Saturday, September 17, 2005

Responses From Old Friends

The Triangles blog certainly stirred up a lot of interest. I really like it when people tell me their thoughts and I am going to share one or two of them. Mark O'Hara, a friend from the Jesus Movement, wrote this. (Edited for length.)

Hi Gary,

As usual God has blessed you with great insight. I'm so glad that you take time to share.

I've read some stories in the local news that back up your remarks. During the past couple of weeks a man with a history of drug addiction somehow made his way onto a Greyhound bus that was providing a free service to get people out of the Katrina affected area to the Cincinnati area. This fellow was given a debit card with $700 to pay for food and housing (Rescuers). When he tried to use his card at a local business, it would not work. (The Problem.)

Instead of investigating the cause of why his card was not functioning, he escalated, became out of control and proceeded to rob the business. Police later found him living on the street and arrested him. (The Victim) His attorney is accusing everyone except this victim. Recently when my wife's debit card wouldn't work she called the toll free number and reset her password.

A New Orleans grandmother was arrested for stealing some sausage at a food store. As someone who owned a food store for years I've had many people down on their luck ask if they could pay later. I may be a sucker, but I have never turned anyone down. I'm sure if the grandma would have mentioned that she was displaced by Katrina and she had no money, she would have gotten more than a pound of free sausage. Now the relatives are accusing the Cincinnati police of racial inequity.

Two Rescuers in our area that opened their homes to displaced folks. The Rescuers say that they feel victimized because the people are doing nothing at all to help themselves. They will not clean up after themselves nor looking for work. The Rescuers say that they are eating them out of house and home.

All my best to you and Miss Karen,

Marc O'Hara


I am blessed that so many are learning to recognize Triangles.

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