Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Katrina and Charis

When a hurricane comes along people need to be humble. When God moves His finger the heavens shake and we are helpless.

At times such as this we can see many examples of compassionate people reaching out to help those in need. We can also see some examples of avarice, greed, pride, power grabs and outright theivery.

I am particularly affronted by rich politicians who fly into the crisis without a single dollar or bag of groceries but call a press conference to attack those who are helping. There is no question that some local, state and national groups failed to act with efficiency, but those who use these situations to attack but fail to help are sharks.

My dad always said, "Poor people have poor ways." When natural disasters hit poor people seem to suffer the most. Why do tornados seem to look for trailer parks? Why do storms flood the lowlands where poor people live? Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

We who have been so richly blessed by the charis or grace of God have a responsibility to give to those who seem to miss His blessings. "To whom much is given, much..." (You can finish it.)

Thankfully, God's people are lining up to give money, food, water, clothing and shelter. I am very proud to be a Christian at this time.

However, callous people will insist upon living debauched lives in the midst of tragedy. Nothing can interfere with their right to a narcissistic life style. Read this article to see what I mean.

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