Saturday, September 10, 2005

Ministry in Time of Crisis

After 911 there was a flurry of churches and groups getting into the "Crisis Ministry Business." Some even developed an elaborate system with slick sounding names and high seminar costs to become a "Certified Crisis Counselor".

But, both research and common sense tell us that such expensive training is not necessary and may, in fact, be harmful. For example, one popular program with a cool name was designed to gather Victims in groups and use a structured, systematic interview process to push people in a one, two-hour session to "Open up and get in touch with and share openly their feelings about the crisis event."

This plan was developed by people who wanted to sell their services to businesses and government agencies. These organizations were highly interested in efficiency but not so keen about effectiveness. Research shows that such sessions leave people MORE vulnerable to Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression and Anxiety.

In other words, the cure was worse than the sickness.

What works? Read two of my books and apply them. Listen, be patient, ask what you can do and be flexible. Never assume you know what they think or feel. Listen; Listen; Listen.

The most basic is Listening for Heaven's Sake

The one that gives you a specific plan for ministry is Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty. You will learn how to know when the person is ready for an ACTION STEP.

Both are available from my office.
Perspectivas Professional Park
11161 Kenwood Rd
Cincinnati 45242

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