In a nation obsessed with racial and cultural diversity the facts about minorities and religious faith have been strangely absent from the dialogue. There is one astounding statistic about African American longevity and church attendance that is rarely if ever mentioned in the debates about faith based organizations and health care. An article by Hummer et al in Demography Journal, 36:273-285 in 1999, Blacks who attend church live much longer than those who do not.
Attendance++++++++++White life +++++Black life expectancy
Never ++++++++++++++++77 Years +++++++67 = A 10 year difference
Less than weekly/weekly+++80 Years +++++++75 = A 5 year difference
Weekly or more +++++++++83 Years +++++++80 = A 3 year difference
Whites who attend services more than weekly gain an average of six years in longevity, and that is a lot. Church is good for us white folks. I finally believe my mother.
African Americans who attend services weekly or more gain a whopping 13 years in life expectancy. Their original difference in longevity is almost eclipsed by church attendance. In fact, attending church more often than weekly raises Blacks life expectancy to that of whites who attend weekly or less. Is there any behavior so inexpensive and so prevalent that does so much good for Black folks?
Is it not racist to fail to encourage religious commitment by Blacks? It is wrong not to encourage both Blacks and Whites to attend religious services. Are Barry Lynn and his People for the American Way not un-American and deeply hostile to Blacks when they promote secularism and sickness by attacking religious freedom? Shame on them for their racism.
Perhaps this makes it clear why those groups fail to set up charitable groups, go to rescue people in disasters and give less to charities. We certainly did not see massive numbers of wealthy atheist/secularists who promote abortion and attack Christianity at every turn setting up tents in Biloxi or New Orleans. The media did not interview a massive number of secularists who were taking in Black refugees to their homes and organizations but churches and synogogues were on every corner with truck loads of food, clothing and TLC helping poor Blacks get the help they needed.
Barry Lynn, however, is too busy suing Christian relief groups to actually offer any practical aid.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Ukrainian Ministry Grows
From the very beginning of my Healing and Counseling ministry at College Hill Presbyterian Church the plan was to take our classes and training programs around the world. I finished my doctoral work in 1975 on integration of counseling and Christianity and developed a simple plan for equipping the church to care and counsel people in need.
God gave us a simple way to go about equipping the saints in various countries. He told us to set up training centers wherever we went. Instead of simply preaching and teaching ABOUT personal healing we were to freely give our time and materials to Christian leaders and train them how to pass it on to others. This has proved to be a powerful and successful plan that has spread the Teleios Model all over the world.
One of the places we went was YWAM's University of the Nations in Hawaii. We taught there several times and through the graduates were invited to train in their counseling schools around the world. Larry and Ellen Chrouch became the YWAM point teachers in South Africa, Holland, Switzerland and Ukraine. (Perhaps more nations. I cannot remember.)
Ukraine was separated from the USSR during glasnost so most of the people speak Russian. The YWAM school there, as in Russia, has many challenges but God is moving on several fronts. Larry and Ellen have taught in the school a number of times and now several leading counselors have learned how to do the training themselves and not be dependent upon Americans. Praise the Lord! For the past two weeks Natasha and Vicky have been in Cincinnati with Larry and Ellen studying ways to improve their teaching abilities. I was thrilled to meet them Friday and share my materials and Ukrainian contacts with them.
God's plan for changing the world has always been the same from Mt 28 to the present. "Go, preach and teach every ethnic group in the world to do everything I did." Every organization we have ever set up is given that charge and, although it takes years to accomplish, it works.
From the very beginning of my Healing and Counseling ministry at College Hill Presbyterian Church the plan was to take our classes and training programs around the world. I finished my doctoral work in 1975 on integration of counseling and Christianity and developed a simple plan for equipping the church to care and counsel people in need.
God gave us a simple way to go about equipping the saints in various countries. He told us to set up training centers wherever we went. Instead of simply preaching and teaching ABOUT personal healing we were to freely give our time and materials to Christian leaders and train them how to pass it on to others. This has proved to be a powerful and successful plan that has spread the Teleios Model all over the world.
One of the places we went was YWAM's University of the Nations in Hawaii. We taught there several times and through the graduates were invited to train in their counseling schools around the world. Larry and Ellen Chrouch became the YWAM point teachers in South Africa, Holland, Switzerland and Ukraine. (Perhaps more nations. I cannot remember.)
Ukraine was separated from the USSR during glasnost so most of the people speak Russian. The YWAM school there, as in Russia, has many challenges but God is moving on several fronts. Larry and Ellen have taught in the school a number of times and now several leading counselors have learned how to do the training themselves and not be dependent upon Americans. Praise the Lord! For the past two weeks Natasha and Vicky have been in Cincinnati with Larry and Ellen studying ways to improve their teaching abilities. I was thrilled to meet them Friday and share my materials and Ukrainian contacts with them.
God's plan for changing the world has always been the same from Mt 28 to the present. "Go, preach and teach every ethnic group in the world to do everything I did." Every organization we have ever set up is given that charge and, although it takes years to accomplish, it works.
Some Journalists Discover that the USA has Poor People
I am consistently amazed at how often the facts reported by journalists is wrong and I cannot understand if it stems from ignorance or it is intentionally wrong. The headlines and cover stories in many papers and weekly magazines screamed that Katrina reignited the debate about how poverty is growing in America. As usual, the facts are very different from the headlines and the comments.
In a recent article in the Washington Post, an economics writer tries to straighten out truth from myth. (Robert J. Samuelson: Wednesday, September 21, 2005; Page A23) He says, (in red)
It's unclear whether most Americans are as oblivious to the problems of poverty, class and race as these journalistic pronouncements presume. But what is clear is that the leap from Katrina to broad generalizations about poverty involves considerable simplification.
One myth is that we haven't made any progress. Superficially, this seems believable. The government's poverty rate, released just as Katrina struck, was 12.7 percent in 2004. That's the proportion of people living beneath the official poverty line, about $19,300 for a family of four.
The current poverty rate is up from its recent low (11.3 percent in 2000) and similar to many earlier years (13 percent in 1980 and 12.6 percent in 1970). But the overall poverty rate is misleading. Since the late 1970s, it's generally fluctuated between 8 percent and 9 percent, for non-Hispanic Whites, depending on the economy.
But poverty among blacks -- though still appallingly high -- has declined sharply. In 2004 it was 24.7 percent, down from 33.1 percent in 1993, though up from 22.5 percent in 2000. As recently as 1983, it was 35.7 percent.
(We need to celebrate the progress of African Americans. This group has improved as much or more than any ethnic group in American history! Unfortunately, the media is still offering us a picture of crime laden poverty dwelling welfare recipients.)
Given these trends, the overall poverty rate should be drifting down. It isn't. The main reason, as I've written before, is immigration. We have uncontrolled entry of poor, unskilled workers across our southern border. Although many succeed, many don't, and many poor Latino immigrants have children, who are also poor. In 2004, 25 percent of the poverty population was Hispanic, up from 12 percent in 1980. Over this period, Hispanics represented almost three-quarters of the increase in the poverty population.
Many of the anti-poverty programs are working but we keep bringing in more and more poor immigrants. That is a good thing for the USA to do. In one generation most of them will leave poverty and claim the American dream of being able to work hard and enjoy the financial benefits of freedom and financial security.
I am consistently amazed at how often the facts reported by journalists is wrong and I cannot understand if it stems from ignorance or it is intentionally wrong. The headlines and cover stories in many papers and weekly magazines screamed that Katrina reignited the debate about how poverty is growing in America. As usual, the facts are very different from the headlines and the comments.
In a recent article in the Washington Post, an economics writer tries to straighten out truth from myth. (Robert J. Samuelson: Wednesday, September 21, 2005; Page A23) He says, (in red)
It's unclear whether most Americans are as oblivious to the problems of poverty, class and race as these journalistic pronouncements presume. But what is clear is that the leap from Katrina to broad generalizations about poverty involves considerable simplification.
One myth is that we haven't made any progress. Superficially, this seems believable. The government's poverty rate, released just as Katrina struck, was 12.7 percent in 2004. That's the proportion of people living beneath the official poverty line, about $19,300 for a family of four.
The current poverty rate is up from its recent low (11.3 percent in 2000) and similar to many earlier years (13 percent in 1980 and 12.6 percent in 1970). But the overall poverty rate is misleading. Since the late 1970s, it's generally fluctuated between 8 percent and 9 percent, for non-Hispanic Whites, depending on the economy.
But poverty among blacks -- though still appallingly high -- has declined sharply. In 2004 it was 24.7 percent, down from 33.1 percent in 1993, though up from 22.5 percent in 2000. As recently as 1983, it was 35.7 percent.
(We need to celebrate the progress of African Americans. This group has improved as much or more than any ethnic group in American history! Unfortunately, the media is still offering us a picture of crime laden poverty dwelling welfare recipients.)
Given these trends, the overall poverty rate should be drifting down. It isn't. The main reason, as I've written before, is immigration. We have uncontrolled entry of poor, unskilled workers across our southern border. Although many succeed, many don't, and many poor Latino immigrants have children, who are also poor. In 2004, 25 percent of the poverty population was Hispanic, up from 12 percent in 1980. Over this period, Hispanics represented almost three-quarters of the increase in the poverty population.
Many of the anti-poverty programs are working but we keep bringing in more and more poor immigrants. That is a good thing for the USA to do. In one generation most of them will leave poverty and claim the American dream of being able to work hard and enjoy the financial benefits of freedom and financial security.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Shock and Trauma
I have been writing about the need to minister to those suffering from the shock and trauma of disaster. Dr. Galina Chentsova, a psychiatrist and psychologist in Moscow, Russia called tonight to work on her plans for visiting us in November.
As part of her visit she and I will present a seminar about the ways to help Victims of terror, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.
I a previous post I mentioned that some Victims will respond with anger, and frustration at the very people trying to help them. This is normal but regrettable. Like a drowning man who grabs the Rescuer so hard that they both go under Victims of trauma are quite often in danger of losing control of their emotions to the point that they attack the Rescuer.
Russia suffered greatly under the Communists. Now they are suffering again from the bombs of terrorists and the kidnapping of school children. There are ways to prepare ourselves to help such persons, but it requires some self awareness on our part. In fact, many First Responders suffer from greater Post traumatic Stresses than the Victims.
Look for more information on how you can support Galina and attend our seminar.
I have been writing about the need to minister to those suffering from the shock and trauma of disaster. Dr. Galina Chentsova, a psychiatrist and psychologist in Moscow, Russia called tonight to work on her plans for visiting us in November.
As part of her visit she and I will present a seminar about the ways to help Victims of terror, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.
I a previous post I mentioned that some Victims will respond with anger, and frustration at the very people trying to help them. This is normal but regrettable. Like a drowning man who grabs the Rescuer so hard that they both go under Victims of trauma are quite often in danger of losing control of their emotions to the point that they attack the Rescuer.
Russia suffered greatly under the Communists. Now they are suffering again from the bombs of terrorists and the kidnapping of school children. There are ways to prepare ourselves to help such persons, but it requires some self awareness on our part. In fact, many First Responders suffer from greater Post traumatic Stresses than the Victims.
Look for more information on how you can support Galina and attend our seminar.
Emotional Baloney
Two blogs ago I wrote about the overwhelming movement in America, following Europe, to emotionalize every relationship, and to make victims of everyone in sight. This is psychological baloney. Now we can see the dreadful end of such immature and inappropriate psychologizing.
The following article shows how far down the ladder of evolution our political leaders have fallen. It comes from a great blog, OpinionJournal put out by the Wall Street Journal free online. OpinionJournal@wsj.com
Wisconsin Democrats Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold joined Vermont's Pat Leahy and all 10 Judiciary Committee Republicans in voting for Judge John Roberts's confirmation as chief justice, sending Roberts's nomination to the Senate floor on a 13-5 vote.
Sens. Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin voted "no," mostly, it seems, because Roberts didn't talk enough about his feelings. Here's Feinstein from the transcript:
I attempted to get a sense of his temperament and values. And I asked him about the end-of-life decisions: clearly, decisions that are gut-wrenching, difficult and extremely personal. Rather than talking to me as a son, a husband, a father--which I specifically requested he do--he gave a very detached response.
Does this show the inanity and ignorance of just one Senator or is it just one more example of how emotionally unstable our leaders are? A Supreme Court Justice is not supposed to share his opinions while wallowing in the unfulfilled emotions of the past. A Justice must weigh the law impartially and intellectually. Those who interpret laws by emotion rather than cognition are said by therapist such as myself as engaging in "PROJECTION: The unconscious imposition of inner feelings and ideas onto other people or situations."
No wonder San Francisco and much of California are in such a mess. They are electing emotionally unstable people to the United States Senate. And, no wonder we have Justices who think they should make laws according to European and Asian values.
Two blogs ago I wrote about the overwhelming movement in America, following Europe, to emotionalize every relationship, and to make victims of everyone in sight. This is psychological baloney. Now we can see the dreadful end of such immature and inappropriate psychologizing.
The following article shows how far down the ladder of evolution our political leaders have fallen. It comes from a great blog, OpinionJournal put out by the Wall Street Journal free online. OpinionJournal@wsj.com
Wisconsin Democrats Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold joined Vermont's Pat Leahy and all 10 Judiciary Committee Republicans in voting for Judge John Roberts's confirmation as chief justice, sending Roberts's nomination to the Senate floor on a 13-5 vote.
Sens. Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin voted "no," mostly, it seems, because Roberts didn't talk enough about his feelings. Here's Feinstein from the transcript:
I attempted to get a sense of his temperament and values. And I asked him about the end-of-life decisions: clearly, decisions that are gut-wrenching, difficult and extremely personal. Rather than talking to me as a son, a husband, a father--which I specifically requested he do--he gave a very detached response.
Does this show the inanity and ignorance of just one Senator or is it just one more example of how emotionally unstable our leaders are? A Supreme Court Justice is not supposed to share his opinions while wallowing in the unfulfilled emotions of the past. A Justice must weigh the law impartially and intellectually. Those who interpret laws by emotion rather than cognition are said by therapist such as myself as engaging in "PROJECTION: The unconscious imposition of inner feelings and ideas onto other people or situations."
No wonder San Francisco and much of California are in such a mess. They are electing emotionally unstable people to the United States Senate. And, no wonder we have Justices who think they should make laws according to European and Asian values.
God's Hand is Upon the USA
Each day I receive a newsletter with some great stories and thought-provoking ideas. Today, this is what came in my mailbox.
A GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE by George Washington
Chuck Clark chuck@stationedhere.com
Wednesday - September 21, 2005
“And Elisha prayed, ‘O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” - 2 Kings 6:17
During the American Revolution, Anthony Sherman was one of the soldiers who wintered with General George Washington in 1777 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. He recounted that Washington was a man of prayer and would often go to a quiet place and pray alone. One day, Washington returned from such a time alone looking quite pale and told of a vision he had:
“Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third, and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes. By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue itself had become paralyzed.”
Washington stated that the woman showed him a future vision of America: “I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.”
Washington remembered the last words of his visitor: “Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union. With these words the vision vanished, and I startled from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.”
“Christians should never fail to sense the operation of angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light.” - Billy Graham
God’s Word: “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” - Psalm 34:7
Let us pray that believers will continually seek God's forgiveness of and blessings for America.
Each day I receive a newsletter with some great stories and thought-provoking ideas. Today, this is what came in my mailbox.
A GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE by George Washington
Chuck Clark chuck@stationedhere.com
Wednesday - September 21, 2005
“And Elisha prayed, ‘O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” - 2 Kings 6:17
During the American Revolution, Anthony Sherman was one of the soldiers who wintered with General George Washington in 1777 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. He recounted that Washington was a man of prayer and would often go to a quiet place and pray alone. One day, Washington returned from such a time alone looking quite pale and told of a vision he had:
“Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third, and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes. By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue itself had become paralyzed.”
Washington stated that the woman showed him a future vision of America: “I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.”
Washington remembered the last words of his visitor: “Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union. With these words the vision vanished, and I startled from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.”
“Christians should never fail to sense the operation of angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light.” - Billy Graham
God’s Word: “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” - Psalm 34:7
Let us pray that believers will continually seek God's forgiveness of and blessings for America.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Change and Thinking
There are many things that bother me about the current fervor to rid America of God. It attacks our civic history and it shows the deep ignorance of many of our lawyers and judges. But as a therapist I am also concerned because the suit to ban the Pledge of allegiance from schools is based on junk science about the ways people think and feel.
The mere fact that children stand and recite "One Nation, Under God..." Is supposed to "make disbelieving children feel badly". This statement is based on a complete fallacy about how feelings are formed. Proponents of this suit would have us believe that kids are a bundle of uncontrollable feelings that are damaged by the hearing of any word about God.
Secondly, that children are so sensitive that any misspoken word can set them up for a life of pain and suffering and that it is in the interest of the state to protect them from such brutality.
let me say at the outset that I strongly promote gentle and caring speech with any person, child or adult. However, reciting a statement about God cannot disturb a child or an adult unless that person has decided to be offended. Do you remember the old saying, Sticks and stone can break my bones but words can never hurt me? Like many wise proverbs it is true.
Unless I give you power over my feelings I cannot be wounded by such a Pledge. Now, should a parent, an ACLU lawyer or a counselor convince you that the Pledge is harmful you can choose to be harmed. In fact, facing and overcoming Adversity is good for children. Learning to accept and affirm diversity is good for kids. Knowing we are different from others is healthy.
Rather than harming kids such things can actually develop an ability to be more resilient.
The Winds Of Fate
One ship drives east, the other drives west
With the self same winds that blow.'
Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales
Which tells us the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,
As we voyage along through life.
'Tis the set of a soul
That decides it's goal,
And not the calm or the strife.
Author: Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919)
Pray that the courts will not make laws based on junk psychology.
There are many things that bother me about the current fervor to rid America of God. It attacks our civic history and it shows the deep ignorance of many of our lawyers and judges. But as a therapist I am also concerned because the suit to ban the Pledge of allegiance from schools is based on junk science about the ways people think and feel.
The mere fact that children stand and recite "One Nation, Under God..." Is supposed to "make disbelieving children feel badly". This statement is based on a complete fallacy about how feelings are formed. Proponents of this suit would have us believe that kids are a bundle of uncontrollable feelings that are damaged by the hearing of any word about God.
Secondly, that children are so sensitive that any misspoken word can set them up for a life of pain and suffering and that it is in the interest of the state to protect them from such brutality.
let me say at the outset that I strongly promote gentle and caring speech with any person, child or adult. However, reciting a statement about God cannot disturb a child or an adult unless that person has decided to be offended. Do you remember the old saying, Sticks and stone can break my bones but words can never hurt me? Like many wise proverbs it is true.
Unless I give you power over my feelings I cannot be wounded by such a Pledge. Now, should a parent, an ACLU lawyer or a counselor convince you that the Pledge is harmful you can choose to be harmed. In fact, facing and overcoming Adversity is good for children. Learning to accept and affirm diversity is good for kids. Knowing we are different from others is healthy.
Rather than harming kids such things can actually develop an ability to be more resilient.
The Winds Of Fate
One ship drives east, the other drives west
With the self same winds that blow.'
Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales
Which tells us the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,
As we voyage along through life.
'Tis the set of a soul
That decides it's goal,
And not the calm or the strife.
Author: Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919)
Pray that the courts will not make laws based on junk psychology.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Change: Is It All Over Now?
My last post about the seven stages of change covered number 4, CHANGE. This is what we have been seeking. The diet has begun, the cigarettes are thrown away, I am meeting every morning with God in private devotions, etc. Is that all?
NOPE! Now is the time we need support to Continue the Change Process and avoid Relapse. +
Any change worth its weight requires a long term plan. I must have stopped smoking 100 times before I stopped and did not relapse.
What happens if I do relapse? The world does not end if we relapse. It simply means we need to get back on the wagon and make sure we do not get so discouraged that we fall all the way back to Stage #I. Do not lose heart. You can start over again. In fact most people relapse several times but finally stick with the new behavior.
Stage 5. Continuing the Change Process. Keep up the good work by finding prayer partners, and people who love you enough to offer support.
My last post about the seven stages of change covered number 4, CHANGE. This is what we have been seeking. The diet has begun, the cigarettes are thrown away, I am meeting every morning with God in private devotions, etc. Is that all?
NOPE! Now is the time we need support to Continue the Change Process and avoid Relapse. +
Any change worth its weight requires a long term plan. I must have stopped smoking 100 times before I stopped and did not relapse.
What happens if I do relapse? The world does not end if we relapse. It simply means we need to get back on the wagon and make sure we do not get so discouraged that we fall all the way back to Stage #I. Do not lose heart. You can start over again. In fact most people relapse several times but finally stick with the new behavior.
Stage 5. Continuing the Change Process. Keep up the good work by finding prayer partners, and people who love you enough to offer support.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Christians in Ministry
So what if some people do not thank us or change after we minister in the Name above all Names? That is not the reason we share, give or reach out.
Here is a note from Dave Auterson who heads Convoy of Hope.
Dear Friends,
It’s late, I’m tired – but I must take the opportunity to communicate with you before the end of the day.
I have covered hundreds of miles in the car over the past few days going from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to as far east as Gautier (go-shay) Mississippi. I have been in all of our distributions sites at least once; gone through the cities and back roads, and have spoken with dozens of people - victims, first responders, chaplains and volunteers.
That said, here is what is becoming clearer:
1. Without the presence of the church/faith-based agencies, many more people would have died and would still be dying. I have been told this repeatedly by everyone – including government agents.
We have done it better, cheaper and with the love of God, in my view.
2. The need is enormous. Mississippi has far more damage than Louisiana, and cities, towns, and villages will never be the same. While New Orleans gathers all the press with its problems and drive to re-open, there are still major areas along the gulf coast with NO services. No power, water, sewage and a very limited (if at all) presence of government personnel.
People are starting to ask “where do we begin” and “how will we ever come back from this”. I have to admit that I too have thought those things. Until tonight when driving back to Baton Rouge; it struck me that the church has ALWAYS faced huge need and daunting tasks. And, because of that, we already know where and how we will do our work,
One person at a time!
We minister help to those coming to our sites one at a time.
We pray with people one at a time.
We will impact each community one at a time!
Please remember our Convoy management team in prayer on Monday. There is finally enough time in the schedule for them to meet to strategize and plan our response over the course of the next 12 months +. We need wisdom and resources like never before to meet the need. We know that God is able!
Tomorrow part of our warehouse team rotates out and we welcome some new faces. Some of you have asked about bringing teams to help and we would love to help you do that. Please send me details about your availability and schedule and I will work with you individually on the details.
Have a great Lord’s Day tomorrow.
Great Things are Happening!
David Auterson
Convoy of Hope
So what if some people do not thank us or change after we minister in the Name above all Names? That is not the reason we share, give or reach out.
Here is a note from Dave Auterson who heads Convoy of Hope.
Dear Friends,
It’s late, I’m tired – but I must take the opportunity to communicate with you before the end of the day.
I have covered hundreds of miles in the car over the past few days going from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to as far east as Gautier (go-shay) Mississippi. I have been in all of our distributions sites at least once; gone through the cities and back roads, and have spoken with dozens of people - victims, first responders, chaplains and volunteers.
That said, here is what is becoming clearer:
1. Without the presence of the church/faith-based agencies, many more people would have died and would still be dying. I have been told this repeatedly by everyone – including government agents.
We have done it better, cheaper and with the love of God, in my view.
2. The need is enormous. Mississippi has far more damage than Louisiana, and cities, towns, and villages will never be the same. While New Orleans gathers all the press with its problems and drive to re-open, there are still major areas along the gulf coast with NO services. No power, water, sewage and a very limited (if at all) presence of government personnel.
People are starting to ask “where do we begin” and “how will we ever come back from this”. I have to admit that I too have thought those things. Until tonight when driving back to Baton Rouge; it struck me that the church has ALWAYS faced huge need and daunting tasks. And, because of that, we already know where and how we will do our work,
One person at a time!
We minister help to those coming to our sites one at a time.
We pray with people one at a time.
We will impact each community one at a time!
Please remember our Convoy management team in prayer on Monday. There is finally enough time in the schedule for them to meet to strategize and plan our response over the course of the next 12 months +. We need wisdom and resources like never before to meet the need. We know that God is able!
Tomorrow part of our warehouse team rotates out and we welcome some new faces. Some of you have asked about bringing teams to help and we would love to help you do that. Please send me details about your availability and schedule and I will work with you individually on the details.
Have a great Lord’s Day tomorrow.
Great Things are Happening!
David Auterson
Convoy of Hope
Change and Rescue Operations
Two blogs ago I began to share my thoughts about the change process. If you wish to learn how to really influence others without getting caught in the Rescuer Triangle, read my book, Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty.(Call 769-4600 to order)
Stage I. Pre-Conviction, Stage II. Conviction and Stage III. Considering Change are discussed in a past posting.
Stage IV: Changing my Behavior-This is when we stop smoking, quit drinking, begin the diet or actually Change my actions. Everything else that happens before this is important but here is the jackpot. Unfortunately, many of us expect others to get to Stage IV. Immediately and we are very disappointed when there are delays.
Think about the Rescuer Triangles and how many Rescuers are upset when the Victims they Rescued from the Persecuting Floods did not immediately change into model citizens and then blame them for being the Problem. Just think for a moment about the reasonableness of that expectation. How can we expect a person to understand the notion of private property and work for pay if they never, ever worked or owned anything before in their entire lives?
Over 30% of all New Orleans residents were below the poverty line and, as a result, were on welfare. They rented their apartments. Have you ever rented? If so, were you as concerned about the property as the owner? Of course not.
Most people in poverty have children without benefit of marriage and most are uneducated. These are the two single greatest causes of poverty in America.
Why would any person who has spent a lifetime on government assistance thank us for Rescuing them from a flood? They are chronically Rescued. They have an attitude of entitlement, and the government has fostered it and rewarded it.
Ministry in Russia is difficult because the government ran everything and planned everything and told everyone what to do. The citizens made no decisions and had no influence on the food available, cars that were made or the way leaders acted. Now, many want the old system back because making decisions is tough. Responsibility is difficult. Dependency is demeaning and disrespectful but it is easy to do.
Do the people who lived on welfare in New Orleans see a need for Change? Are they Convicted that they have a Problem? (Stage II. Conviction) I cannot imagine that they think they need to change. It is almost impossible for them to jump all the way to Stage IV. Change and decide to stop welfare and get a job, buy a house and take care of their property.
My hope and prayer is simple: "Lord, help the people dependent upon welfare and government assistance see the light that future generations will benefit from marriage, an education, hard work and a vigorous investment in private property ownership."
I have a second prayer: "Lord, may this nation see the light and turn from the Socialist agenda that killed Russia."
I also have a plea for my friends: "Stop expecting Rescues to Change behavior developed over generations."
Two blogs ago I began to share my thoughts about the change process. If you wish to learn how to really influence others without getting caught in the Rescuer Triangle, read my book, Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty.(Call 769-4600 to order)
Stage I. Pre-Conviction, Stage II. Conviction and Stage III. Considering Change are discussed in a past posting.
Stage IV: Changing my Behavior-This is when we stop smoking, quit drinking, begin the diet or actually Change my actions. Everything else that happens before this is important but here is the jackpot. Unfortunately, many of us expect others to get to Stage IV. Immediately and we are very disappointed when there are delays.
Think about the Rescuer Triangles and how many Rescuers are upset when the Victims they Rescued from the Persecuting Floods did not immediately change into model citizens and then blame them for being the Problem. Just think for a moment about the reasonableness of that expectation. How can we expect a person to understand the notion of private property and work for pay if they never, ever worked or owned anything before in their entire lives?
Over 30% of all New Orleans residents were below the poverty line and, as a result, were on welfare. They rented their apartments. Have you ever rented? If so, were you as concerned about the property as the owner? Of course not.
Most people in poverty have children without benefit of marriage and most are uneducated. These are the two single greatest causes of poverty in America.
Why would any person who has spent a lifetime on government assistance thank us for Rescuing them from a flood? They are chronically Rescued. They have an attitude of entitlement, and the government has fostered it and rewarded it.
Ministry in Russia is difficult because the government ran everything and planned everything and told everyone what to do. The citizens made no decisions and had no influence on the food available, cars that were made or the way leaders acted. Now, many want the old system back because making decisions is tough. Responsibility is difficult. Dependency is demeaning and disrespectful but it is easy to do.
Do the people who lived on welfare in New Orleans see a need for Change? Are they Convicted that they have a Problem? (Stage II. Conviction) I cannot imagine that they think they need to change. It is almost impossible for them to jump all the way to Stage IV. Change and decide to stop welfare and get a job, buy a house and take care of their property.
My hope and prayer is simple: "Lord, help the people dependent upon welfare and government assistance see the light that future generations will benefit from marriage, an education, hard work and a vigorous investment in private property ownership."
I have a second prayer: "Lord, may this nation see the light and turn from the Socialist agenda that killed Russia."
I also have a plea for my friends: "Stop expecting Rescues to Change behavior developed over generations."
Responses From Old Friends
The Triangles blog certainly stirred up a lot of interest. I really like it when people tell me their thoughts and I am going to share one or two of them. Mark O'Hara, a friend from the Jesus Movement, wrote this. (Edited for length.)
Hi Gary,
As usual God has blessed you with great insight. I'm so glad that you take time to share.
I've read some stories in the local news that back up your remarks. During the past couple of weeks a man with a history of drug addiction somehow made his way onto a Greyhound bus that was providing a free service to get people out of the Katrina affected area to the Cincinnati area. This fellow was given a debit card with $700 to pay for food and housing (Rescuers). When he tried to use his card at a local business, it would not work. (The Problem.)
Instead of investigating the cause of why his card was not functioning, he escalated, became out of control and proceeded to rob the business. Police later found him living on the street and arrested him. (The Victim) His attorney is accusing everyone except this victim. Recently when my wife's debit card wouldn't work she called the toll free number and reset her password.
A New Orleans grandmother was arrested for stealing some sausage at a food store. As someone who owned a food store for years I've had many people down on their luck ask if they could pay later. I may be a sucker, but I have never turned anyone down. I'm sure if the grandma would have mentioned that she was displaced by Katrina and she had no money, she would have gotten more than a pound of free sausage. Now the relatives are accusing the Cincinnati police of racial inequity.
Two Rescuers in our area that opened their homes to displaced folks. The Rescuers say that they feel victimized because the people are doing nothing at all to help themselves. They will not clean up after themselves nor looking for work. The Rescuers say that they are eating them out of house and home.
All my best to you and Miss Karen,
Marc O'Hara
I am blessed that so many are learning to recognize Triangles.
The Triangles blog certainly stirred up a lot of interest. I really like it when people tell me their thoughts and I am going to share one or two of them. Mark O'Hara, a friend from the Jesus Movement, wrote this. (Edited for length.)
Hi Gary,
As usual God has blessed you with great insight. I'm so glad that you take time to share.
I've read some stories in the local news that back up your remarks. During the past couple of weeks a man with a history of drug addiction somehow made his way onto a Greyhound bus that was providing a free service to get people out of the Katrina affected area to the Cincinnati area. This fellow was given a debit card with $700 to pay for food and housing (Rescuers). When he tried to use his card at a local business, it would not work. (The Problem.)
Instead of investigating the cause of why his card was not functioning, he escalated, became out of control and proceeded to rob the business. Police later found him living on the street and arrested him. (The Victim) His attorney is accusing everyone except this victim. Recently when my wife's debit card wouldn't work she called the toll free number and reset her password.
A New Orleans grandmother was arrested for stealing some sausage at a food store. As someone who owned a food store for years I've had many people down on their luck ask if they could pay later. I may be a sucker, but I have never turned anyone down. I'm sure if the grandma would have mentioned that she was displaced by Katrina and she had no money, she would have gotten more than a pound of free sausage. Now the relatives are accusing the Cincinnati police of racial inequity.
Two Rescuers in our area that opened their homes to displaced folks. The Rescuers say that they feel victimized because the people are doing nothing at all to help themselves. They will not clean up after themselves nor looking for work. The Rescuers say that they are eating them out of house and home.
All my best to you and Miss Karen,
Marc O'Hara
I am blessed that so many are learning to recognize Triangles.
Friday, September 16, 2005
How People Change
Most of you know that I have been training pastors and lay leaders for many years and have written several books about the skills of Influence. About the most common question I get at seminars is this: "How do I motivate the un-motivated to be motivated?"
Before getting to the answer, allow me to tell you about the seven stages of change that every person goes through whenever they change a behavior or mindset.
Stage I: Pre-Conviction: I am not convinced or convicted that I have a problem that needs my attention. You may think I have a problem and everyone in town may agree with you but I do not see that I need to change. (Motivate with prayer and listening love. Lectures about my need to change will usually backfire and make it harder to motivate me.)
Stage II: Conviction: I am thinking I may have a problem and will think about it some day when I have more time or energy. (Motivational prayer is working. Keep it up.)
Stage III: Considering Change: This is a key stage because I am counting the cost of making a change. I am in serious dialogue with myself. (Motivate by asking the right questions and prayer. It is working.)
Change can take a long time and test our patience. Do not grow weary in doing good things like prayer.
Most of you know that I have been training pastors and lay leaders for many years and have written several books about the skills of Influence. About the most common question I get at seminars is this: "How do I motivate the un-motivated to be motivated?"
Before getting to the answer, allow me to tell you about the seven stages of change that every person goes through whenever they change a behavior or mindset.
Stage I: Pre-Conviction: I am not convinced or convicted that I have a problem that needs my attention. You may think I have a problem and everyone in town may agree with you but I do not see that I need to change. (Motivate with prayer and listening love. Lectures about my need to change will usually backfire and make it harder to motivate me.)
Stage II: Conviction: I am thinking I may have a problem and will think about it some day when I have more time or energy. (Motivational prayer is working. Keep it up.)
Stage III: Considering Change: This is a key stage because I am counting the cost of making a change. I am in serious dialogue with myself. (Motivate by asking the right questions and prayer. It is working.)
Change can take a long time and test our patience. Do not grow weary in doing good things like prayer.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Anger and Helping Others
Several people are responding to my blogs on TRIANGLES. The primary feeling from many of them is ANGER. The think that many of the Victims have taken advantage of the good hearts of Americans and not only feel like they deserve the help they get but have the right to attack the Rescuers without mercy. This is the height of biting the hand that feeds you.
Many of you know that I spend a lot of time training pastors and Christian leaders how to more effectively minister to those in need. If we do for others what they should do for themselves we will actually cause more dependency and damage the long term ability of the Victim to get stronger.
Another reaction is racial accusations. Several of my readers have gotten so angry they are tempted to focus on poorAfrican Americans for the "Blame Game". I think that perception is not only wrong but it is also does violence to our Christian values.
I urge the believers who read my blog to stay calm and cool and collected. The Rescue Triangle is not, NOT in any way restricted to African Americans nor to the poor. In my teaching around the world I find it to be an accurate "Law" for Anglos. Chinese, Russians, etc.
Becoming a racist is not healthy for us emotionally or spiritually. It is sinful.
Several people are responding to my blogs on TRIANGLES. The primary feeling from many of them is ANGER. The think that many of the Victims have taken advantage of the good hearts of Americans and not only feel like they deserve the help they get but have the right to attack the Rescuers without mercy. This is the height of biting the hand that feeds you.
Many of you know that I spend a lot of time training pastors and Christian leaders how to more effectively minister to those in need. If we do for others what they should do for themselves we will actually cause more dependency and damage the long term ability of the Victim to get stronger.
Another reaction is racial accusations. Several of my readers have gotten so angry they are tempted to focus on poorAfrican Americans for the "Blame Game". I think that perception is not only wrong but it is also does violence to our Christian values.
I urge the believers who read my blog to stay calm and cool and collected. The Rescue Triangle is not, NOT in any way restricted to African Americans nor to the poor. In my teaching around the world I find it to be an accurate "Law" for Anglos. Chinese, Russians, etc.
Becoming a racist is not healthy for us emotionally or spiritually. It is sinful.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
How Do We Know When to Minister and When to Say, "No"?
I have received a good bit of feedback about my articles on "Responsibility Triangles or Rescue Triangles". Many of my readers know this problem for they face it daily. Ministry leaders, pastors and servants of Christ are especially vulnerable. In this blog I will share how to know when ministry is legitimate and when it is wrong.
There are three rules that can guide us. The Golden Rule, The Lead Rule and The Stone Rule. We all know the first, The Golden Rule. "Do for others that which you want them to do for you." Ministers and servant leaders often violate this rule by doing MORE for others than they would want done for themselves. Most ministers do not like to RECEIVE but they love to GIVE. they do not want to be treated like a child but they often treat others like children.
When we want others to treat us with dignity and assist us as we help ourselves we are following the Golden Rule.
The Lead Rule is as heavy as Gold but relatively worthless. Heavy weighty and worthless things happen when we: "Do for others what they should be doing for themselves."
The Stone Rule is similar but worse, much worse. It is, "Trying to do for others the things that only God can do." When we attempt to save, heal, deliver or change others we are guilty of the Stone Rule.
The people in New Orleans were not able to help themselves so we must treat them with dignity and offer basic necessities whether they bless us or not. That is how I want to be treated so I shall treat them thusly.
However, I will not attempt to do for them that which only they can do for that is disrespectful and demeaning to them and harmful to me. (It is sinful.)
I will not try to do for them that which only God can do for that is idolatry. Building gods of stones is the worst thing I can do. (It is sinful.)
(C) Gary Sweeten from Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty
I have received a good bit of feedback about my articles on "Responsibility Triangles or Rescue Triangles". Many of my readers know this problem for they face it daily. Ministry leaders, pastors and servants of Christ are especially vulnerable. In this blog I will share how to know when ministry is legitimate and when it is wrong.
There are three rules that can guide us. The Golden Rule, The Lead Rule and The Stone Rule. We all know the first, The Golden Rule. "Do for others that which you want them to do for you." Ministers and servant leaders often violate this rule by doing MORE for others than they would want done for themselves. Most ministers do not like to RECEIVE but they love to GIVE. they do not want to be treated like a child but they often treat others like children.
When we want others to treat us with dignity and assist us as we help ourselves we are following the Golden Rule.
The Lead Rule is as heavy as Gold but relatively worthless. Heavy weighty and worthless things happen when we: "Do for others what they should be doing for themselves."
The Stone Rule is similar but worse, much worse. It is, "Trying to do for others the things that only God can do." When we attempt to save, heal, deliver or change others we are guilty of the Stone Rule.
The people in New Orleans were not able to help themselves so we must treat them with dignity and offer basic necessities whether they bless us or not. That is how I want to be treated so I shall treat them thusly.
However, I will not attempt to do for them that which only they can do for that is disrespectful and demeaning to them and harmful to me. (It is sinful.)
I will not try to do for them that which only God can do for that is idolatry. Building gods of stones is the worst thing I can do. (It is sinful.)
(C) Gary Sweeten from Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty
Why Do We Help People?
A few postings ago I wrote about the "Law of the Responsibility Triangle" that states:
When we try to Rescue a Victim from a Persecutor/Problem we can end up accused of being the Persecutor/Problem and that leaves us feeling like the Victim.
I was listening to talk radio yesterday and our local mouth, Billy Cunningham, was saying things like, "Why should we rich white Republicans continue to send money, clothes, food and love to the people in the Gulf States when we will simply be accused of Racism Hatred, Callous behavior, etc?" This is a good question.
I just returned from Russia where I have ministered since 1991 to the Victims of Communism. The government does not appreciate my work and would not permit it if I was ministering openly. They have no programs to help the poor and sick or addicted and will punish any western or Christian effort to help people in need.
Why should I spend my time, energy, money and resources to assist a nation and people who are suffering from the INTENTIONAL neglect of the atheist leaders?
It is simple. I am a Christian and the love of God compels me to love my neighbor. He loved me and sent His Son to Rescue me so I am living out a compassionate lifestyle for others. I will admit that I wish they people would appreciate me and thank me. The sincere believers do appreciate my work because they are motivated by the same Holy Spirit as I. However, if I were in this business to get a lot of human applause I would have stopped long ago.
I am very proud that so many churches and para-church groups are helping with Katrina relief efforts. I was extremely happy to see this nation give to the tsunami victims out of Christian values. But we were criticized by many nations who are scared of us BECAUSE we are Christians. They would prefer that their people would starve rather than see them take aid from a Christian nation.
Jesus said that we should give a cup of cold water in His Name. At Ground Zero I heard some people curse that Name when they received hot coffee or cold water, but that does not matter for we were serving the King of the Universe as we served hot chocolate to humans.
What ever we do may it be to His glory not our praise.
Ps. The looney left will not rest until they have removed the name of God from every building and school book in the world. What they do not realize is that the Name is foundational to all compassion, caring, love and concern. This is why Russia and Europe are so callous. This is why America is so compassionate. But, blinded people hate God and everything that reminds them of His glory. This is all the more reason we who know Him must give Him praise.
A few postings ago I wrote about the "Law of the Responsibility Triangle" that states:
When we try to Rescue a Victim from a Persecutor/Problem we can end up accused of being the Persecutor/Problem and that leaves us feeling like the Victim.
I was listening to talk radio yesterday and our local mouth, Billy Cunningham, was saying things like, "Why should we rich white Republicans continue to send money, clothes, food and love to the people in the Gulf States when we will simply be accused of Racism Hatred, Callous behavior, etc?" This is a good question.
I just returned from Russia where I have ministered since 1991 to the Victims of Communism. The government does not appreciate my work and would not permit it if I was ministering openly. They have no programs to help the poor and sick or addicted and will punish any western or Christian effort to help people in need.
Why should I spend my time, energy, money and resources to assist a nation and people who are suffering from the INTENTIONAL neglect of the atheist leaders?
It is simple. I am a Christian and the love of God compels me to love my neighbor. He loved me and sent His Son to Rescue me so I am living out a compassionate lifestyle for others. I will admit that I wish they people would appreciate me and thank me. The sincere believers do appreciate my work because they are motivated by the same Holy Spirit as I. However, if I were in this business to get a lot of human applause I would have stopped long ago.
I am very proud that so many churches and para-church groups are helping with Katrina relief efforts. I was extremely happy to see this nation give to the tsunami victims out of Christian values. But we were criticized by many nations who are scared of us BECAUSE we are Christians. They would prefer that their people would starve rather than see them take aid from a Christian nation.
Jesus said that we should give a cup of cold water in His Name. At Ground Zero I heard some people curse that Name when they received hot coffee or cold water, but that does not matter for we were serving the King of the Universe as we served hot chocolate to humans.
What ever we do may it be to His glory not our praise.
Ps. The looney left will not rest until they have removed the name of God from every building and school book in the world. What they do not realize is that the Name is foundational to all compassion, caring, love and concern. This is why Russia and Europe are so callous. This is why America is so compassionate. But, blinded people hate God and everything that reminds them of His glory. This is all the more reason we who know Him must give Him praise.
Monday, September 12, 2005
How to Help Traumatized People
Be available and listen with the expectation that they WILL recover after some time.
Two Studies Raise Doubts on Trauma Counseling's Value Analyses: Debriefings Don't Help, And May Harm, Mental Health
By Shankar VedantamWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, September 6, 2002; Page A12
Counseling sessions frequently given to survivors immediately after disasters, such as the debriefings given to people traumatized by the Sept. 11 attacks, do nothing to prevent psychiatric disorders and may even be harmful, according to two comprehensive analyses released yesterday.
Though debriefing has been embraced by officials and a range of practitioners, there is little evidence that recipients' long-term mental health is better than people who get no counseling, or those who just talk to friends and family, according to a Dutch study of debriefing in multiple situations. Debriefing "may even put some survivors at heightened risk for later developing mental health problems," said experts at the National Institute of Mental Health who independently evaluated the technique after Sept 11.
"If this was a drug, we would take it off the market," said Richard Gist, a psychologist at the University of Missouri in Kansas City.
The controversy over debriefing has grown as tens of thousands of people have received sessions after the Sept. 11 attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine school shootings. Researchers struggling to figure out how and whether to help bystanders and witnesses after national catastrophes have been left dumbfounded as a host of practitioners -- often armed with what Gist called "proprietary workshops, trade magazines and paperback books" -- have raced far ahead of the science.
Gist, who wrote an editorial in The Lancet medical journal accompanying the Dutch study, said that "more than 9,000 purveyors of debriefing" and similar interventions raced to New York, "advocating intervention for any person even remotely connected to the tragedy."
The debriefers were well-intentioned, but NIMH experts said the blanket intervention was inappropriate because most people who received counseling would have recovered on their own. Shock and grief were widespread after Sept 11, but those were considered normal reactions to tragedy and the experts said the "sensible" policy was "to expect normal recovery."
Debriefing consists of individual or group sessions lasting one to three hours where survivors describe what they have been through and talk about their feelings. Offered within hours or days of a tragedy, the technique seems superficially similar to established therapies that encourage people to relive traumatic memories and thereby gradually grow less sensitive to them. But debriefing usually offers no follow-ups and may simply cause people to become more distressed, researchers said.
A much better approach would be to wait a few weeks to separate the majority of resilient people who are recovering on their own from those who are not getting better. Special attention could be paid to survivors, families of victims and first responders such as firefighters, who are at higher risk for long-term problems. At that point, administering intensive treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy to specific individuals has a much better chance of reducing the risk of long-term trauma, the researchers said.
No one knows how long clinicians should wait after a traumatic event to evaluate individuals to see whether they are getting better on their own. One school of thought is to keep help available whenever people seek it. The bottom line, the experts agreed, is to avoid one-size-fits-all interventions and to encourage individuals to talk only when they are ready to do so.
Talking to friends and family, and regular exercise can also help hasten recovery.
Be available and listen with the expectation that they WILL recover after some time.
Two Studies Raise Doubts on Trauma Counseling's Value Analyses: Debriefings Don't Help, And May Harm, Mental Health
By Shankar VedantamWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, September 6, 2002; Page A12
Counseling sessions frequently given to survivors immediately after disasters, such as the debriefings given to people traumatized by the Sept. 11 attacks, do nothing to prevent psychiatric disorders and may even be harmful, according to two comprehensive analyses released yesterday.
Though debriefing has been embraced by officials and a range of practitioners, there is little evidence that recipients' long-term mental health is better than people who get no counseling, or those who just talk to friends and family, according to a Dutch study of debriefing in multiple situations. Debriefing "may even put some survivors at heightened risk for later developing mental health problems," said experts at the National Institute of Mental Health who independently evaluated the technique after Sept 11.
"If this was a drug, we would take it off the market," said Richard Gist, a psychologist at the University of Missouri in Kansas City.
The controversy over debriefing has grown as tens of thousands of people have received sessions after the Sept. 11 attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine school shootings. Researchers struggling to figure out how and whether to help bystanders and witnesses after national catastrophes have been left dumbfounded as a host of practitioners -- often armed with what Gist called "proprietary workshops, trade magazines and paperback books" -- have raced far ahead of the science.
Gist, who wrote an editorial in The Lancet medical journal accompanying the Dutch study, said that "more than 9,000 purveyors of debriefing" and similar interventions raced to New York, "advocating intervention for any person even remotely connected to the tragedy."
The debriefers were well-intentioned, but NIMH experts said the blanket intervention was inappropriate because most people who received counseling would have recovered on their own. Shock and grief were widespread after Sept 11, but those were considered normal reactions to tragedy and the experts said the "sensible" policy was "to expect normal recovery."
Debriefing consists of individual or group sessions lasting one to three hours where survivors describe what they have been through and talk about their feelings. Offered within hours or days of a tragedy, the technique seems superficially similar to established therapies that encourage people to relive traumatic memories and thereby gradually grow less sensitive to them. But debriefing usually offers no follow-ups and may simply cause people to become more distressed, researchers said.
A much better approach would be to wait a few weeks to separate the majority of resilient people who are recovering on their own from those who are not getting better. Special attention could be paid to survivors, families of victims and first responders such as firefighters, who are at higher risk for long-term problems. At that point, administering intensive treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy to specific individuals has a much better chance of reducing the risk of long-term trauma, the researchers said.
No one knows how long clinicians should wait after a traumatic event to evaluate individuals to see whether they are getting better on their own. One school of thought is to keep help available whenever people seek it. The bottom line, the experts agreed, is to avoid one-size-fits-all interventions and to encourage individuals to talk only when they are ready to do so.
Talking to friends and family, and regular exercise can also help hasten recovery.
Sunday, September 11, 2005

The fire fighters lvoingly and gently carry the fallen comrade from the rubble. The man in the yellow hat and red coat is one of our chaplains. He led prayers for the man. There were no atheists in that fox hole. The guy with the wide white hat next to the flag draped body is a Fire Chief who lost his son in the attack. He is looking for that missing son in this picture.

Saturday, September 10, 2005
Ministry in Time of Crisis
After 911 there was a flurry of churches and groups getting into the "Crisis Ministry Business." Some even developed an elaborate system with slick sounding names and high seminar costs to become a "Certified Crisis Counselor".
But, both research and common sense tell us that such expensive training is not necessary and may, in fact, be harmful. For example, one popular program with a cool name was designed to gather Victims in groups and use a structured, systematic interview process to push people in a one, two-hour session to "Open up and get in touch with and share openly their feelings about the crisis event."
This plan was developed by people who wanted to sell their services to businesses and government agencies. These organizations were highly interested in efficiency but not so keen about effectiveness. Research shows that such sessions leave people MORE vulnerable to Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression and Anxiety.
In other words, the cure was worse than the sickness.
What works? Read two of my books and apply them. Listen, be patient, ask what you can do and be flexible. Never assume you know what they think or feel. Listen; Listen; Listen.
The most basic is Listening for Heaven's Sake
The one that gives you a specific plan for ministry is Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty. You will learn how to know when the person is ready for an ACTION STEP.
Both are available from my office.
Perspectivas Professional Park
11161 Kenwood Rd
Cincinnati 45242
After 911 there was a flurry of churches and groups getting into the "Crisis Ministry Business." Some even developed an elaborate system with slick sounding names and high seminar costs to become a "Certified Crisis Counselor".
But, both research and common sense tell us that such expensive training is not necessary and may, in fact, be harmful. For example, one popular program with a cool name was designed to gather Victims in groups and use a structured, systematic interview process to push people in a one, two-hour session to "Open up and get in touch with and share openly their feelings about the crisis event."
This plan was developed by people who wanted to sell their services to businesses and government agencies. These organizations were highly interested in efficiency but not so keen about effectiveness. Research shows that such sessions leave people MORE vulnerable to Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression and Anxiety.
In other words, the cure was worse than the sickness.
What works? Read two of my books and apply them. Listen, be patient, ask what you can do and be flexible. Never assume you know what they think or feel. Listen; Listen; Listen.
The most basic is Listening for Heaven's Sake
The one that gives you a specific plan for ministry is Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty. You will learn how to know when the person is ready for an ACTION STEP.
Both are available from my office.
Perspectivas Professional Park
11161 Kenwood Rd
Cincinnati 45242
The Responsibility Triangle
We are seeing now in the Gulf States exactly what we always see when there are attempts to Rescue Victims from some kind of Problem or Persecutor. A certain percentage of the Victims will not only not thank the Rescuers, they will accuse them of being part of the Problem and the Rescuers will feel like the Victims. This is called, "The Responsibility Triangle."
I just saw a guy on Fox News who was Rescued from New Orleans. Some agency had spent time, money and placed its personnel in danger to Rescue this man from a serious Problem that he was having due to the hurricane.
After the initial Rescue, the Red Cross and other agencies spent time, money and sweat to put the man on a bus and send hi to Huston, Texas where they provided food, clothing and shelter, free of charge.
The Problem: Flooding
The Victim: This un-named man
The Rescuer: The Government and Red Cross
One would assume that the Victim would be ecstatic and thankful for those who saved his life and gave him the basics of life. BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. On national Television this man was cursing and attacking every single group that is working 24 x 7 to help him and others.
So, the Rescuers are accused of being the Problem and they must feel like they are being Victimized.
Why? He said that they are not doing enough. They SHOULD be giving him more money, more food, better food, a good job, better clothes, better housing and a lot more. "The Red Cross is bad the government is bad. We should be able to depend upon our government at a time like this to give us what we need. I only got $700.00 and they cut me off."
My nephew is a cop who says this happens all the time to police who answer calls to Rescue abused, Victimized wives from a Problem husband. However, if they arrest the man the wife will accuse the cops of being too rough or insensitive. Why do cops feel unappreciated? They are, not only unappreciated, they are blamed for causing the Problems, that is why.
This is why the USA accused of being a bully when we try to Rescue Victimized nations from Problem dictators.
This is why the ACLU accuse the USA, the cops and the military of worse crimes than the actual criminals.
This is why a pastor gets blamed when he tries to Rescue a Victim child from booze or drugs.
What should we do? Help people when absolutely essential but only then and never, ever expect to be applauded for your efforts. About 30% of any population loves to play the helpless, Victim Role and blame the Rescuers for being inept, inadequate and part of the problem.
They will always complain, attack, whine, cry and expect more so it is impossible to please them so do not try. Jesse Jackson loves to play this role and you will notice that he never, ever, tries to Rescue anyone. He never gives a penny of his personal fortune or a dollar of the billions he controls to help any person in need.
He never changes his tune of Blaming the Rescuers for failing to be perfect. It is a brilliant strategy for he never gets blamed for failing since he never, ever tries to help anyone.
You will notice that the whiners and weak sounding people who play the Victim Role run the world systems. They are much smarter than those of us who always try to Rescue. We are dumb as birds.
We are seeing now in the Gulf States exactly what we always see when there are attempts to Rescue Victims from some kind of Problem or Persecutor. A certain percentage of the Victims will not only not thank the Rescuers, they will accuse them of being part of the Problem and the Rescuers will feel like the Victims. This is called, "The Responsibility Triangle."
I just saw a guy on Fox News who was Rescued from New Orleans. Some agency had spent time, money and placed its personnel in danger to Rescue this man from a serious Problem that he was having due to the hurricane.
After the initial Rescue, the Red Cross and other agencies spent time, money and sweat to put the man on a bus and send hi to Huston, Texas where they provided food, clothing and shelter, free of charge.
The Problem: Flooding
The Victim: This un-named man
The Rescuer: The Government and Red Cross
One would assume that the Victim would be ecstatic and thankful for those who saved his life and gave him the basics of life. BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. On national Television this man was cursing and attacking every single group that is working 24 x 7 to help him and others.
So, the Rescuers are accused of being the Problem and they must feel like they are being Victimized.
Why? He said that they are not doing enough. They SHOULD be giving him more money, more food, better food, a good job, better clothes, better housing and a lot more. "The Red Cross is bad the government is bad. We should be able to depend upon our government at a time like this to give us what we need. I only got $700.00 and they cut me off."
My nephew is a cop who says this happens all the time to police who answer calls to Rescue abused, Victimized wives from a Problem husband. However, if they arrest the man the wife will accuse the cops of being too rough or insensitive. Why do cops feel unappreciated? They are, not only unappreciated, they are blamed for causing the Problems, that is why.
This is why the USA accused of being a bully when we try to Rescue Victimized nations from Problem dictators.
This is why the ACLU accuse the USA, the cops and the military of worse crimes than the actual criminals.
This is why a pastor gets blamed when he tries to Rescue a Victim child from booze or drugs.
What should we do? Help people when absolutely essential but only then and never, ever expect to be applauded for your efforts. About 30% of any population loves to play the helpless, Victim Role and blame the Rescuers for being inept, inadequate and part of the problem.
They will always complain, attack, whine, cry and expect more so it is impossible to please them so do not try. Jesse Jackson loves to play this role and you will notice that he never, ever, tries to Rescue anyone. He never gives a penny of his personal fortune or a dollar of the billions he controls to help any person in need.
He never changes his tune of Blaming the Rescuers for failing to be perfect. It is a brilliant strategy for he never gets blamed for failing since he never, ever tries to help anyone.
You will notice that the whiners and weak sounding people who play the Victim Role run the world systems. They are much smarter than those of us who always try to Rescue. We are dumb as birds.
911 Memories
It will be four years tomorrow since the Islamic haters attacked our nation by killing several thousand civilians in New York, Pennslyvania and Washington, D. C. I was in Virginia Beach with Richard Kidd at the time preparing to do a seminar about training lay helpers in the church. As we gathered at Regent University the head of counseling called us into his office and showed us the first tower on fire in New York. Later, his secretary came to the seminar room to announce the second tower had also been hit.
I was numb.
It took me several days to get home because all flights were cancelled. I can remember the sound of the very first airplane I heard brought tears to my eyes. The silence had been overwhelming. Delta finally got some flights going and I was able to return to Cincinnati.
Two weeks later, we received a call from the Salvation Army asking us to send some counselors to minister to the first responders. Many fire fighters, police, iron workers, relief workers and others had been working around the clock for two weeks and were beginning to have emotional and spiritual breakdowns and the Army wanted us to be available to provide counsel, prayer, water and comfort to them.
Jerry Kelly, M.D., Steve Griebling, Carla Faison and I were given a free ticket on Delta to Newark and spent a week in personal ministry to people badly in need of hope. Jerry and Steve took the 1:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. slot and Carla and I took the 12 Hour night shift. It was spooky about 3:00 A.M. in the morning with 2,000 bodies lying next to us and ministering beside the morgue.
I will post a few of my memories and photos later. For now I suggest you watch the slide show on this link.
It will be four years tomorrow since the Islamic haters attacked our nation by killing several thousand civilians in New York, Pennslyvania and Washington, D. C. I was in Virginia Beach with Richard Kidd at the time preparing to do a seminar about training lay helpers in the church. As we gathered at Regent University the head of counseling called us into his office and showed us the first tower on fire in New York. Later, his secretary came to the seminar room to announce the second tower had also been hit.
I was numb.
It took me several days to get home because all flights were cancelled. I can remember the sound of the very first airplane I heard brought tears to my eyes. The silence had been overwhelming. Delta finally got some flights going and I was able to return to Cincinnati.
Two weeks later, we received a call from the Salvation Army asking us to send some counselors to minister to the first responders. Many fire fighters, police, iron workers, relief workers and others had been working around the clock for two weeks and were beginning to have emotional and spiritual breakdowns and the Army wanted us to be available to provide counsel, prayer, water and comfort to them.
Jerry Kelly, M.D., Steve Griebling, Carla Faison and I were given a free ticket on Delta to Newark and spent a week in personal ministry to people badly in need of hope. Jerry and Steve took the 1:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. slot and Carla and I took the 12 Hour night shift. It was spooky about 3:00 A.M. in the morning with 2,000 bodies lying next to us and ministering beside the morgue.
I will post a few of my memories and photos later. For now I suggest you watch the slide show on this link.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Prevent Rape and Abuse
The Eve Center, led by Cinny Roy, will sponsor an "Empowerment Seminar" on October 2 at 2:00 P.M. for women ages 12 and up.
I have become increasingly alarmed by the number of women who are being assualted in our nation. The Women's Movement has utterly failed to teach women how to protect themselves. The "Sexual Revolution" fostered by secularists has led millions of women and girls to lose the confidence to simply say, "NO!"
Go to www.evecenter.org for more information.
Call them at 513-985-9959 to register.
Take a woman you love to learn how to lead a life of self development and self-protection.
The Eve Center, led by Cinny Roy, will sponsor an "Empowerment Seminar" on October 2 at 2:00 P.M. for women ages 12 and up.
I have become increasingly alarmed by the number of women who are being assualted in our nation. The Women's Movement has utterly failed to teach women how to protect themselves. The "Sexual Revolution" fostered by secularists has led millions of women and girls to lose the confidence to simply say, "NO!"
Go to www.evecenter.org for more information.
Call them at 513-985-9959 to register.
Take a woman you love to learn how to lead a life of self development and self-protection.
Media Reports, politicians and Leadership
My boss went to the USSR in the 1960's and the left wing head of a local religious organization with whom he traveled gave a glowing report about the conditions there. Religious freedom exceeded our own according to this man. Utopia was just a few years away, he reported. When I asked my boss what he saw, Bill replied, "That guy was on a different trip than I was."
Our political/theological persuasion certainly affects our perceptions and conclusions. My religious convictions influence the ways I see abortion, war, helping the poor and ministry to the world. It influences the ways I perceive the news reports about Katrina.
Sitting up here in the Nawth, I am not sure if the wind even blew in the Gulf States. With all the hot air coming from the politicians offices one could assume that some person's bad political decision caused all the damage. If we are to believe USA Today it was George Bush that
broke the sea wall down and flooded New Orleans.
As a family therapist I have learned over the years to assess the maturity of a person by how "Reactive" they are to any crisis. If one responds with thoughtfulness and personally states his/her opinions, ideas, concerns and insights he/she is assumed to be fairly mature. If, on the other hand, one "Reacts" with Shame, Blame and Names, he/she is assumed to be emotionally
unable to state his/her own ideas but project them onto others.
I learned this when I studied with Dr. Edwin Friedman in Washington, D.C. He said that media people and politicians nearly always dropped out of therapy because their "Reactivity" served them well. If they got more rational and peaceful they would have to quit their jobs, so they would rop out of counseling lest they get better.
Dr. Friedman also said that it is the primary job of media to raise the level
of angst in the community for that is what sells their news programs.
So, do not expect the media to start giving us good news any time soon.
This also applies to many religious groups who raise interest and money with crisis reports about the people they are trying to help. Bad news gets people interested in helping.
We can assess the maturity of our members, or ourselves, by how we respond to crisis, change and stress. Just preach a sermon about any controversy and the people who respond thoughtfully but with challenge are fairly mature. They can state their own ideas and emotions without attacking you. But those who have a great deal more growth to go will attack and call you names.
Or, when attendance drops, giving fails or some member leaves and gossips, how do we leaders feel? Do we "React" by blaming others or blaming ourselves? Do we go into a deep emotional slump and consider leaving the ministry? That indicates our immaturity and our need to get our identity from performance. Driven leaders spend a lot of time in "Image Management" and it drains us emotionally and spiritually and leads to burn out.
A mature leader responds by looking rationally at his/her own behavior as well as others but does not "React" with B. S. (Blame and Shame with Accusatory Names.) Mature leaders assess performance and respond accordingly. Humility leads to personal changes and personal growth.
(Want to learn from Dr. Friedman? Get his book: Generation to Generation; Family Processes in the Church and Synagogue.)
My boss went to the USSR in the 1960's and the left wing head of a local religious organization with whom he traveled gave a glowing report about the conditions there. Religious freedom exceeded our own according to this man. Utopia was just a few years away, he reported. When I asked my boss what he saw, Bill replied, "That guy was on a different trip than I was."
Our political/theological persuasion certainly affects our perceptions and conclusions. My religious convictions influence the ways I see abortion, war, helping the poor and ministry to the world. It influences the ways I perceive the news reports about Katrina.
Sitting up here in the Nawth, I am not sure if the wind even blew in the Gulf States. With all the hot air coming from the politicians offices one could assume that some person's bad political decision caused all the damage. If we are to believe USA Today it was George Bush that
broke the sea wall down and flooded New Orleans.
As a family therapist I have learned over the years to assess the maturity of a person by how "Reactive" they are to any crisis. If one responds with thoughtfulness and personally states his/her opinions, ideas, concerns and insights he/she is assumed to be fairly mature. If, on the other hand, one "Reacts" with Shame, Blame and Names, he/she is assumed to be emotionally
unable to state his/her own ideas but project them onto others.
I learned this when I studied with Dr. Edwin Friedman in Washington, D.C. He said that media people and politicians nearly always dropped out of therapy because their "Reactivity" served them well. If they got more rational and peaceful they would have to quit their jobs, so they would rop out of counseling lest they get better.
Dr. Friedman also said that it is the primary job of media to raise the level
of angst in the community for that is what sells their news programs.
So, do not expect the media to start giving us good news any time soon.
This also applies to many religious groups who raise interest and money with crisis reports about the people they are trying to help. Bad news gets people interested in helping.
We can assess the maturity of our members, or ourselves, by how we respond to crisis, change and stress. Just preach a sermon about any controversy and the people who respond thoughtfully but with challenge are fairly mature. They can state their own ideas and emotions without attacking you. But those who have a great deal more growth to go will attack and call you names.
Or, when attendance drops, giving fails or some member leaves and gossips, how do we leaders feel? Do we "React" by blaming others or blaming ourselves? Do we go into a deep emotional slump and consider leaving the ministry? That indicates our immaturity and our need to get our identity from performance. Driven leaders spend a lot of time in "Image Management" and it drains us emotionally and spiritually and leads to burn out.
A mature leader responds by looking rationally at his/her own behavior as well as others but does not "React" with B. S. (Blame and Shame with Accusatory Names.) Mature leaders assess performance and respond accordingly. Humility leads to personal changes and personal growth.
(Want to learn from Dr. Friedman? Get his book: Generation to Generation; Family Processes in the Church and Synagogue.)
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Care/Cure of the Soul as well as the Body
Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, a Christian House, decided to do his part to help Katrina victims, and he described the effort in a post on his own blog:
This morning, I started getting e-mails from our employees with ideas for how our Company could help. Everyone feels the need to do something. I know I do. You can only watch the images for so long before you feel compelled to take action.
Realizing we need to act quickly, I asked Jim Thomason, our HR Director, to form a "Disaster Relief Committee" and make a recommendation to me by the end of the day. He and his team met and then made two proposals. . . . I immediately approved both.
First, we will donate 100,000 Bibles to the relief efforts. Why Bibles? This afternoon, an official in Baton Rouge said on Fox News, "We need water, food, . . . and Bibles." This is something I knew we could help with. Samaritan's Purse, an organization headed by Franklin Graham, one of our authors, has agreed to distribute these for us. We will begin shipping them to Louisiana as soon as we get instructions from Samaritan's Purse.
Second, I have approved a matching contribution program for our employees. We will match dollar for dollar any contribution our employees make to Samaritan's Purse up to [a total of] $50,000.
Not Everyone Wants to Care for the Soul
Here are some of the comments that readers submitted to Hyatt's blog; we're quoting them verbatim and running them together:
100,000 Bibles. That is the most asinine thing I have heard in years (and I've heard a few) You are fool of the first order. You sending bibles to people who need food, water, medicine, blankets, clothes and shelter. I shake my head in wonder and dismay.
Bibles !!!! Unbelievable...... In my eyes you are a moron! Unbelievable.... there are people DYING and babies and old people suffering indignities beyond any comprehension and you send them BIBLES - aaaaggggghhhhh - America IS nuts - no doubt about it.
If I were starving, thirsty, homeless, and in need of medicine, and someone handed me a bible, I would spit in their face. This is the most ridiculous, useless, self-serving thing I've ever heard, and anyone who gives money to this cause is going to hell.
Yeah, sure, Bibles, you f***in Moron!!! In order to support this neo-con creationist ideology that got these poor people in this situation. One of the posters here got it right, these people are about to die - shot by our own soldiers when trying to get some grocieries in order to survive! BY OUR OWN SOLDIERS, GOT IT???
There are positive comments too, but it's quite astonishing that the Bible would inspire such hatred, especially from people who supposedly don't believe in it.
Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, a Christian House, decided to do his part to help Katrina victims, and he described the effort in a post on his own blog:
This morning, I started getting e-mails from our employees with ideas for how our Company could help. Everyone feels the need to do something. I know I do. You can only watch the images for so long before you feel compelled to take action.
Realizing we need to act quickly, I asked Jim Thomason, our HR Director, to form a "Disaster Relief Committee" and make a recommendation to me by the end of the day. He and his team met and then made two proposals. . . . I immediately approved both.
First, we will donate 100,000 Bibles to the relief efforts. Why Bibles? This afternoon, an official in Baton Rouge said on Fox News, "We need water, food, . . . and Bibles." This is something I knew we could help with. Samaritan's Purse, an organization headed by Franklin Graham, one of our authors, has agreed to distribute these for us. We will begin shipping them to Louisiana as soon as we get instructions from Samaritan's Purse.
Second, I have approved a matching contribution program for our employees. We will match dollar for dollar any contribution our employees make to Samaritan's Purse up to [a total of] $50,000.
Not Everyone Wants to Care for the Soul
Here are some of the comments that readers submitted to Hyatt's blog; we're quoting them verbatim and running them together:
100,000 Bibles. That is the most asinine thing I have heard in years (and I've heard a few) You are fool of the first order. You sending bibles to people who need food, water, medicine, blankets, clothes and shelter. I shake my head in wonder and dismay.
Bibles !!!! Unbelievable...... In my eyes you are a moron! Unbelievable.... there are people DYING and babies and old people suffering indignities beyond any comprehension and you send them BIBLES - aaaaggggghhhhh - America IS nuts - no doubt about it.
If I were starving, thirsty, homeless, and in need of medicine, and someone handed me a bible, I would spit in their face. This is the most ridiculous, useless, self-serving thing I've ever heard, and anyone who gives money to this cause is going to hell.
Yeah, sure, Bibles, you f***in Moron!!! In order to support this neo-con creationist ideology that got these poor people in this situation. One of the posters here got it right, these people are about to die - shot by our own soldiers when trying to get some grocieries in order to survive! BY OUR OWN SOLDIERS, GOT IT???
There are positive comments too, but it's quite astonishing that the Bible would inspire such hatred, especially from people who supposedly don't believe in it.
The poem was written by a colleague who ministered at Ground Zero
Cold Comes to Ground Zero
The dread cold wind blows
Through high walled fjords without water
Blustering, boldness tearing at heads
Ripping the blue tent with its yellow fringe and
Salvation Army shield
Give a cup of hot chocolate
In the Name of Him who was on every lip
Yet sorrow kept the heads low and spirits torn
Red coats and white hats
Masks covering faces but showing naked needs
EMTs wait with sleek mobile units
But eyes of angst
At 1800 degrees
No one will need the soft, clean ride to an emergency room
Why am I here? What can I do?
Comfort ye my people!
Comfort ye my people!
This command is for the living not the dead
Who are already in the bosom of Abraham
Marching orders for those who can hear
The people in the Gulf States need more than money and food. They need love, care, spiritual support and HOPE!
Cold Comes to Ground Zero
The dread cold wind blows
Through high walled fjords without water
Blustering, boldness tearing at heads
Ripping the blue tent with its yellow fringe and
Salvation Army shield
Give a cup of hot chocolate
In the Name of Him who was on every lip
Yet sorrow kept the heads low and spirits torn
Red coats and white hats
Masks covering faces but showing naked needs
EMTs wait with sleek mobile units
But eyes of angst
At 1800 degrees
No one will need the soft, clean ride to an emergency room
Why am I here? What can I do?
Comfort ye my people!
Comfort ye my people!
This command is for the living not the dead
Who are already in the bosom of Abraham
Marching orders for those who can hear
The people in the Gulf States need more than money and food. They need love, care, spiritual support and HOPE!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Katrina and Charis
When a hurricane comes along people need to be humble. When God moves His finger the heavens shake and we are helpless.
At times such as this we can see many examples of compassionate people reaching out to help those in need. We can also see some examples of avarice, greed, pride, power grabs and outright theivery.
I am particularly affronted by rich politicians who fly into the crisis without a single dollar or bag of groceries but call a press conference to attack those who are helping. There is no question that some local, state and national groups failed to act with efficiency, but those who use these situations to attack but fail to help are sharks.
My dad always said, "Poor people have poor ways." When natural disasters hit poor people seem to suffer the most. Why do tornados seem to look for trailer parks? Why do storms flood the lowlands where poor people live? Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?
We who have been so richly blessed by the charis or grace of God have a responsibility to give to those who seem to miss His blessings. "To whom much is given, much..." (You can finish it.)
Thankfully, God's people are lining up to give money, food, water, clothing and shelter. I am very proud to be a Christian at this time.
However, callous people will insist upon living debauched lives in the midst of tragedy. Nothing can interfere with their right to a narcissistic life style. Read this article to see what I mean.
When a hurricane comes along people need to be humble. When God moves His finger the heavens shake and we are helpless.
At times such as this we can see many examples of compassionate people reaching out to help those in need. We can also see some examples of avarice, greed, pride, power grabs and outright theivery.
I am particularly affronted by rich politicians who fly into the crisis without a single dollar or bag of groceries but call a press conference to attack those who are helping. There is no question that some local, state and national groups failed to act with efficiency, but those who use these situations to attack but fail to help are sharks.
My dad always said, "Poor people have poor ways." When natural disasters hit poor people seem to suffer the most. Why do tornados seem to look for trailer parks? Why do storms flood the lowlands where poor people live? Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?
We who have been so richly blessed by the charis or grace of God have a responsibility to give to those who seem to miss His blessings. "To whom much is given, much..." (You can finish it.)
Thankfully, God's people are lining up to give money, food, water, clothing and shelter. I am very proud to be a Christian at this time.
However, callous people will insist upon living debauched lives in the midst of tragedy. Nothing can interfere with their right to a narcissistic life style. Read this article to see what I mean.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that mentoring is the single most valuable ingredient in a successful career. So now everybody wants a mentor.
Margaret Heffernan, fastcompany.com columnist; and Saj-Nicole Joni, CEO of Cambridge International Group Fast Company's Fast Take newsletters@fastcompany.com
Assertive men and women who want to rise up the ranks of leadership and influence recognize they need to find someone who can give them guidance. The difference between a smart, well trained person with potential and one who is living out that potential is wisdom and wisdom comes through experience and listening to people with experience.
As I look around at some of the new, fast growing influential churches I see some that will produce long term fruit and many that are destined to be little more than flashes in the pan. The difference is wisdom.
Wise leaders build people and systems that can carry on without a flashy personality in the pulpit. Wise leaders develop balanced organizations consisting of interlocking webs of hidden networks and serving people who are deeply committed to Christ and His mission. Wise leaders recognize that the success of any ministry comes from the cooperative efforts of numerous humble people.
Almost nothing I read about in Leadership Magazine or get from major conferences covers these topics. Seminaries are designed to appeal to those with a graduate school mentality and the American Theological Society not the needs of ministers and certainly not the needs of members or non-Christians. Seminaries, like most grad schools, love the impractical, the fuzzy and the arcane. Real people need practical support and counsel about God, self and family life.
Several books point out the sad fact that there is an inverse relationship between seminary training and church growth. Finke and Starke studied the growth patterns of Christianity from 1776 to 1990 and write in, The Churching of America, that one of the best ways to kill outreach is promoting higher education of the leaders.
Where can potential leaders learn? Find a Mentor/Coach who can take you under his/her wing and help you discover your gifts and the best ways to release them. Find a person who is successful and knows why but who can see that your gifts differ from his/hers. Find a person who wants to see Christ exalted not his/her resume.
Margaret Heffernan, fastcompany.com columnist; and Saj-Nicole Joni, CEO of Cambridge International Group Fast Company's Fast Take newsletters@fastcompany.com
Assertive men and women who want to rise up the ranks of leadership and influence recognize they need to find someone who can give them guidance. The difference between a smart, well trained person with potential and one who is living out that potential is wisdom and wisdom comes through experience and listening to people with experience.
As I look around at some of the new, fast growing influential churches I see some that will produce long term fruit and many that are destined to be little more than flashes in the pan. The difference is wisdom.
Wise leaders build people and systems that can carry on without a flashy personality in the pulpit. Wise leaders develop balanced organizations consisting of interlocking webs of hidden networks and serving people who are deeply committed to Christ and His mission. Wise leaders recognize that the success of any ministry comes from the cooperative efforts of numerous humble people.
Almost nothing I read about in Leadership Magazine or get from major conferences covers these topics. Seminaries are designed to appeal to those with a graduate school mentality and the American Theological Society not the needs of ministers and certainly not the needs of members or non-Christians. Seminaries, like most grad schools, love the impractical, the fuzzy and the arcane. Real people need practical support and counsel about God, self and family life.
Several books point out the sad fact that there is an inverse relationship between seminary training and church growth. Finke and Starke studied the growth patterns of Christianity from 1776 to 1990 and write in, The Churching of America, that one of the best ways to kill outreach is promoting higher education of the leaders.
Where can potential leaders learn? Find a Mentor/Coach who can take you under his/her wing and help you discover your gifts and the best ways to release them. Find a person who is successful and knows why but who can see that your gifts differ from his/hers. Find a person who wants to see Christ exalted not his/her resume.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Good News From Russia
Galina called me tonight and reported a bunch of cool events that have occurred since we did two weeks of teaching and ministering with her. First, one of our key pastors has been invited to help develop a series of classes on pastoral care and pastoral counseling. That is a miracle we have been praying for. In fact, during my visit we discussed how we might get his school to allow us to teach our materials and develop a course of study.
Second, several of our students have developed a new sense of freedom and peace with their families. One man has called his father for the first time in 30 plus years. One woman sees how the patterns developed in her grandmother and mother is still affecting her.
Please pray for the Russian people. They are wonderful folk but have been traumatized so long and so deeply that they have built a shell of protection around their hearts.
Galina called me tonight and reported a bunch of cool events that have occurred since we did two weeks of teaching and ministering with her. First, one of our key pastors has been invited to help develop a series of classes on pastoral care and pastoral counseling. That is a miracle we have been praying for. In fact, during my visit we discussed how we might get his school to allow us to teach our materials and develop a course of study.
Second, several of our students have developed a new sense of freedom and peace with their families. One man has called his father for the first time in 30 plus years. One woman sees how the patterns developed in her grandmother and mother is still affecting her.
Please pray for the Russian people. They are wonderful folk but have been traumatized so long and so deeply that they have built a shell of protection around their hearts.
The New York Times and Getting the Facts
Anyone reading the Times knows by now that they are experts in criticizing any conservative political or religious ideas. No matter how irrational or idiotic their position seems the Times writes editorials and what they call "news" stories that are so biased, unfair and distorted that one can hardly stand to read them.
Look this one over that I copied from the Opinion Journal.
OpinionJournal OpinionJournal@wsj.com
The other day, the New York Times reported on a Nebraska couple, Matthew and Crystal Koso, who got married in May after he made her pregnant. Their daughter, Samara, was born last week and is apparently doing fine. His father is in some trouble, however: Mr. Koso is charged with raping his wife.
Mr. Koso is 22, and Mrs. Koso is 14. The pair went to Kansas, where the law permits girls as young as 12 to wed with parental consent--a law the Times reports has Kansas' Gov. Kathleen Sebelius "embarrassed." She "has said she will propose a raise in the minimum age when the Legislature reconvenes in January," the Times adds.
In an editorial yesterday, the Times endorsed the proposal:
The Koso marriage is indeed legal, and that is the fault of the Kansas State Legislature, which should heed a call by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and raise the age as soon as it reconvenes in January. Kansas is not the only state that has failed to fix antiquated laws permitting 14-year-old boys to marry 12-year-old girls if the parents permit. . . .
The fact that parents are willing to go along with these unions does not make them right. Chances are that in most of these cases, as apparently happened with Mr. Koso's family, when the parents found out that a baby was on the way, they were eager for the child to be born to married parents. But neither parental nor state approval makes it right to tie a girl as young as 12 to another person in what is supposed to be a lifetime commitment.
Indeed. A 14-year-old is a child, far too young for something as serious as marriage. At that age, she should be focusing on childish things like playing with dolls, going to sock hops, and having abortions.
The Times is hysterically committed to abortions by girls of any age without any parental notification. They are, however, concerned about marriage of young people.
Anyone reading the Times knows by now that they are experts in criticizing any conservative political or religious ideas. No matter how irrational or idiotic their position seems the Times writes editorials and what they call "news" stories that are so biased, unfair and distorted that one can hardly stand to read them.
Look this one over that I copied from the Opinion Journal.
OpinionJournal OpinionJournal@wsj.com
The other day, the New York Times reported on a Nebraska couple, Matthew and Crystal Koso, who got married in May after he made her pregnant. Their daughter, Samara, was born last week and is apparently doing fine. His father is in some trouble, however: Mr. Koso is charged with raping his wife.
Mr. Koso is 22, and Mrs. Koso is 14. The pair went to Kansas, where the law permits girls as young as 12 to wed with parental consent--a law the Times reports has Kansas' Gov. Kathleen Sebelius "embarrassed." She "has said she will propose a raise in the minimum age when the Legislature reconvenes in January," the Times adds.
In an editorial yesterday, the Times endorsed the proposal:
The Koso marriage is indeed legal, and that is the fault of the Kansas State Legislature, which should heed a call by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and raise the age as soon as it reconvenes in January. Kansas is not the only state that has failed to fix antiquated laws permitting 14-year-old boys to marry 12-year-old girls if the parents permit. . . .
The fact that parents are willing to go along with these unions does not make them right. Chances are that in most of these cases, as apparently happened with Mr. Koso's family, when the parents found out that a baby was on the way, they were eager for the child to be born to married parents. But neither parental nor state approval makes it right to tie a girl as young as 12 to another person in what is supposed to be a lifetime commitment.
Indeed. A 14-year-old is a child, far too young for something as serious as marriage. At that age, she should be focusing on childish things like playing with dolls, going to sock hops, and having abortions.
The Times is hysterically committed to abortions by girls of any age without any parental notification. They are, however, concerned about marriage of young people.
Help is on the Way from Cincinnati
In the Spirit of Mathew 25:40 the parable where Jesus calls His disciples to help the needy and "least of these," we as the Body of Christ in Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky have an opportunity to become the hands and feet of Jesus to those who have been devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Mathew 25 Ministries is collecting items to ship for relief.
Money to transport needed aid to the hurricane area (can be mailed to WAKW, PO Box 24-G Cincinnati, OH 45224 – made payable to Mathew 25 Ministries)
Canned Food (fruits, vegetables, canned meat)
Cleaning Supplies
Personal Hygiene Products
Bottled Water
Above Items will be received through 9/9/05
Monetary donations will be received 9/15/05
Drop Off Locations: www.wakw.com for more sites
Family Christian Stores
WAKW Radio Station – 6275 Collegevue Place in College Hill – Drop off 8:30 am – 5 pm M-F
Mathew 25 Ministries – 11060 Kenwood Road in Blue Ash - Drop off 8:30 – 3:00 M – F
Vineyard Community Church in Springdale
White Water Crossing Christian Church - 3420 Glenmore Drop Off 8:30 am – 5 pm M-F
Family Christian Stores is making Bibles available for $1 and will donate a Bible for every one purchased to be included in the shipment.
Mathew 25 Ministries - Joodi Archer at (513) 793-6256
WAKW Radio 93.3 FM – Kelly St. James (513) 542-9393
In the Spirit of Mathew 25:40 the parable where Jesus calls His disciples to help the needy and "least of these," we as the Body of Christ in Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky have an opportunity to become the hands and feet of Jesus to those who have been devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Mathew 25 Ministries is collecting items to ship for relief.
Money to transport needed aid to the hurricane area (can be mailed to WAKW, PO Box 24-G Cincinnati, OH 45224 – made payable to Mathew 25 Ministries)
Canned Food (fruits, vegetables, canned meat)
Cleaning Supplies
Personal Hygiene Products
Bottled Water
Above Items will be received through 9/9/05
Monetary donations will be received 9/15/05
Drop Off Locations: www.wakw.com for more sites
Family Christian Stores
WAKW Radio Station – 6275 Collegevue Place in College Hill – Drop off 8:30 am – 5 pm M-F
Mathew 25 Ministries – 11060 Kenwood Road in Blue Ash - Drop off 8:30 – 3:00 M – F
Vineyard Community Church in Springdale
White Water Crossing Christian Church - 3420 Glenmore Drop Off 8:30 am – 5 pm M-F
Family Christian Stores is making Bibles available for $1 and will donate a Bible for every one purchased to be included in the shipment.
Mathew 25 Ministries - Joodi Archer at (513) 793-6256
WAKW Radio 93.3 FM – Kelly St. James (513) 542-9393
Tilling Rocky Soil on the Gulf Coast
Back in 1974 there was a huge earthquake in southern California. When Johnny Carson took the stage he said something like, "Before I start my monologue tonight I have an announcement. The 'God is dead rally scheduled' for tonight has been cancelled." People in foxholes tend not to reject images of the Almighty.
The soil in New Orleans has long been rocky. The murder rate there is ten times the national average. Sexual traffic, gambling, drugs and alcohol are the main stays of trade and tourism and it has been difficult to preach to the general public. Many other areas of the Gulf has traded its purity for gambling and illicit activities so it appears to be going down hill. However, nothing tills the soil like a catastrophe.
I come from southern Illinois where coal mining is done by stripping fifty or 100 feet of top soil to get to the vein of coal. It was originally thought by conversationists that such ripping up of the ground was a terrible blow to its future use. We now know better. When miners dig deeply and turn the soil over it seems to revitalize it and prepare it for growing good crops.
When we were ministering with the Salvation Army at Ground Zero four years ago, the hard nosed cops and fire fighters as well as the iron workers and truck drivers had a quiet faith in God and a strong thankfulness that we were there. Many thanked me with tears in their eyes and almost every one of them was profuse in thanks to the Salvation Army for offering spiritual as well as temporal help.
I often mention to audiences that of the thousands of people and hundreds of organizations that appeared at Ground Zero, not one represented The American Atheist Society or the Madeline Murray O'Hare Hatred of God Group. In fact, I do not remember any religious group other than Christians. It seems that every single volunteer religious organization was a representative of a Christian group. Southern Baptist Men, Operation Blessing (Pat Robertson's group) numerous churches, chaplains, Billy Graham, Campus Crusade, etc, etc, etc. The Salvation Army was the most prominent of the bunch.
In the tsunami and the current tragedy we are seeing the same pattern. Numerous Christian groups went to Asia and they are now rushing help the Gulf Coast. Jesse Jackson, an ordained minister, is not there giving needed assistance, he is offering support to Hugo Chavez in a political move. Al Sharpton is attacking the Gulf War and People for the American Way is lobbying against John Roberts. Where is their compassion? Where is the American Muslim Society? They are not helping "the broken hearted and setting the captives free."
I doubt that these facts will get much media attention and that is OK. God calls us to be faithful not famous or politically correct. Thank God that many believers are responding with love, compassion, prayers and action. This catastrophe has dug deeply into the soil of the old south but we who know Christ can respond with the fertilizer of God's mercy and then pray for the convicting move of the Holy Spirit.
Now is the time to send not only our prayers but also our financial resources and ask God to bring good from evil.
Back in 1974 there was a huge earthquake in southern California. When Johnny Carson took the stage he said something like, "Before I start my monologue tonight I have an announcement. The 'God is dead rally scheduled' for tonight has been cancelled." People in foxholes tend not to reject images of the Almighty.
The soil in New Orleans has long been rocky. The murder rate there is ten times the national average. Sexual traffic, gambling, drugs and alcohol are the main stays of trade and tourism and it has been difficult to preach to the general public. Many other areas of the Gulf has traded its purity for gambling and illicit activities so it appears to be going down hill. However, nothing tills the soil like a catastrophe.
I come from southern Illinois where coal mining is done by stripping fifty or 100 feet of top soil to get to the vein of coal. It was originally thought by conversationists that such ripping up of the ground was a terrible blow to its future use. We now know better. When miners dig deeply and turn the soil over it seems to revitalize it and prepare it for growing good crops.
When we were ministering with the Salvation Army at Ground Zero four years ago, the hard nosed cops and fire fighters as well as the iron workers and truck drivers had a quiet faith in God and a strong thankfulness that we were there. Many thanked me with tears in their eyes and almost every one of them was profuse in thanks to the Salvation Army for offering spiritual as well as temporal help.
I often mention to audiences that of the thousands of people and hundreds of organizations that appeared at Ground Zero, not one represented The American Atheist Society or the Madeline Murray O'Hare Hatred of God Group. In fact, I do not remember any religious group other than Christians. It seems that every single volunteer religious organization was a representative of a Christian group. Southern Baptist Men, Operation Blessing (Pat Robertson's group) numerous churches, chaplains, Billy Graham, Campus Crusade, etc, etc, etc. The Salvation Army was the most prominent of the bunch.
In the tsunami and the current tragedy we are seeing the same pattern. Numerous Christian groups went to Asia and they are now rushing help the Gulf Coast. Jesse Jackson, an ordained minister, is not there giving needed assistance, he is offering support to Hugo Chavez in a political move. Al Sharpton is attacking the Gulf War and People for the American Way is lobbying against John Roberts. Where is their compassion? Where is the American Muslim Society? They are not helping "the broken hearted and setting the captives free."
I doubt that these facts will get much media attention and that is OK. God calls us to be faithful not famous or politically correct. Thank God that many believers are responding with love, compassion, prayers and action. This catastrophe has dug deeply into the soil of the old south but we who know Christ can respond with the fertilizer of God's mercy and then pray for the convicting move of the Holy Spirit.
Now is the time to send not only our prayers but also our financial resources and ask God to bring good from evil.
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