Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why Churches Need to Equip Every Member to Care and Counsel

For over thirty years I have been writing materials and doing seminars about equipping the saints to DO the work of the ministry. In recent years many pastors have turned their backs on equipping their own members, preferring that hurting people go somewhere else to get care and counsel. As one pastor of a "Seeker Centered" church said, "We do not want all those sick people because they will drive the healthy people away." (I sure would like to find a group consisting only of healthy people.)

But God has a way of waking us from our stupor. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have shown us that it takes more, much more than professional crisis agencies and government groups to minister to people caught in a national crisis.

After the crisis hits it is too late to train people. We must have plenty of equipped and caring folks in the ranks of the church at all times with ministry and compassion skills.

Get together, get trained and get going!

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